Source code for GetLLM.getsuper

Created sometime 2009-2011

:maintainer: Yngve Inntjore Levinsen

:author: Glenn Vanbavinckhove, Yngve Inntjore Levinsen

:version: 3.1.3

Getsuper calculates with the help of GetLLM chromatic beta functions.
The Montague W and Phi functions are output.

What getsuper essentially does is run GetLLM on files with different dp/p and then afterwards
interpolate the results to see how the functions vary with dp/p.

To run you need several source files(sdds files) with different DPP(delta_p/p).
At least one of the source files must have DPP=0.0 .
Hint: You can change DPP in the GUI application in the Analysis panel. Change the entries in the
column 'dp/d' in the table at the top.

Further you need AC dipole in your model. If your twissfile is 'Twiss.dat' you need to provide the
file 'Twiss_ac.dat' in the same directory.

Usage cmd line::

    Usage: [options] sdds-file1 [sdds-file2 ...]

      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      -f TwissFile, --files=TwissFile
                            Files from analysis, separated by comma
                            Twiss file to use
      -o <path>, --output=<path>
                            Output path, where to store the results
      -b <path>, --beta=<path>
                            Path to Beat-Beat.src folder
      -t ALGORITHM, --algorithm=ALGORITHM
                            Which algorithm to use (SUSSIX/SVD)
      -a ACCEL, --accel=ACCEL
                            Which accelerator: LHCB1 LHCB2 SPS RHIC
      -d <deltapScalingFactor>, --deltapScalingFactor=<deltapScalingFactor>
                            Scaling factor for deltap, remember final value must
                            be in MAD units

Usage in another Python module::

    import GetLLM.getsuper
    GetLLM.getsuper.main(my_src_files_list, path_to_twiss_file)


import argparse
import shutil
import math
import re
import numpy as np
import sys
import os
from os.path import abspath, join, dirname

new_path = abspath(join(dirname(abspath(__file__)), os.pardir))
if new_path not in sys.path:

import Python_Classes4MAD.metaclass as metaclass
from utils import bpm as bpm_util
from utils import logging_tools as logtools
from utils.dict_tools import DotDict
from tfs_files import tfs_utils
from model import manager, creator

LOG = logtools.get_logger(__name__)

# ==================================================================================================
# Argument Handling
# ==================================================================================================


def _parse_args(args=None):
    """ Parses arguments from command line. """
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()

    # general
    parser.add_argument("-f", "--files",
            help="Files from analysis, separated by comma",
            metavar="TwissFile", dest="files", required=True)
            help="Twiss file to use",
            metavar="/path/to/twiss.dat", dest="twissfile", required=True)
    parser.add_argument("-o", "--output",
            help="Output path, where to store the results",
            metavar="<path>", default="./", dest="output_path")
    parser.add_argument("-t", "--algorithm",
            help="Which algorithm to use {:s}".format(ALGO_CHOICES),
            metavar="ALGORITHM", default=ALGO_CHOICES[0], dest="algorithm",
    parser.add_argument("-d", "--deltapScalingFactor",
            help="Scaling factor for deltap, remember final value must be in MAD units",
            metavar="<deltapScalingFactor>", default=1.0, type=float, dest="deltap_scaling_factor")

    # parse arguments
    accel_cls, remain_args = manager.get_accel_class_from_args(args)
    options = parser.parse_args(remain_args)
    source_files = [f.strip() for f in options.files.split(',')]

    # put all arguments into one dict
    options_dict = {
        "accel_cls": accel_cls,
        "source_files": source_files,

    options_dict.pop("files")  # is "source_files" now

    return options_dict

[docs]def check_input(opt): """ Approves the input and sets default """ # files if "source_files" not in opt or len(opt.source_files) < 2: raise ValueError("Provide at least two source files!") for f_name in opt.source_files: if not os.path.isfile(f_name) and not os.path.isfile(f_name + '.gz'): raise ValueError(f_name + ' does not exist') if "twissfile" not in opt: raise ValueError("Twissfile needed for execution.") if not os.path.isfile(opt.twissfile): raise ValueError("Twissfile does not exist: " + opt.twissfile) # set defaults opt.deltap_scaling_factor = opt.get("deltap_scaling_factor", 1.0) opt.output_path = opt.get("output_path", "./") if not os.path.isdir(opt.output_path): os.makedirs(opt.output_path) opt.algorithm = opt.get("algorithm", ALGO_CHOICES[0]) if opt.algorithm not in ALGO_CHOICES: raise ValueError("Algorithm needs to be either one of '" + ALGO_CHOICES + "'") return opt
# ================================================================================================== # main()-function # ==================================================================================================
[docs]def main(**kwargs): """ getsuper main function Keyword Args: source_files (list): list of strings with file_paths to TFS files twissfile (str): path to TFS model file output_path (str): Path to store created files algorithm (str): Used Turn-by-turn data analysis algorithm: 'SUSSIX', 'SVD' or 'HA' accel_cls (accelerator): Accelerator class object deltap_scaling_factor (float): Scaling factor for deltap, remember final value must be in MAD units """ options = check_input(DotDict(kwargs)) files_dict = {} # dpp --> files with corresponding dpp for f_name in options.source_files: datax, datay = _load_from_file(f_name) dppx = datax.DPP * options.deltap_scaling_factor # scaling factor hack for old files dppy = datay.DPP * options.deltap_scaling_factor if dppx != dppy: raise ValueError("Discrepancy between horizontal" "{:f} and vertical {:f} dpp".format(dppx, dppy)) else: dpp = float(dppx) if dpp not in files_dict: LOG.debug("Adding dpp {:f}".format(dpp)) files_dict[dpp] = [f_name] else: files_dict[dpp].append(f_name) if len(files_dict.keys()) < 2: raise ValueError("Less than two DPP-Values found. Cannot do W-Analysis.") if 0 not in files_dict: raise ValueError("NO DPP=0.0. Provide at least one source file with DPP=0.0.") accel_inst = _create_accel_instance(options.accel_cls, files_dict, options.output_path, options.twissfile) _create_models_by_madx(accel_inst, files_dict.keys()) for dpp in files_dict: files = files_dict[dpp] twiss_dpp_path = _join_with_output_path(options.output_path, "twiss_{:f}.dat".format(dpp)) _rungetllm(twiss_dpp_path, files, dpp, options.output_path, accel_inst, options.algorithm) # The GUI wants the default files to have the names without _0.0 _copy_default_outfiles(options.output_path) #TODO: HOPE THAT GETLLM DOES A BETTER JOB LOG.warn("Cleaning files of NAN! This should not be necessary!") all_files = os.listdir(options.output_path) tfs_utils.remove_nan_from_files( [os.path.join(options.output_path, f) for f in all_files], replace=True) # adding data betalistx = {} betalisty = {} couplelist = {} betalistxf = {} betalistyf = {} couplelistf = {} listx = [] listxf = [] listy = [] listyf = [] listc = [] listcf = [] for dpp in files_dict.keys(): LOG.debug("Loading driven data for dpp {:f}".format(dpp)) betx_path = _join_with_output_path(options.output_path, 'getbetax{ext:s}'.format(ext=_ext(dpp))) bety_path = _join_with_output_path(options.output_path, 'getbetay{ext:s}'.format(ext=_ext(dpp))) couple_path = _join_with_output_path(options.output_path, 'getcouple{ext:s}'.format(ext=_ext(dpp))) betx = metaclass.twiss(betx_path) bety = metaclass.twiss(bety_path) couple = metaclass.twiss(couple_path) betalistx[dpp] = betx betalisty[dpp] = bety couplelist[dpp] = couple if float(dpp) == 0.0: zerobx = betx zeroby = bety listx.append(betx) listy.append(bety) listc.append(couple) modeld = metaclass.twiss(options.twissfile) try: betaxf_path = _join_with_output_path(options.output_path, 'getbetax_free{ext:s}'.format(ext=_ext(dpp))) betxf = metaclass.twiss(betaxf_path) LOG.debug("Loaded betax free data from '{:s}".format(betaxf_path)) betayf_path = _join_with_output_path(options.output_path, 'getbetay_free{ext:s}'.format(ext=_ext(dpp))) betyf = metaclass.twiss(betayf_path) LOG.debug("Loaded betay free data from '{:s}".format(betayf_path)) couplef_path = _join_with_output_path(options.output_path, 'getcouple_free{ext:s}'.format(ext=_ext(dpp))) couplef = metaclass.twiss(couplef_path) LOG.debug("Loaded coupling free data from '{:s}".format(couplef_path)) except IOError: use_free = False LOG.warn("WARNING: Could not open all of the free data files.") else: use_free = True betalistxf[dpp] = betxf betalistyf[dpp] = betyf couplelistf[dpp] = couplef listxf.append(betxf) listyf.append(betyf) listcf.append(couplef) modelf = modeld path_ac_file = options.twissfile.replace(".dat", "_ac.dat") if not os.path.isfile(path_ac_file): LOG.error("Ac file '{:s}' does not exist.".format(path_ac_file)) LOG.error(" -> In GUI check 'Ac dipole' box to create a model with ac dipole.") sys.exit(1) modeld = metaclass.twiss(path_ac_file) if float(dpp) == 0.0: zerobxf = betalistxf[dpp] zerobyf = betalistyf[dpp] LOG.debug("Getting Driven beta") # H fileobj = _chromFileWriter('beta', _join_with_output_path(options.output_path, "chrombetax" + _ext()), 'H') bpms = bpm_util.intersect(listx) bpms = bpm_util.model_intersect(bpms, modeld) _do_lin_reg_bet(fileobj, files_dict.keys(), betalistx, bpms, "H", zerobx, modeld) del fileobj # V fileobj = _chromFileWriter('beta', _join_with_output_path(options.output_path, "chrombetay" + _ext()), 'V') bpms = bpm_util.intersect(listy) bpms = bpm_util.model_intersect(bpms, modeld) _do_lin_reg_bet(fileobj, files_dict.keys(), betalisty, bpms, "V", zeroby, modeld) del fileobj LOG.debug("Driven beta finished") LOG.debug("Getting Driven coupling") fileobj = _chromFileWriter('coupling', _join_with_output_path(options.output_path, "chromcoupling" + _ext()), '') bpms = bpm_util.intersect(listc) bpms = bpm_util.model_intersect(bpms, modeld) _do_linreg_coupling(couplelist, bpms, files_dict.keys(), fileobj) del fileobj LOG.debug("Driven coupling finished") if use_free: # # free beta # LOG.debug("Getting Free beta") # H fileobj = _chromFileWriter('beta', _join_with_output_path(options.output_path, "chrombetax_free" + _ext()), 'H') bpms = bpm_util.intersect(listxf) bpms = bpm_util.model_intersect(bpms, modelf) _do_lin_reg_bet(fileobj, files_dict.keys(), betalistxf, bpms, "H", zerobxf, modelf) # V fileobj = _chromFileWriter('beta', _join_with_output_path(options.output_path, "chrombetay_free" + _ext()), 'V') bpms = bpm_util.intersect(listyf) bpms = bpm_util.model_intersect(bpms, modelf) _do_lin_reg_bet(fileobj, files_dict.keys(), betalistyf, bpms, "V", zerobyf, modelf) LOG.debug("Free beta finished") LOG.debug("GettingFree coupling") fileobj = _chromFileWriter('coupling', _join_with_output_path(options.output_path, "chromcoupling_free" + _ext()), '') bpms = bpm_util.intersect(listcf) bpms = bpm_util.model_intersect(bpms, modelf) _do_linreg_coupling(couplelistf, bpms, files_dict.keys(), fileobj) LOG.debug("Free coupling finished")
# =================================================================================================== # helper-functions # =================================================================================================== def _load_from_file(filepath): if filepath.endswith('.gz'): try: datax = metaclass.twiss(filepath.replace(".gz", ".linx.gz")) datay = metaclass.twiss(filepath.replace(".gz", ".liny.gz")) except IOError: datax = metaclass.twiss(filepath.replace(".gz", "_linx.gz")) datay = metaclass.twiss(filepath.replace(".gz", "_liny.gz")) else: try: datax = metaclass.twiss(filepath + ".linx") datay = metaclass.twiss(filepath + ".liny") except IOError: datax = metaclass.twiss(filepath + "_linx") datay = metaclass.twiss(filepath + "_liny") return datax, datay def _create_accel_instance(accel_cls, files_dict, output_path, twissfile): """ Args: dpps: list of dp/p to create model for dict files_dict: dpp_value --> corresponding_filenames """ (exp_qx, exp_qy, mdl_qx, mdl_qy) = _get_tunes(twissfile, files_dict) for testpath in [output_path, os.path.dirname(twissfile)]: modifiers = os.path.join(testpath, 'modifiers.madx') if os.path.isfile(modifiers): LOG.debug("Using file '{:s}'".format(modifiers)) break acd = False adt = False if os.path.exists(twissfile.replace(".dat", "_ac.dat")): acd = True elif os.path.exists(twissfile.replace(".dat", "_adt.dat")): adt = True accel_inst = accel_cls( optics=modifiers, nat_tune_x=mdl_qx, nat_tune_y=mdl_qy, drv_tune_x=exp_qx, drv_tune_y=exp_qy, acd=acd, adt=adt, xing=False, ) accel_inst.model_dir = output_path return accel_inst def _create_models_by_madx(accel_inst, dpps): """ Creates the needed models """ model_creator = creator.CREATORS[accel_inst.NAME]["nominal"] model_creator.prepare_run(accel_inst, accel_inst.model_dir) madx_script = accel_inst.get_multi_dpp_job(dpps) model_creator.run_madx(madx_script, logfile=os.path.join(accel_inst.model_dir, "w_analysis_multidpp.log"), writeto=os.path.join(accel_inst.model_dir, "w_analysis_multidpp.madx"), ) def _get_output_filenames(output_path, dpp=None): """ Returns list of available file names for the given dpp. Example: _get_output_filenames(0.) Args: dpp: dpp appendix to list of files """ ret = [] for fname in os.listdir(output_path): ext = _ext(dpp) if re.match(r"get[^_]+[_free\d?]?" + ext, fname): ret.append(fname) return ret def _rungetllm(twiss_filename, files, dpp, output_path, accel_inst, algorithm): """ Running GetLLM... """ import GetLLM LOG.debug("Will run getllm for dpp {:f}".format(dpp)) if "lhc" == accel_inst.NAME: lhcphase = "1" accel_name = "LHCB" + str(accel_inst.get_beam()) else: lhcphase = "0" accel_name = accel_inst.NAME.upper() #TODO: TEST that! Should work for ESRF at least. GetLLM.main(outputpath=output_path, files_to_analyse=','.join(files), model_filename=twiss_filename, accel=accel_name, tbtana=algorithm, lhcphase=lhcphase) LOG.debug("GetLLM finished") for fname in _get_output_filenames(output_path): src_path = _join_with_output_path(output_path, fname) dst_path = _join_with_output_path(output_path, fname.replace(_ext(), _ext(dpp))) shutil.move(src_path, dst_path) def _copy_default_outfiles(output_path): for fname in _get_output_filenames(output_path, dpp=0.): src_path = _join_with_output_path(output_path, fname) dst_path = _join_with_output_path(output_path, fname.replace(_ext(0.), _ext())) shutil.copy(src_path, dst_path) def _ext(dpp=None): if dpp is None: return '.out' else: return "_{:f}.out".format(dpp) # for chromatic def _do_lin_reg_bet(fileobj, listx, listy, bpms, plane, zero, twiss): """ Calculates stuff and writes to the file in a table Closes the file afterwards Args: fileobj: _chromFileWriter for output table listx: List of variables... listy: List of variables... bpms: List of BPMs plane: Which plane (H/V) zero: Twiss for dp/p = 0 twiss: Twiss """ for bpm in bpms: name = bpm[1] sloc = bpm[0] indx = [] b = [] a = [] bm = [] am = [] if "H" in plane: beta0 = zero.BETX[zero.indx[name]] alfa0 = zero.ALFX[zero.indx[name]] try: alfa0err = zero.STDALFX[zero.indx[name]] except AttributeError: alfa0err = zero.ERRALFX[zero.indx[name]] beta0m = twiss.BETX[twiss.indx[name]] alfa0m = twiss.ALFX[twiss.indx[name]] wmo = twiss.WX[twiss.indx[name]] pmo = twiss.PHIX[twiss.indx[name]] else: beta0 = zero.BETY[zero.indx[name]] alfa0 = zero.ALFY[zero.indx[name]] try: alfa0err = zero.STDALFY[zero.indx[name]] except AttributeError: alfa0err = zero.ERRALFY[zero.indx[name]] beta0m = twiss.BETY[twiss.indx[name]] alfa0m = twiss.ALFY[twiss.indx[name]] wmo = twiss.WY[twiss.indx[name]] pmo = twiss.PHIY[twiss.indx[name]] for dpp in listx: _file = listy[dpp] ix = _file.indx[name] indx.append(ix) if "H" in plane: b.append(_file.BETX[ix]) a.append(_file.ALFX[ix]) bm.append(_file.BETXMDL[_file.indx[name]]) am.append(_file.ALFXMDL[_file.indx[name]]) else: b.append(_file.BETY[ix]) a.append(_file.ALFY[ix]) bm.append(_file.BETYMDL[_file.indx[name]]) am.append(_file.ALFYMDL[_file.indx[name]]) bfit = linreg(listx, b) afit = linreg(listx, a) bfitm = linreg(listx, bm) afitm = linreg(listx, am) # measurement dbb = bfit[0]/beta0 dbberr = bfit[3]/beta0 da = afit[0] daerr = afit[3] A = dbb Aerr = dbberr B = da-alfa0*dbb Berr = math.sqrt(daerr**2 + (alfa0err*dbb)**2 + (alfa0*dbberr)**2) w = 0.5*math.sqrt(A**2+B**2) werr = 0.5*math.sqrt( (Aerr*A/w)**2 + (Berr*B/w)**2 ) phi = math.atan2(B,A)/2./math.pi phierr = 1./(1.+(A/B)**2)*math.sqrt( (Aerr/B)**2 + (A/B**2*Berr)**2)/2./math.pi #model dbbm = bfitm[0]/beta0m dbberrm = bfitm[3]/beta0m dam = afitm[0] daerrm = afitm[3] Am = dbbm Aerrm = dbberrm Bm = dam-alfa0m*dbbm Berrm = math.sqrt(daerrm**2 + (alfa0m*dbberrm)**2) wm = 0.5*math.sqrt(Am**2+Bm**2) werrm = 0.5*math.sqrt( (Aerrm*Am/wm)**2 + (Berrm*Bm/wm)**2 ) phim = math.atan2(Bm,Am)/2./math.pi phierrm = 1./(1.+(Am/Bm)**2)*math.sqrt( (Aerrm/Bm)**2 + (Am/Bm**2*Berrm)**2)/2./math.pi fileobj.writeLine(locals().copy()) def _get_f(couplelist, dpplist, bpm_name, value): """ calculates the linear regression of 'value' for each dpp in dpplist Args: couplelist: list of getcouple files (for each dpp) dpplist: list of all dpp values available bpm_name: name of bpm value: name of column (e.g. F1001R) """ lst = [] x = [] for dpp in dpplist: x.append(dpp) couplefile = couplelist[dpp] lst.append(getattr(couplefile, value)[couplefile.indx[bpm_name]]) lreg = linreg(x, lst) return lreg[0], lreg[3] def _do_linreg_coupling(couplelist, bpms, dpplist, fileobj): """ linreg for chromatic coupling Writes to fileobj the chromatic coupling. f1001, f1010 derivatives wrt dp/p, and errors. """ for bpm in bpms: name = bpm[1] sloc = bpm[0] chr_f1001r, chr_err_f1001r = _get_f(couplelist, dpplist, name, 'F1001R') chr_f1001i, chr_err_f1001i = _get_f(couplelist, dpplist, name, 'F1001I') chr_f1010r, chr_err_f1010r = _get_f(couplelist, dpplist, name, 'F1010R') chr_f1010i, chr_err_f1010i = _get_f(couplelist, dpplist, name, 'F1010I') mdl_chr_f1001r, mdl_chr_err_f1001r = _get_f(couplelist, dpplist, name, 'MDLF1001R') mdl_chr_f1001i, mdl_chr_err_f1001i = _get_f(couplelist, dpplist, name, 'MDLF1001I') mdl_chr_f1010r, mdl_chr_err_f1010r = _get_f(couplelist, dpplist, name, 'MDLF1010R') mdl_chr_f1010i, mdl_chr_err_f1010i = _get_f(couplelist, dpplist, name, 'MDLF1010I') fileobj.writeLine(locals().copy()) def _get_tunes(model_file, fileslist): """ Reads in the driven tunes from the file with dpp=0 Reads in the model tunes from the twiss model (twiss.dat) Args: fileslist: dictionary of files, dpp used as key Returns: (qx, qy, qdx, qdy, qmx, qmy) Raises: ValueError: If fileslist[0] does not exist """ tw_x, tw_y = _load_from_file(fileslist[0][0]) tw = metaclass.twiss(model_file) exp_qx = tw_x.Q1 exp_qy = tw_y.Q2 mdl_qx = tw.Q1 mdl_qy = tw.Q2 return (exp_qx, exp_qy, mdl_qx, mdl_qy)
[docs]def linreg(X, Y): """ Returns coefficients to the regression line "y=ax+b" from x[] and y[], and R^2 Value Summary: Linear regression of y = ax + b Usage: real, real, real = linreg(list, list) """ if len(X) != len(Y): raise ValueError, 'unequal length' N = len(X) Sx = Sy = Sxx = Syy = Sxy = 0.0 for x, y in map(None, X, Y): Sx = Sx + x Sy = Sy + y Sxx = Sxx + x*x Syy = Syy + y*y Sxy = Sxy + x*y det = Sxx * N - Sx * Sx a, b = (Sxy * N - Sy * Sx)/det, (Sxx * Sy - Sx * Sxy)/det meanerror = residual = 0.0 for x, y in map(None, X, Y): meanerror = meanerror + (y - Sy/N)**2 residual = residual + (y - a * x - b)**2 if residual == 0 and meanerror == 0: RR = 1.0 else: RR = 1 - residual/meanerror if N>2: ss = residual / (N-2) else: ss = 0 Var_a, Var_b = ss * N / det, ss * Sxx / det #print "y=ax+b" #print "N= %d" % N #print "a= %g \pm t_{%d;\alpha/2} %g" % (a, N-2, sqrt(Var_a)) #print "b= %g \pm t_{%d;\alpha/2} %g" % (b, N-2, sqrt(Var_b)) #print "R^2= %g" % RR #print "s^2= %g" % ss return a, b, RR, np.sqrt(Var_a), np.sqrt(Var_b)
def _join_with_output_path(output_path, *path_tokens): return os.path.join(output_path, *path_tokens) class _chromFileWriter: def __init__(self, ftype, fname, plane, overwrite=True): """ Args: ftype: string, 'beta' or 'coupling' fname: string, name of file plane: "H" or "V" overwrite: Overwrite file if it already exist """ self.fstream = file(fname,'w') self._clen = 19 # column length.. if plane.upper()=="H": plane = "X" elif plane.upper()=="V": plane = "Y" if os.path.isfile(fname) and not overwrite: raise ValueError("Cannot overwrite file "+fname) betacolumns = ['name', 'sloc', 'dbb', 'dbberr', 'da', 'daerr', 'w', 'werr','wm', 'werrm', 'wmo', 'phi', 'phierr','phim','phierrm','pmo', 'A','Aerr','Am','Aerrm','B','Berr','Bm','Berrm', 'dbbm','dbberrm', 'dam','daerrm'] couplecolumns = ['name', 'sloc', 'chr_f1001r', 'chr_err_f1001r', 'chr_f1001i', 'chr_err_f1001i', 'chr_f1010r', 'chr_err_f1010r', 'chr_f1010i', 'chr_err_f1010i', 'mdl_chr_f1001r', 'mdl_chr_err_f1001r', 'mdl_chr_f1001i', 'mdl_chr_err_f1001i', 'mdl_chr_f1010r', 'mdl_chr_err_f1010r', 'mdl_chr_f1010i', 'mdl_chr_err_f1010i', ] headnames = { 'name': 'NAME', 'sloc': 'S', 'dbb': 'dbb', 'dbberr': 'dbberr', 'da': 'dalfa', 'daerr': 'daerr', 'w': 'W%(plane)s', 'werr': 'W%(plane)sERR', 'wmo': 'WMO', 'phi': 'PHI%(plane)s', 'phierr': 'PHI%(plane)sERR', 'phim': 'PHI%(plane)sM', 'phierrm': 'PHI%(plane)sERRM', 'pmo': 'PHIZERO', 'dbbm': 'dbbM', 'dbberrm': 'dbberrM', 'dam': 'dalfaM', 'daerrm': 'daerrM', 'wm': 'W%(plane)sM', 'werrm': 'W%(plane)sERRM', 'A': 'CHROM_A%(plane)s', 'Aerr': 'CHROM_Aerr%(plane)s', 'Am': 'CHROM_AM%(plane)s', 'Aerrm': 'CHROM_AERRM%(plane)s', 'B': 'CHROM_B%(plane)s', 'Berr': 'CHROM_Berr%(plane)s', 'Bm': 'CHROM_BM%(plane)s', 'Berrm': 'CHROM_BERRM%(plane)s', 'chr_f1001r': 'Cf1001r', 'chr_err_f1001r': 'Cf1001rERR', 'chr_f1001i': 'Cf1001i', 'chr_err_f1001i': 'Cf1001iERR', 'chr_f1010r': 'Cf1010r', 'chr_err_f1010r': 'Cf1010rERR', 'chr_f1010i': 'Cf1010i', 'chr_err_f1010i': 'Cf1010iERR', 'mdl_chr_f1001r': 'Cf1001r_MDL', 'mdl_chr_err_f1001r': 'Cf1001rERR_MDL', 'mdl_chr_f1001i': 'Cf1001i_MDL', 'mdl_chr_err_f1001i': 'Cf1001iERR_MDL', 'mdl_chr_f1010r': 'Cf1010r_MDL', 'mdl_chr_err_f1010r': 'Cf1010rERR_MDL', 'mdl_chr_f1010i': 'Cf1010i_MDL', 'mdl_chr_err_f1010i': 'Cf1010iERR_MDL'} headtypes = {'name': '%s'} for key in headnames: # for all others we use '%le'... if key not in headtypes: headtypes[key] = '%le' if ftype.lower().strip() == 'beta': self.ftype = 'beta' self.columns = betacolumns elif ftype.lower().strip() == 'coupling': self.ftype = 'coupling' self.columns = couplecolumns else: raise ValueError("ftype %s not understood" % (ftype)) self.head = [headnames[c] % locals() for c in self.columns] headcount = [i+1 for i in xrange(len(self.head))] self.types = [headtypes[c] for c in self.columns] self.head[0] = '* '+(self.head[0].rjust(self._clen-3)) headcount[0] = '# '+(str(headcount[0]).rjust(self._clen-3)) self.types[0] = '$ '+(self.types[0].rjust(self._clen-3)) self._write_list(self.head) # According to SL-CO-Note-91-32, this is allowed... self._write_list(headcount) self._write_list(self.types) def writeLine(self, data): """ Write one line. Args: data: Dictionary of data columns to write """ tmp_line = [data[c] for c in self.columns] self._write_list(tmp_line) def _write_list(self, tmp_list): line = '' for entry in tmp_list: line += str(entry).rjust(self._clen-1)+' ' self.fstream.write(line[:-1]+'\n') # ================================================================================================== # main invocation # ================================================================================================== def _start(args=None): """ Starter function to not pollute the global space with variables options and args """ options = _parse_args(args) main(**options) if __name__ == "__main__": _start()