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How to's concerning git in general, gitlab, github and CI.

Configuring Gitlab CI to Automatically Pull into AFS

If you are programming locally, but also want to have a copy on AFS, either because your colleges are not comfortable with Gitlab or you need the code for other scripts that you are running on lxplus or similar, here is how:

Create Service Account

Security Risk!

We will be creating a new account, so you do not have to add the password of your main account to your Gitlab repository: this would be a security risk! Admittedly, it is a low one if everything is done correctly, but just in case something goes wrong or leaks, you can just delete this account. Also, you can give this account only the rights necessary to write to AFS in the first place and do not risk that anyone can access other sensible information.

1. Create a new service account, via the , of length 8.

You need at least 8 characters to mask that name in Gitlab (if you want to do so), but on the other hand, there is a warning, that AFS cannot handle names longer than 8. So exactly 8 seems to be the sweetspot. If you do not care about masking the name (it is not as important as masking the password, see below) you can go shorter.

2. Set a password of length ≥ 8 containing only [a-zA-Z0-9+/@:].

We want to hide the password later in gitlab, and this is only possible if its >= 8 characters long and only contains Base64 characters as well as @:. You can go as long as you want. Better make this 15 characters long at least.

3. for the newly created account.

Setup AFS folder

Steps to be done on AFS:

4. Clone your git into your AFS destination.

It is important here to you use the right link to set this up, depending on whether you want your repository to be private or public. Go to your Gitlab repository page and click onto the blue clone button on the right. If it is okay for your repo to be publicly accessible you can use the HTTPS url. If you want to set it up privately you will need to clone with the KRB5 url, so Kerberos can be later used to authenticate your service account. (See also below for giving it rights to the repository.)

5. Run: find . -type d -exec fs sa {} ACCOUNTNAME rlidw \;

Run within the repository or replace . with the repository name!
Replace ACCOUNTNAME with the name of your Service Account. This will give read/write access to this repository to the service account. Just giving these rights to the top-folder will not work, as it does not propagate to subfolders automatically.

A possible other way would be to create an empty folder and give writing rights to that one to the service account and then login to lxplus with the service account and clone the repository directly with that account. The latter is a good test to see if everything worked correctly anyway. Do not forget, if you have set up the repository with Kerberos authentification, to adapt your .ssh/config to delegate the credentials.
Repeated for easy copying:

find . -type d -exec fs sa {} ACCOUNTNAME rlidw \;

Setup Git

Steps to be done on your Gitlab repository:

6. Give your service account access rights or set the repository to public.

The former can be done under Members, the latter under SettingsGeneralVisibility, project features, permissions. If you set it up to be a private repository, you need to have cloned the repository with the KRB5 url (see above).


This is done in SettingsCI/CDVariables. Obviously the values of the variables will be the username and password of your newly created service account respectively. These variables will be used in the next step in the YAML. For obvious reasons, DO NOT WRITE THE PASSWORD IN CLEAR TEXT INTO THE YAML.

Security Risk!


8. Add a new stage to your .gitlab-ci.yml file, or create a new one.
- afs_pull

  stage: afs_pull
      - yum install -y openssh-clients
      - mkdir -p ~/.ssh
      - 'echo "lxplus ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDTA/5AzXgbkSapknIPDoEePTM1PzIBSiyDnpZihdDXKzm8UdXxCDJLUVjBwc1JfBjnaXPEeBKZDuozDss/m98m5qQu+s2Dks000V8cUFTU+BFotzRWX0jWSBpmzse0477b40X2XCPqX0Cqfx9yHdkuMlyF0kJRxXgsGTcwzwbmvqNHJdHHYJJz93hGpBhYMREcDN5VOxXz6Ack3X7xfF29xaC91oOAqq75O11LXF5Y4kAeN9kDG8o6Zsqk4c5at5aqWqzZfnnVtGjhkgU2Mt5aKwptaFMe0Z3ys/zZM4SnsE9NfompnnWsiKk2y09UvrbzuYPWLt43Fp3+IFqRJvBX" > ~/.ssh/known_hosts'
      - 'echo -e "Host *\n\tGSSAPIDelegateCredentials yes\n\tGSSAPITrustDNS yes\n\n" > ~/.ssh/config'
      - klist
      - ssh ${SERVICE_ACCOUNT_USERNAME}@lxplus "cd PATH_TO_YOUR_AFS && git checkout master && git pull"
      - master


Replace PATH_TO_YOUR_AFS with the path to your AFS folder. Do NOT replace SERVICE_ACCOUNT_USERNAME and SERVICE_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD. These will be inserted by gitlab's CI!.

More Info on the YAML

The .yml was copied and adapted from the acc-models-lhc repository with some changes. In general, a Docker image is loaded, openssh is installed and a Kerberos token is created. With this token it is now possible to ssh to lxplus as the service account, go into the desired directory and checkout the repository. git checkout master is only performed in case someone changed the branch on AFS (which should not happen, do not touch).

  • Image: The image used is the default Cern Centos 7 docker image, provided by Linux @ CERN. This is used, because it has Kerberos already set up and configured. The acc-models yaml was using their own docker image, of which the only additional functionality we need is openssh, hence it is installed manually instead.
  • echo lxplus ssh-rsa line: This line adds the public key of the lxplus server to the ssh known_hosts file, so it connects to lxplus without user interaction about this topic (do not touch).
  • echo -e Host line: Here the ssh config is adapted to use Kerberos as authetication method to any server (do not touch).
  • only master: Only the commits to master trigger the CI. Omit this part if you want the repo to be pulled on every commit, or change it to limit upon which commits this happens (as is done in the acc-models yml).


Whenever you are pushing now any commits to the master branch, the CI/CD will automatically pull the latest commit into the AFS directory.