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BSRT Logger and BSRT Analysis


Description of a typical use-case, with easy examples for first-timers.

See the docs for a detailed code description.


Main script to query BRST data, then perform an analysis and output the generated plots. The analysis script runs through the following steps:

  • Processes the output files of for a given time-frame, returns them in as a TfsDataFrame for further processing.
  • Additionally, plots for quick checks of fit parameters, auxiliary variables and beam evolution are generated.
  • If provided a TfsDataFrame file with timestamps, plots of the 2D distribution and comparison of fit parameters to cross sections are added.


Script used during Run II to log detailed BSRT data and save it for later analysis. Data from the BSRT for each timestep is put in a dictionary and append to a list. The list is then saved to disk through pickling. Proper testing requires communication with FESAs class, possible only from the Technical Network.