Source code for turn_by_turn.madng


This module provides functions to read and write ``MAD-NG`` turn-by-turn measurement files. These files
are in the **TFS** format.


from __future__ import annotations

from datetime import datetime
import logging
from pathlib import Path

import pandas as pd
import tfs

from turn_by_turn.structures import TbtData, TransverseData

LOGGER = logging.getLogger()

# Define the column names in the TFS file
NAME = "name"
TURN = "turn"

# Define the header names in the TFS file
HNAME = "name"
ORIGIN = "origin"
DATE = "date"
TIME = "time"
REFCOL = "refcol"

[docs] def read_tbt(file_path: str | Path) -> TbtData: """ Reads turn-by-turn data from the ``MAD-NG`` **TFS** format file. Args: file_path (str | Path): path to the turn-by-turn measurement file. Returns: A ``TbTData`` object with the loaded data. """ LOGGER.debug("Starting to read TBT data from dataframe") df = # Get the date and time from the headers (return None if not found) date_str = df.headers.get(DATE) time_str = df.headers.get(TIME) # Combine the date and time into a datetime object date = None if date_str and time_str: date = datetime.strptime(f"{date_str} {time_str}", "%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S") elif date_str: date = datetime.strptime(date_str, "%d/%m/%y") nturns = int(df.iloc[-1].loc[TURN]) npart = int(df.iloc[-1].loc[PARTICLE_ID])"Number of turns: {nturns}, Number of particles: {npart}") # Get the names of the observed points (BPMs) from the first particle's first turn df = df.set_index([PARTICLE_ID, TURN]).sort_index() observe_points = df.loc[(1, 1)][NAME].to_numpy() num_observables = len(observe_points) # Check if the number of observed points is consistent for all particles/turns if len(df[NAME]) / nturns / npart != num_observables: raise ValueError( "The number of BPMs (or observed points) is not consistent for all particles/turns. Simulation may have lost particles." ) matrices = [] bunch_ids = range(1, npart + 1) # Particle IDs start from 1 (not 0) for particle_id in bunch_ids:"Processing particle ID: {particle_id}") # Filter the dataframe for the current particle df_particle = df.loc[particle_id] # Create a dictionary of the TransverseData fields tracking_data_dict = { plane: pd.DataFrame( index=observe_points, data=df_particle[plane.lower()] # MAD-NG uses lower case for the planes .to_numpy() .reshape(num_observables, nturns, order="F"), # ^ Number of Observables x Number of turns, Fortran order (So that the observables are the rows) ) for plane in TransverseData.fieldnames() # X, Y } # Append the TransverseData object to the matrices list # We don't use TrackingData, as MAD-NG does not provide energy matrices.append(TransverseData(**tracking_data_dict)) LOGGER.debug("Finished reading TBT data") return TbtData(matrices=matrices, bunch_ids=list(bunch_ids), nturns=nturns, date=date)
[docs] def write_tbt(output_path: str | Path, tbt_data: TbtData) -> None: """ Writes turn-by-turn data to a TFS file for MAD-NG. Args: tbt_data (TbtData): Turn-by-turn data to write. file_path (str | Path): Target file path. """ planes = [plane.lower() for plane in TransverseData.fieldnames()] # x, y plane_dfs = {plane: [] for plane in planes} for particle_id, transverse_data in zip(tbt_data.bunch_ids, tbt_data.matrices): for plane in planes: # Create a dataframe for the current plane and particle particle_df: pd.DataFrame = transverse_data[plane.upper()].copy() # Create the name column from the index = NAME particle_df = particle_df.reset_index() # Add the element index column (to be used for merging) particle_df[ELEMENT_INDEX] = particle_df.index # Melt the dataframe to have columns: name, element index, turn, plane particle_df = pd.melt( particle_df, id_vars=[NAME, ELEMENT_INDEX], var_name=TURN, value_name=plane, ) # Add the particle ID column particle_df[PARTICLE_ID] = particle_id # Convert the turn column to integer and increment by 1 (MAD-NG uses 1-based indexing) particle_df[TURN] = particle_df[TURN].astype(int) + 1 # Append the dataframe to the list plane_dfs[plane].append(particle_df) # Merge the dataframes on name, turn, particle ID and element index for both planes df_x = pd.concat(plane_dfs[planes[0]]) df_y = pd.concat(plane_dfs[planes[1]]) merged_df = pd.merge(df_x, df_y, on=[NAME, TURN, PARTICLE_ID, ELEMENT_INDEX]) merged_df = merged_df.set_index([NAME]) # Sort the dataframe by turn, element index and particle ID (so the format is consistent with MAD-NG) merged_df = merged_df.sort_values(by=[TURN, ELEMENT_INDEX, PARTICLE_ID]) # Drop the element index column (this is not the real element index, but a temporary one for merging) merged_df = merged_df.drop(columns=[ELEMENT_INDEX]) # Set the columns to x, y, turn, id, for consistency. merged_df = merged_df[[planes[0], planes[1], TURN, PARTICLE_ID]] # Write the dataframe to a TFS file headers = { HNAME: "TbtData", ORIGIN: "Python", DATE:"%d/%m/%y"), TIME:"%H:%M:%S"), REFCOL: NAME, } tfs.write(output_path, merged_df, headers_dict=headers, save_index=NAME)