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The OMC team uses several GUIs to help running data acquisition and analysis codes, each for a defined use:

Of these, only the Beta-Beat GUI is currently developed by the team.

Running the GUIs

The GUIs can be started from your development environment or via deployed .jnlp from the archives:

The K-mod GUI is now a Python app published with acc-py, and can be run with:

/acc/local/share/python/acc-py/apps/acc-py-cli/pro/bin/acc-py app run pykmodlhc


Please note that these site are currently available only to devices connected to the CERN network (workaround).

Open the .jnlp executable inside a browser, or call it with jws from the command line:

Compatibility Issues

Since javaws (java web start) makes trouble due to intenal security mechanisms, a replacement named jws was developed and has to be used to run the jlnp file. For further information see the jws Confluence page.


The following are required to run the GUIs:

  • A version of Java>=8.
  • The jws replacement for javaws (in case of errors, see below).


Being inside of the TN is required for the KnobPanel. To do so, either ssh -X to the cs-ccr-dev machines or use the sshuttle method.

Kick Groups

To make use of the Kick-Groups, your machine needs to have /nfs and /user mounted, like the cs-ccr-dev and cs-ccr-optics machines.


You may encounter the following errors:

Problems with execution due to disabled Java

If you encounter a complaint about Java being too old, try using /mcr/bin/jws.


:material-arrow-right-bold: Disabling Java as it is too old and likely to be insecure. To reenable use jcontrol utility



Unspecific Error


Any random error

If so, check that you can import numpy from the omc-anaconda-python. If this leads to the previously raised error, then the permissions are broken. Either fix the permissions on afs or ask someone to do so for you.