Source code for interactive_charts

Interactive Accelerator Timeline

This script allows you to interactively explore the accelerator data,
either by running the script and viewing the plots in a browser,
by running the script in interactive-mode e.g. in vscode 
or by checking the from this script generated gallery.

To run the script, make sure your environment has the requirements 
of `requirements_interactive_charts.txt` installed.
# Preparations 
# ------------
# Import modules and define plotting function.
# This code is omitted in the interactive gallery, so that you can immediately enjoy the interactive plots below.
# Check ` <>`_ 
# for the full example code.

# No code to see here in the interactive gallery or the generated jupyter notebook.
# sphinx_gallery_start_ignore
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import plotly
import plotly.graph_objects as go
from IPython.display import HTML, display

from utilities.csv_reader import Column, import_collider_data
from utilities.plot_helper import (PARTICLE_TYPES, EnergyConfiguration, LuminosityConfiguration,
                                   LuminosityOverEnergyConfiguration, PlotConfiguration,
                                   assign_textposition, check_all_types_accounted_for)
from utilities.sphinx_helper import get_gallery_dir, is_interactive, is_sphinx_build

# Hack for rendering LaTeX in VSCode 
# (see
if not is_sphinx_build() and is_interactive():
        '<script type="text/javascript" async src=""></script>'

# Import Data ---
data = import_collider_data()
data = assign_textposition(data)

# Plotting Function ---
# This is the definition of the actual plotting function, 
# which creates the interactive plotly plots

[docs] def plot(data: pd.DataFrame, configuration: PlotConfiguration) -> go.Figure: """Generate interactive plots with plotly, based on the given configuration, which defines the columns to use and the text positions. Args: data (pd.DataFrame): DataFrame containing the (modified) accelerator timeline data configuration (PlotConfiguration): See :class:`utilities.plot_helper.PlotConfiguration` Returns: go.Figure: plotly figure """ fig = go.Figure() for particle_type in PARTICLE_TYPES: particle_mask = data[Column.TYPE] == particle_type.shorthand for has_been_built in (True, False): if has_been_built: builtmask, marker_suffix, legend = data[Column.BUILT], "", "built" else: builtmask, marker_suffix, legend = ~data[Column.BUILT], "-open", "not built" mask = particle_mask & builtmask fig.add_trace(go.Scatter( x=data.loc[mask & builtmask, configuration.xcolumn], y=data.loc[mask & builtmask, configuration.ycolumn], name=legend,, legendgrouptitle_text=particle_type.latex, text=data.loc[mask, Column.NAME], textposition=data.loc[mask, configuration.textposition], mode="markers+text", marker={"symbol": f"{particle_type.symbol}{marker_suffix}", "color": particle_type.color}, customdata=np.transpose([ data.loc[mask, Column.NAME], [] * sum(mask), data.loc[mask, Column.COM_ENERGY], data.loc[mask, Column.LUMINOSITY], data.loc[mask, Column.LENGTH], data.loc[mask, Column.YEARS], data.loc[mask, Column.INSTITUTE], data.loc[mask, Column.COUNTRY], ]) )) fig.update_traces( hovertemplate="<br>".join([ "%{customdata[0]} (%{customdata[6]}, %{customdata[7]})", "Particles: %{customdata[1]}", "Center-of-Mass Energy [GeV]: %{customdata[2]}", "Luminosity [cm^-2s^-1]: %{customdata[3]}", # sadly plotly does not support latex in hover "Length [m]: %{customdata[4]}", "Operation: %{customdata[5]}", ]) + "<extra></extra>" ) logx, logy = "x" in configuration.logscale, "y" in configuration.logscale fig.update_xaxes( title=configuration.xlabel, type="log" if logx else "linear", dtick=1 if logx else 10, minor=dict(dtick="D1" if logx else 1, ticks="outside"), ticks='outside', showline=True, linecolor='black', gridcolor='lightgrey' ) fig.update_yaxes( title=configuration.ylabel, type="log" if "y" in configuration.logscale else "linear", ticks='outside', dtick=1 if logy else 10, minor=dict(dtick="D1" if logy else None, ticks="outside", showgrid=False), showline=True, linecolor='black', gridcolor='lightgrey', # tickformat='e', ) fig.update_layout( plot_bgcolor='white', ) return fig
# sphinx_gallery_end_ignore #%% # Energy Timeline # --------------- # fig_com = plot(data, EnergyConfiguration) # sphinx_gallery_start_ignore if not is_sphinx_build() and not is_interactive(): fig_com # sphinx_gallery_end_ignore #%% # Luminosity timeline # ------------------- # fig_lumi = plot(data, LuminosityConfiguration) # sphinx_gallery_start_ignore if not is_sphinx_build() and not is_interactive(): fig_lumi # sphinx_gallery_end_ignore #%% # Luminosity vs. Energy # --------------------- # fig_lumi_energy = plot(data, LuminosityOverEnergyConfiguration) # sphinx_gallery_start_ignore if not is_sphinx_build() and not is_interactive(): fig_lumi_energy # sphinx_gallery_end_ignore #%% # Save plots # ---------- # # Save the plots as PDF and PNG. output_dir = Path("images") # sphinx_gallery_start_ignore if is_sphinx_build(): output_dir = get_gallery_dir() # sphinx_gallery_end_ignore, output_dir / "energy-plotly.pdf", format="pdf"), output_dir / "energy-plotly.png", format="png"), output_dir / "luminosity-plotly.pdf", format="pdf"), output_dir / "luminosity-plotly.png", format="png"), output_dir / "luminosity-vs-energy-plotly.pdf", format="pdf"), output_dir / "luminosity-vs-energy-plotly.png", format="png") # sphinx_gallery_thumbnail_path = 'gallery/luminosity-vs-energy-plotly.png'