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The Beta-Beat GUI Correction Panel

The Correction panel displays the corrections computed from the Optics panel to bring back the measured machine to nominal model conditions.

It provides an Open Knob Panel button to access the LHC beam process list.

The Knob Panel

Through the Knob Panel, corrections can be provided directly inside the LHC beam system.


Being inside of the Technical Network is required for the KnobPanel. To do so, ssh into one of the hosts, for instance cs-ccr-dev<number>

In the Knob Panel, one can create Knobs (in the Creation tab) by using the previously computed corrections.

To create a knob, one or several beam processes have to be selected. Once selected, the corresponding optics will appear. At least one optic has to be selected.

After providing a Knob name, the Create Knob button will create a new Knob in the LSA database.


Include a screenshot of the Knob Panel on creation tab

The View Knobs tab displays a list of all BETA-BEATING Knobs. By selecting one, the user can examine or visualize the values attributed to each component.


Include a screenshot of the Knob Panel view knobs table


Include a screenshot of the Knob Panel view knobs chart