Helper functions to prepare the twiss dataframes for use with the optics functions as well as reusable utilities, that are needed within multiple optics calculations.
- optics_functions.utils.add_missing_columns(df: DataFrame, columns: Iterable) DataFrame [source]
Check if columns are in df and add them all zero if not.
- optics_functions.utils.dphi(data: ndarray, q: float) ndarray [source]
Return dphi from phase advances in data, see Eq. (8) in [FranchiAnalyticFormulas2017] .
- Parameters:
data (DataFrame, Series) -- Phase-Advance data.
q -- Tune.
- Returns:
dphi’s in matrix of shape of data.
- optics_functions.utils.dphi_at_element(df: DataFrame, element: str, qx: float, qy: float) dict [source]
Return dphis for both planes at the given element. See Eq. (8) in [FranchiAnalyticFormulas2017] .
- Parameters:
df (DataFrame) -- DataFrame containing the Phase-Advance columns for both planes.
element -- Element at which dphi is calculated (must be in the index of df).
qx (float) -- Tune in X-Plane.
qy (float) -- Tune in Y-Plane.
- Returns:
dict of planes with DPhi[i] = Phi[element] - Phi[i] (+ Tune if Phi[i] > Phi[element])
- optics_functions.utils.get_all_phase_advances(df: DataFrame) dict [source]
Calculate phase advances between all elements. Will result in a elements x elements matrix, that might be very large!
- Parameters:
df (DataFrame) -- DataFrame with phase advance columns (MUX, MUY).
- Returns:
Dictionary with DataFrame matrices similar to dmu(i,j) = mu(j) - mu(i).
- optics_functions.utils.get_format_keys(format_str: str) list [source]
Get keys from format string. Unnamed placeholders are returned as empty strings.
- optics_functions.utils.i_pow(n: int) complex [source]
Calculates i**n in a quick and exact way.
- optics_functions.utils.merge_complex_columns(df: DataFrame, columns: Sequence[str], drop: bool = True) TfsDataFrame [source]
Merges the given real and imag columns into complex columns.
- Parameters:
df (pd.DataFrame) -- DataFrame containing the original columns.
columns (Sequence[str]) -- List of complex columns names to be created.
drop (bool) -- Original columns are not present in resulting DataFrame.
- Returns:
Original TfsDataFrame with added columns.
- optics_functions.utils.prepare_twiss_dataframe(df_twiss: TfsDataFrame, df_errors: DataFrame = None, invert_signs_madx: bool = False, max_order: int = 16, join: str = 'inner') TfsDataFrame [source]
Prepare dataframe to use with the optics functions.
Adapt Beam 4 signs.
Add missing K(S)L and orbit columns.
Merge optics and error dataframes (add values).
- Parameters:
df_twiss (TfsDataFrame) -- Twiss-optics DataFrame.
df_errors (DataFrame) -- Twiss-errors DataFrame (optional).
invert_signs_madx (bool) -- Inverts signs after the madx-convention for beam 4. That is, if you use beam 4 you should set this flag to True to convert beam 4 to beam 2 signs.
max_order (int) -- Maximum field order to be still included (1==Dipole).
join (str) -- How to join elements of optics and errors. “inner” or “outer”.
- Returns:
TfsDataFrame with necessary columns added. If a merge happened, only the necessary columns are present.
- optics_functions.utils.seq2str(sequence: Iterable) str [source]
Converts an Iterable to string of its comma separated elements.
- optics_functions.utils.set_name_index(df: DataFrame, df_name='') DataFrame [source]
Sets the NAME column as index if present and checks for string index.
- optics_functions.utils.split_complex_columns(df: DataFrame, columns: Sequence[str], drop: bool = True) TfsDataFrame [source]
Splits the given complex columns into two real-values columns containing the real and imaginary parts of the original columns.
- Parameters:
df (TfsDataFrame) -- DataFrame containing the original columns.
columns (Sequence[str]) -- List of column names to be replaced.
drop (bool) -- Original columns are not present in resulting DataFrame.
- Returns:
Original TfsDataFrame with added columns.
- optics_functions.utils.switch_signs_for_beam4(df_twiss: DataFrame, df_errors: DataFrame = None) Tuple[TfsDataFrame, TfsDataFrame] [source]
Switch the signs for Beam 4 optics. This is due to the switch in direction for this beam and (anti-) symmetry after a rotation of 180deg around the y-axis of magnets, combined with the fact that the KL values in MAD-X twiss do not change sign, but in the errors they do (otherwise it would compensate). Magnet orders that show anti-symmetry are: a1 (K0SL), b2 (K1L), a3 (K2SL), b4 (K3L) etc. Also the sign for (delta) X is switched back to have the same orientation as beam2.
- optics_functions.utils.tau(data: ndarray, q: float) ndarray [source]
Return tau from phase advances in data, see Eq. (16) in [FranchiAnalyticFormulas2017] .
- Parameters:
data (DataFrame, Series, Array) -- Phase-Advance data.
q -- Tune.
- Returns:
tau’s in matrix of shape of data.
- optics_functions.utils.timeit(text: str = 'Time used {:.3f}s', print_fun=<bound method Logger.debug of <Logger optics_functions.utils (WARNING)>>)[source]
Timing context with logging/printing output.
- Parameters:
text (str) -- Text to print. If it contains an unnamed format key, this is filled with the time. Otherwise text is assumed to be description of what is happening in this context.
print_fun (function) -- Function used to print the final text.