Timeline of LHC Run 3 Measurements in 2022¶
This page provides quick access links to logbook entries of important OMC shifts or measurements done during the LHC 2022 commissioning and MDs. Some entries (underlined) offer a tooltip when hovered, with a quick description of the important information from that entry. The tables below can be sorted by clicking next to the column headers.
Results Visualization
Various results graphs and the scripts to make them are available in lintrack
Start Date | End Date | Shifts | Type | Shift Purpose | Logbook Link |
2022-04-23 08:00 | 2022-04-23 16:30 | 1H | Commissioning | Injection Linear Optics | Shift Plan / Summary |
2022-04-24 12:50 | 2022-04-24 20:40 | 1H | Commissioning | Injection NonLinear Optics (+Ballistic test) | Shift Plan / Summary |
2022-04-25 11:45 | 2022-04-25 19:35 | 1W | Commissioning | First Flat-Top Measurements | Shift Plan / Summary |
2022-04-26 11:15 | 2022-04-26 16:22 | 0.6W | Measurement | Flat-Top with MQTs & Local Corrections | Entry |
2022-04-27 20:30 | 2022-04-28 05:10 | 1WN | Commissioning | First Squeeze to 60cm and 30cm | Shift Plan / Summary |
2022-04-28 02:54 | 2022-04-28 02:54 | 0WN | Bug Report | Segment-by-Segment Bug with opticsfiles | Entry |
2022-04-28 22:20 | 2022-04-28 23:45 | 0.2WN | Commissioning | First Ballistic Optics Measurements | Shift Plan / Summary |
2022-05-02 11:45 | 2022-05-03 03:30 | 0.9W 1WN | Commissioning | Measurements in the Squeeze | Shift Plan / Summary |
2022-05-03 01:09 | 2022-05-03 01:09 | 0WN | Measurement | First SbS and APJ K-Modulations | Entry |
2022-05-03 02:30 | 2022-05-03 02:30 | 0WN | Measurement | SbS and APJ Mixin K-Modulations | Entry |
2022-05-04 10:50 | 2022-05-04 12:30 | 0.2W | Knobs Design | Felix S.' Rigid Waist Shift Knobs Design | Shift Plan |
2022-05-08 23:00 | 2022-05-08 23:00 | 0HN | Commissioning | IR1 Local Coupling SbS Refinement | Entry |
2022-05-08 00:45 | 2022-05-08 04:20 | 0.5HN | Commissioning | Second Ballistic Optics Measurements | Shift Plan / Summary |
2022-05-08 19:45 | 2022-05-09 05:00 | 1WN | Commissioning | 30cm Cycle and Amplitude Detuning Measurements | Shift Plan |
2022-05-09 04:00 | 2022-05-09 04:00 | 0WN | Measurement | IR1 Local Coupling Refinement Trimmed | Entry |
2022-05-10 00:20 | 2022-05-10 06:20 | 0.8N | Commissioning | IR5 Rigid Waist Shift Measurements | Shift Plan / Summary |
2022-05-21 00:50 | 2022-05-21 06:00 | 0.8HN | Commissioning | Van der Meer Optics | Shift Plan |
2022-05-26 15:30 | 2022-05-26 22:45 | 0.4H 0.5HN | Investigation | Post VELO Stop 30cm Optics Issues | Shift Plan / Summary |
2022-05-26 20:24 | 2022-05-26 20:24 | 0HN | Measurement | Beam 2 Q4 Adjustments | Entry / Summary |
2022-05-27 19:40 | 2022-05-27 23:15 | 0.4HN | Commissioning | 60 Degrees Optics Measurements | Shift Plan / Summary |
2022-05-28 13:30 | 2022-05-28 19:00 | 0.6H | Investigation | VELO Stop Issues Investigations - Part 1 | Shift Plan |
2022-05-29 00:45 | 2022-05-29 04:30 | 0.5HN | Investigation | VELO Stop Issues Investigations - Part 2 | Shift Plan / Summary |
2022-05-29 15:00 | 2022-05-29 23:59 | 0.2H 0.4HN | Investigation | VELO Stop Issues Investigations - Part 3 | Shift Plan / Summary |
2022-06-01 02:30 | 2022-06-01 07:00 | 0.6WN | Commissioning | IR1 Rigid Waist Shift Measurements | Shift Plan / Summary |
2022-06-03 19:40 | 2022-06-04 00:30 | 0.6WN | Investigation | VELO Stop Issues Investigations - Part 4 | Shift Plan / Summary |
2022-06-04 15:00 | 2022-06-04 23:59 | 0.3H 0.8HN | Commissioning | Local Corrections & AmpDet with NonLin Corrections | Shift Plan / Summary |
2022-06-06 08:30 | 2022-06-06 11:45 | 0.5H | Commissioning | Measurements and Corrections with Crossing Angles | Shift Plan |
2022-06-09 06:13 | 2022-06-09 16:00 | 0.2WN 1W | Commissioning | New Global Corrections with Crossing Angles | Shift Plan |
2022-06-11 01:00 | 2022-06-11 07:00 | 0.7HN | Commissioning | Measurements & K-Modulation at 60cm and 45cm | Shift Plan / Summary |
2022-06-11 23:30 | 2022-06-12 07:00 | 1HN | Commissioning | 30cm Corrections Validations | Shift Plan / Summary |
2022-06-17 10:00 | 2022-06-17 16:00 | 0.8W | Commissioning | IR5 B2 Waist Shift and K-Modulations | Shift Plan / Summary |
2022-06-24 21:30 | 2022-06-25 06:45 | 1.1HN | MD 6863 | AmpDet From High-Order Errors | Shift Plan / Summary |
2022-06-25 22:00 | 2022-06-26 06:00 | 1HN | MD 6904 | 3Qy Compensation | Shift Plan / Summary |
2022-07-02 04:00 | 2022-07-02 07:00 | 0.4HN | Commissioning | Injection and Ramp Measurements | Shift Plan / Summary |
2022-07-13 19:00 | 2022-07-14 01:30 | 0.8WN | Commissioning | Long Range Beam-Beam Wire Compensation | Shift Plan / Summary |
2022-07-19 08:00 | 2022-07-19 13:30 | 0.7W | Commissioning | IPs Phase Shift Knob at Injection Optics | Shift Plan / Summary B1 / Summary B2 |
2022-08-04 14:00 | 2022-08-04 20:20 | 0.4W 0.4WN | Commissioning | Measurements in the Ramp | Shift Plan / Summary |
2022-11-06 04:30 | 2022-11-06 14:30 | 0.5WN 0.7W | MD 8523 | Amplitude Detuning in the Squeeze and Skew-Octupole Measurements at 30cm | Shift Plan / Summary |
2022-11-07 05:30 | 2022-11-07 07:00 | 0.2WN | MD 7203 | Rematched IR7 Optics | Shift Plan / Summary |
2022-11-07 18:20 | 2022-11-08 00:40 | 0.5WN | MD 7003 | 2023 LHC Configuration | Shift Plan / Summary |