Constants Definitions


General constants to help with consistency.

External Paths

Specific constants relating to external paths to be used, to help with consistency.

Job Submitter

Collections of constants and paths used in the job-submitter.


Constants for the HTCondor parameters.


Collections of constants and paths used in autosix.





class pylhc_submitter.constants.autosix.AutoSixEnvironment(mask_text: str, working_directory: pathlib.Path, executable: str | pathlib.Path = PosixPath('/afs/'), python2: str | pathlib.Path = None, python3: str | pathlib.Path = 'python3', da_turnstep: int = 100, sixdesk_directory: pathlib.Path = PosixPath('/afs/'), unlock: bool = False, max_stage: 'Stage' = None, ssh: str = None, stop_workspace_init: bool = False, apply_mad6t_hacks: bool = False, resubmit: bool = False, max_materialize: int = None)[source]
pylhc_submitter.constants.autosix.SetDynamically = <pylhc_submitter.constants.autosix._SetDynamicallyType object>

Sentinel value defining a parameter that is set later dynamically.

class pylhc_submitter.constants.autosix.SixDeskEnvironment(TURNS: int, AMPMIN: int, AMPMAX: int, AMPSTEP: int, ANGLES: int, JOBNAME: str = <pylhc_submitter.constants.autosix._SetDynamicallyType object at 0x7f737a5f3dc0>, WORKSPACE: str = <pylhc_submitter.constants.autosix._SetDynamicallyType object at 0x7f737a5f3dc0>, BASEDIR: str = <pylhc_submitter.constants.autosix._SetDynamicallyType object at 0x7f737a5f3dc0>, SCRATCHDIR: str = <pylhc_submitter.constants.autosix._SetDynamicallyType object at 0x7f737a5f3dc0>, TURNSPOWER: int = <pylhc_submitter.constants.autosix._SetDynamicallyType object at 0x7f737a5f3dc0>, RESUBMISSION: int = 0, PLATFORM: str = 'HTCondor', LOGLEVEL: int = 0, FIRSTSEED: int = 1, LASTSEED: int = 60, RUNTYPE: str = 'col', NPAIRS: int = 30, EMITTANCE: float = 3.75, DIMENSIONS: int = 6, WRITEBINS: int = 500, ENERGY: float = None, GAMMA: float = <pylhc_submitter.constants.autosix._SetDynamicallyType object at 0x7f737a5f3dc0>)[source]
exception pylhc_submitter.constants.autosix.StageSkip[source]

Indicates that the stage was not completed or skipped entirely. This can be due to an error or on purpose (e.g. user interaction before restart).

exception pylhc_submitter.constants.autosix.StageStop[source]

A signal sent at the end of a Stage indicating, that it has succeeded and that any iteration should be stopped after this Stage as the jobs have been submitted and the user needs to wait for them to finish.