Plotting Tools

Plotshop Package Content

Module plotshop.plot_style

Helper functions to make the most awesome* plots out there.

  • please feel free to add more stuff
exception plotshop.plot_style.ArgumentError[source]
class plotshop.plot_style.MarkerList[source]

Create a list of predefined markers

classmethod get_marker(marker_num)[source]

Return marker of index marker_num

Parameters:marker_num (int) -- return maker at this position in list (mod len(list))

Return the next marker in the list (circularly wrapped)

class plotshop.plot_style.OOMFormatter(order=0, fformat='%1.1f', offset=True, mathText=True)[source]

Order of Magnitude Formatter.

To set a fixed order of magnitude and fixed significant numbers. As seen on:

See: set_sci_magnitude

plotshop.plot_style.change_color_brightness(color, amount=0.5)[source]

Lightens the given color by multiplying (1-luminosity) by the given amount. Input can be matplotlib color string, hex string, or RGB tuple. An amount of 1 equals to no change. 0 is very bright (white) and 2 is very dark. By Ian Hincks Source:

plotshop.plot_style.change_ebar_alpha_for_axes(ax, alpha)[source]

Wrapper for change_ebar_alpha_for_line

plotshop.plot_style.change_ebar_alpha_for_line(ebar, alpha)[source]

loop through bars (ebar[1]) and caps (ebar[2]) and set the alpha value

plotshop.plot_style.get_annotation(ax=None, by_reference=False)[source]

Returns the annotation set by set_annotation()

  • ax -- Axes to get annotation from. If ‘None’ takes current Axes. (Default: None)
  • by_reference (bool) -- If true returns the reference to the annotation, otherwise the text as string. (Default: False)

Returns a dict of IP positions from tfs-file of path.

Parameters:path (str) -- Path to the tfs-file containing IP-positions
plotshop.plot_style.get_legend_ncols(labels, max_length=78)[source]

Calulate the number of columns in legend dynamically


Returns the name of the figure or axes

Parameters:fig_or_ax -- Figure or Axes to to use. If ‘None’ takes current figure. (Default: None)
plotshop.plot_style.make_top_legend(ax, ncol, frame=False, handles=None, labels=None)[source]

Create a legend on top of the plot.

plotshop.plot_style.move_ip_labels(ax, value)[source]

Moves IP labels according to max y * value.

plotshop.plot_style.set_annotation(text, ax=None)[source]

Writes an annotation on the top right of the axes

  • text -- The annotation
  • ax -- Axes to set annotation on. If ‘None’ takes current Axes. (Default: None)
plotshop.plot_style.set_name(name, fig_or_ax=None)[source]

Sets the name of the figure or axes

  • name (str) -- Sting to set as name.
  • fig_or_ax -- Figure or Axes to to use. If ‘None’ takes current figure. (Default: None)
plotshop.plot_style.set_sci_magnitude(ax, axis='both', order=0, fformat='%1.1f', offset=True, math_text=True)[source]

Uses the OMMFormatter to set the scientific limits on axes.

  • ax -- Plotting axes
  • axis (str) -- “x”, “y” or “both”
  • order (int) -- Magnitude Order
  • fformat (str) -- Format to use
  • offset (bool) -- Formatter offset
  • math_text (bool) -- Whether to use mathText
plotshop.plot_style.set_style(style='standard', manual=None)[source]

Sets the style for all following plots.

  • style -- Choose Style, either ‘standard’ or ‘presentation’
  • manual -- Dict of manual parameters to update. Convention: “REMOVE_ENTRY” removes entry
plotshop.plot_style.set_xLimits(accel, ax=None)[source]

Sets the x-limits to the regularly used ones

  • accel -- Name of the Accelerator
  • ax -- Axes to put the label on (default: gca())

Sets the standard x-axis label

Parameters:ax -- Axes to put the label on (default: gca())
plotshop.plot_style.set_yaxis_label(param, plane, ax=None, delta=False, chromcoup=False)[source]

Set y-axis labels.

  • param -- One of the ylabels above
  • plane -- Usually x or y, but can be any string actually to be placed into the label ({0})
  • ax -- Axes to put the label on (default: gca())
  • delta -- If True adds a Delta before the label (default: False)
plotshop.plot_style.show_ir(ip_dict, ax=None, mode='inside')[source]

Plots the interaction regions into the background of the plot.

  • ip_dict -- dict, dataframe or series containing “IPLABEL” : IP_POSITION
  • ax -- Axes to put the irs on (default: gca())
  • mode -- ‘inside’, ‘outside’ + ‘nolines’ or just ‘lines’

Alternative to annotation, which lets you use the title-functions

Parameters:ax -- Axes to use. If ‘None’ takes current Axes. (Default: None)
plotshop.plot_style.sync2d(axs, ax_str='xy', ax_lim=())[source]

Synchronizes the limits for the given axes

  • axs -- list of axes or figures, or figure with multiple axes
  • ax_lim -- predefined limits (list or list of lists)
  • ax_str -- string ‘x’,’y’ or ‘xy’ defining the axes to sync

Module plotshop.plot_tfs

Wrapper to easily plot tfs-files. With entrypoint functionality.

plotshop.plot_tfs.export_plots(figs, output)[source]

Export all created figures to PDF

plotshop.plot_tfs.get_marker(idx, change)[source]

Return the marker used

plotshop.plot_tfs.plot(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Plots data from different twiss-input files into one plot.

Keyword Arguments:
  • Required --
  • files (basestring) -- Twiss files to plot Flags: --files
  • y_cols (basestring) -- List of column names to plot (e.g. BETX, BETY) Flags: [‘-y’, ‘--y_cols’]
  • Optional --
  • auto_scale (float) -- Scales the plot, so that this percentage of points is inside the picture. Flags: --autoscale
  • change_marker -- Changes marker for each line in the plot. Flags: --changemarker Action: store_true
  • e_cols (basestring) -- List of parameters to get error values from. Flags: [‘-e’, ‘--e_cols’]
  • labels (basestring) -- Y-Lables for the plots, default: y_col. Flags: --labels
  • no_legend -- Deactivates the legend. Flags: --nolegend Action: store_true
  • no_show -- Suppresses opening plotting windows. Flags: --noshow Action: store_true
  • output (basestring) -- Base-Name of the output files. _’y_col’.pdf will be attached. Flags: --output
  • figure_per_file (bool) -- Plots all colimns into one figure. (Works only with one file so far). Flags: --figperfile Action: store_true
  • file_labels (basestring) -- Names for the sources for the plots, default: filenames. Flags: --file_labels
  • x_cols (basestring) -- List of column names to use as x-values. Flags: [‘-x’, ‘--x_cols’]
  • xy (bool) -- Plots X and Y for the give parameters into one figure (two axes). Flags: --xy Action: store_true

Module plotshop.post_processing

Functions for plot post-processing.


Extract data from all errorbars in axes.

Parameters:ax -- axes handle to axes to extract data from.
Returns:List of dictionaries of extracted data with keys as follows:
label: Line label
x: x-position data of the points
y: y-position data of the points
xerr: tupel with arrays corresponding to lower and upper x-error values
yerr: tupel with arrays corresponding to lower and upper y-error values
with: Linewidth
style: Linestyle
color: Linecolor

For "_nolegend_" entries an index is added to avoid collision.

See also



Extract data from all lines in axes.

Parameters:ax -- axes handle to axes to extract data from.
Returns:List of dictionaries of extracted data with keys as follows:
label: Line label
x: x-position data of the points
y: y-position data of the points
with: Linewidth
style: Linestyle
color: Linecolor

If a line is found to be an error-bar-line it is ignored! For "_nolegend_" entries an index is added to avoid collision.

See also


plotshop.post_processing.merge_two_plots(axes, keep_style=True)[source]

Merges two plots into one.

  • axes (list) -- list of axes to merge.
  • keep_style (bool) -- if true, it keeps the lines styles.

Transposes the legend. Has some problems with the markers.

Figure Editor

Module plotshop.fig_editor.main_window: QT-based Figure Editor

This is an extended figure editor based on the PyQT5 backend of matplotlib.

  • easily plot from tfs files
  • change plot attributes by douple click on element
  • change plot attributes via icon in navigation bar
  • drag text around
  • move the legend to predefined positions
  • copy paste between plots
  • have a “draggable” switch for text objects
  • add texts to options_figure to find invisible texts again

WARNING: Pre-Alpha version.

class plotshop.fig_editor.main_window.MainWindow(fig=None, parent=None)[source]

Return the currently used figure.


Show the logging window.


Redraw current figure or provide new one.