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See the API documentation for a detailed description of the code and the different parameters.

Using AutoSix

Recommended Reading

It is recommended to have read the section about the job submitter before this one, as these share many similarities and details are explained in the previous page.

The parametrizing of simulations and submission can be done very similarly to job_submitter through Python, also by calling the main function of autosix with the desired parameters.

SixTrack SEEDS

As the loop over seeds is handled by SixDesk, you need to set FIRSTSEED and LASTSEED to None or 0 to deactivate this loop. Otherwise, a %SEEDRAN placeholder is required in your mask, which needs to be present after filling in the variables (see example below).

Output Directories

Unlike with job_submitter, the output directory of the HTCondor job is not automatically transferred to the workspace. To have access to this data, you will need to specify different output directories in your mask manually, e.g. using strings containing the variable placeholders.

from pathlib import Path
from pylhc_submitter import autosix

if __name__ == "__main__":
        mask=Path("my_madx.mask"),  # contains parameters used in replace_dict
        ignore_twissfail_check=False,  # if script prints 'check if twiss failed' or so
            # Part of the sixdesk-environment:
            # Examples for mask:
            BEAM=[1, 4],
            TUNE=[62.29, 62.30, 62.31, 62.31],
            SEED="%SEEDRAN",  # put '%SEEDRAN' in the mask & let sixdesk handle this loop
        # unlock=True,
        # resubmit=True,
        # ssh='',

AutoSix is not only able to run MAD-X masks, but also Python scripts using cpymad. Requirement for the latter is to provide the as executable the path to a Python binary with cpymad and all relevant packages installed in the appropiate environment. In theory, any kind of mask is possible, given the correct executable is provided and the Sixtrack output files created.

Necessary Input Files

To create the files needed for Sixtrack input in (HL-)LHC simulations, MAD-X masks need to contain:

if (NRJ<5000.0000) {VRF400:=8.;} else {VRF400:=16.;};
sixtrack, cavall, radius=0.017;

Python masks using cpymad can do the same task with:

from cpymad.madx import Madx
madx = Madx()
# setup your study
madx.globals["VRF400"] = 8 if madx.globals["NRJ"] < 5000 else 16
madx.globals["LAGRF400.B1"] = 0.5
madx.globals["LAGRF400.B2"] = 0.
madx.twiss()  # used by sixtrack
madx.command.sixtrack(cavall=True, radius=0.017)

What Happens After Submitting

Upon running the script, the Jobs.tfs file is created similarly to job_submitter, and the following stages are run per job:

  1. create_jobs: create workspace, fill sysenv, sixdeskenv and mask.
  2. initialize_workspace: initialize workspace from the env-files.
  3. submit_mask: submit job to HTCondor from filled mask. (interrupt)
  4. check_input: check if sixdesk input is complete.
  5. submit_sixtrack: submit sixdesk jobs to HTCondor. (interrupt)
  6. check_sixtrack_output: check if all sixdesk jobs are completed.
  7. sixdb_load: create database and load jobs output.
  8. sixdb_cmd: calculate DA from database data.
  9. post_process: extract data from database, write into .tfs files and plot.
  10. final: announce every stage has completed.

To keep track of the stages, they are written into a stages_completed.txt file in the autosix\_output directory in the workspaces. Stages that are written in this file are assumed to be done and will be skipped. To rerun a stage, delete its entry and that of all following stages in the stages_completed.txt file and start your run anew.

Execution Order

The stages are ran independently of each job, meaning different jobs can be at different stages. For instance, if one job has all data for the six_db analysis already, but the others are still running on Sixdesk, the check_sixtrack_output stage will fail for these jobs but continue for the job that is ready.

Because the stages after submit_mask and submit_sixtrack need only be ran after the jobs on HTCondor are completed, they will interrupt execution if previous stages have successfully finished. To have AutoSix continue its work, check your scheduler via condor_q and run your script again after everything is done. It will pick up where it left as written in the stages_completed.txt file.

Custom sixdesk envs

While most studies should be fine with the input options given, there is the possibility to manually adapt the sixdeskenv and sysenv files before workspace initialization by using the stop_workspace_init flag. This will not reset automatically and one will have to remove the switch again to continue.

Polar Plots

For the creation of polar plots, the function pylhc_submitter.sixdesk_tools.post_process_da.plot_polar is available. It is used for the basic polar plotting in the post_process stage, but provides more customization features if called manually. Details on its use can be found at the PyLHC Submitter API documentation.