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Release Process of OMC Packages

Our packages' release process to PyPI is automated through Github Actions, and triggered by manually creating a release from the Github repository.

When the final changes for a release, including updating the package's version number and updating the file, have been merged into the master branch, the release process is as follows:

  1. Go to the Releases section and click Draft a new release in the top right.
  2. Enter the package's version number in the tag version field.
  3. Enter a Release title - we usually go by Release <version_number>.
  4. Enter a description for the added, fixed and changed elements, which is usually the same content as the one added to the file.
  5. Click Publish Release. A snapshot of the source code from master will automatically be attached.

A publish workflow will be triggered, build source distribution and wheels and upload these to pylhc's PyPI.