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The OMC Python Packages

Package Description Version Documentation Wiki
OMC3 Frequency analysis, optics computation from turn-by-turn data, corrections calculations and results plotting :fontawesome-solid-book: :fontawesome-solid-circle-question:
TFS-Pandas TFS files I/O functionality :fontawesome-solid-book:
Turn-by-Turn Particle accelerators turn-by-turn BPM measurements I/O functionality :fontawesome-solid-book:
SDDS SDDS files I/O functionality :fontawesome-solid-book:
PyLHC-Tools Useful OMC-related scripts :fontawesome-solid-book: :fontawesome-solid-circle-question:
PyLHC-Submitter Wrapper for HTCondor job submission :fontawesome-solid-book: :fontawesome-solid-circle-question:
Optics-Functions Calculate various beam optics functions from TFS-Dataframes :fontawesome-solid-book:
Generic-Parser Entrypoint argument parser functionality :fontawesome-solid-book:
Example Study Scripts Collection of example MAD-X studies :fontawesome-solid-circle-question:
Beta-Beat.src Frequency analysis, optics computation from turn-by-turn data and corrections calculations :fontawesome-solid-book:

The OMC Python Ecosystem

This section of the website goes over our Python computing and analysis softwares and environments. Our main software for optics analysis exists in two versions: a legacy Python 2 version, Beta-Beat.src, and its Python 3 successor omc3. Development of Beta-Beat.src is limited to bug fixes while new features are reserved for omc3.

Our other packages provide useful tools and scripts for our day-to-day work as well as specific I/O functionality and entrypoint utilities for our codes. All our Python codes, including legacy repositories, can be found on the PyLHC organisation's page on Github.

The OMC Production Environments

The OMC Python 3 production environment for use for instance in the CCC is based on the CERN BE/CO Acc-Py distribution, although an OMC-specific one. The environment, along with many of our important files, is located in the /afs/ directory on afs.

The environment is located at /afs/ and can be used in two different ways:

  • Activate the environment (source /afs/ then run python to execute your programs.
  • Point to the Python executable directly (/afs/ to execute your programs.

Modifying the Environment

Please do not try to modify this environment. Should you need specific packages, reach out to us or consider setting up your own environment from our Acc-Py distribution.

Python 2 Environment

We do have a miniconda2 installation in lintrack for legacy Python2 codes. This distribution is frozen and the use of Python 2 codes should be avoided as much as possible.