Welcome to tfs-pandas’ documentation!

tfs-pandas is a library for reading and writing capabilities for TFS files used at CERN, namely by codes such as MAD-X and MAD-NG.

It provides functionality through a TfsDataFrame object, an extension of the popular pandas DataFrame, which in addition to the normal behaviour attaches a dictionary of headers to the dataframe. Functions are also exported that handle reading and writing of TFS files to and from TfsDataFrames as well as merging and validating for TfsDataFrames.

Package Scope

The package only has as a goal to provide a simple and easy to use interface from TFS files to a familiar object build upon the pandas.DataFrame. It is not meant to implement various calculations on TfsDataFrames.

Tools relative to the TFS format are provided, such as validating a TfsDataFrame and its headers; or lazily managing a collection of TFS files.


The package is published on PyPI and installation is easily done via pip:

python -m pip install tfs-pandas

There is also a maintained version of the package on conda-forge. One can install in a conda/mamba environment via the conda-forge channel with:

conda install -c conda-forge tfs-pandas

You can now start using the package. You can find here a quickstart guide to walk you through functionalities and their usage.


Indices and tables