Source code for plotshop.plot_tfs

Module plotshop.plot_tfs

Wrapper to easily plot tfs-files. With entrypoint functionality.

import sys
from os.path import abspath, join, pardir
sys.path.append(abspath(join(__file__, pardir, pardir)))

from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt, gridspec, rcParams
import numpy as np

from utils.entrypoint import EntryPointParameters, entrypoint
from plotshop import plot_style as ps
from tfs_files import tfs_pandas as tfs
from utils import logging_tools

LOG = logging_tools.get_logger(__name__)

# Constants, Style and Arguments #############################################

def get_params():
    params = EntryPointParameters()
        help="Twiss files to plot",
        flags=["-y", "--y_cols"],
        help="List of column names to plot (e.g. BETX, BETY)",
        flags=["-x", "--x_cols"],
        help="List of column names to use as x-values.",
        flags=["-e", "--e_cols"],
        help="List of parameters to get error values from.",
        help="Y-Lables for the plots, default: column_labels or file_labels.",
        help="Column-Lables for the plots, default: y_column.",
        help="Names for the sources for the plots, default: filenames.",
        help="Base-Name of the output files. _'y_col'.pdf will be attached.",
        help="Changes marker for each line in the plot.",
        help="Deactivates the legend.",
        help="Suppresses opening plotting windows.",
        help="Plots X and Y for the give parameters into one figure (two axes).",
        help="Scales the plot, so that this percentage of points is inside the picture.",
        help="Plots all columns into one figure. (Works only with one file so far).",
    return params

    "LHCB1": {
        'IP1': 23519.36962,
        'IP2': 192.923,
        'IP3': 3525.207216,
        'IP4': 6857.491433,
        'IP5': 10189.77565,
        'IP6': 13522.21223,
        'IP7': 16854.64882,
        'IP8': 20175.8654,
    "LHCB2": {
        'IP1': 3195.252584,
        'IP2': 6527.5368,
        'IP3': 9859.973384,
        'IP4': 13192.40997,
        'IP5': 16524.84655,
        'IP6': 19857.13077,
        'IP7': 23189.41498,
        'IP8': 26510.4792,

    # differences to the standard style
    u'lines.markersize': 5.0,
    u'lines.linestyle': u'',

ERROR_ALPHA = 1.  # Set errorbar transparency
MAX_LEGENDLENGTH = 78  # maximum length of legend letters before linebreak
COMPLEX_NAMES = [p+ext for p in ["1001", "1010"] for ext in "RI"]  # Endings of columns that contain complex data

# Main invocation ############################################################

[docs]@entrypoint(get_params(), strict=True) def plot(opt): """ Plots data from different twiss-input files into one plot. Keyword Args: Required files (basestring): Twiss files to plot **Flags**: --files y_cols (basestring): List of column names to plot (e.g. BETX, BETY) **Flags**: ['-y', '--y_cols'] Optional auto_scale (float): Scales the plot, so that this percentage of points is inside the picture. **Flags**: --autoscale change_marker: Changes marker for each line in the plot. **Flags**: --changemarker **Action**: ``store_true`` e_cols (basestring): List of parameters to get error values from. **Flags**: ['-e', '--e_cols'] labels (basestring): Y-Lables for the plots, default: y_col. **Flags**: --labels no_legend: Deactivates the legend. **Flags**: --nolegend **Action**: ``store_true`` no_show: Suppresses opening plotting windows. **Flags**: --noshow **Action**: ``store_true`` output (basestring): Base-Name of the output files. _'y_col'.pdf will be attached. **Flags**: --output figure_per_file (bool): Plots all colimns into one figure. (Works only with one file so far). **Flags**: --figperfile **Action**: ``store_true`` file_labels (basestring): Names for the sources for the plots, default: filenames. **Flags**: --file_labels x_cols (basestring): List of column names to use as x-values. **Flags**: ['-x', '--x_cols'] xy (bool): Plots X and Y for the give parameters into one figure (two axes). **Flags**: --xy **Action**: ``store_true`` """ LOG.debug("Starting plotting of tfs files: {:s}".format(", ".join(opt.files))) # preparations opt = _check_opt(opt) # extract data twiss_data = _get_data(opt.files) # plotting figs = _create_plots(opt.x_cols, opt.y_cols, opt.e_cols, twiss_data, opt.file_labels, opt.column_labels, opt.y_labels, opt.xy, opt.change_marker, opt.no_legend, opt.auto_scale, opt.figure_per_file) # exports if opt.output: export_plots(figs, opt.output) if not opt.no_show: return figs
# Private Functions ########################################################## def _get_data(files): """ Load all data from files """ try: return [tfs.read_tfs(f, index="NAME") for f in files] except KeyError: return [tfs.read_tfs(f) for f in files] class _LoopGenerator: """ Takes care of the loop order and collects the figures. """ def __call__(self): # just here so the IDE does not complain, reassigned below pass def __init__(self, x_cols, y_cols, e_cols, datas, file_labels, column_labels, y_labels, xy, figure_per_file): # = _get_gridspec(xy) self.figs = None self.x_cols = x_cols self.y_cols = y_cols self.e_cols = e_cols self.datas = datas self.file_labels = file_labels self.column_labels = column_labels self.y_labels = y_labels self.xy = xy self.figure_per_file = figure_per_file if figure_per_file: self.__call__ = self._do_figure_per_file else: self.__call__ = self._do_figure_per_column def get_figs(self): return self.figs @staticmethod def _get_current_axes(axs, idx_plot): try: return axs[idx_plot] except TypeError: return axs def _get_fig(self): try: return plt.subplots(1+self.xy, 1, constrained_layout=False) # matplotlib>=2.2 except TypeError: return plt.subplots(1+self.xy, 1) def _do_figure_per_file(self): """ figure per file: loop over the files as outer loop """ if self.y_labels is None: self.y_labels = self.file_labels self.figs = {} for idx_file in range(len(self.file_labels)): fig, axs = self._get_fig() p_title = self.file_labels[idx_file] if self.xy: p_title += "_dualPlane" fig.canvas.set_window_title("File '{:s}'".format(p_title)) self.figs[p_title] = fig for idx_plot in range(1 + self.xy): ax = self._get_current_axes(axs, idx_plot) for idx_col in range(len(self.x_cols)): # ax, idx_plot, idx_line, data, x_col, y_col, e_col, legend, y_label, last_line yield (ax, idx_plot, idx_col, self.datas[idx_file], self.x_cols[idx_col], self.y_cols[idx_col], self.e_cols[idx_col], self.column_labels[idx_col], self.y_labels[idx_file], idx_col == (len(self.x_cols)-1), ) def _do_figure_per_column(self): """ a figure for each parameter: loop over the columns as outer loop """ if self.y_labels is None: self.y_labels = self.column_labels self.figs = {} for idx_col in range(len(self.x_cols)): fig, axs = self._get_fig() p_title = self.column_labels[idx_col] if self.xy: p_title += "_dualPlane" fig.canvas.set_window_title("Parameter '{:s}'".format(p_title)) self.figs[p_title] = fig for idx_plot in range(1 + self.xy): ax = self._get_current_axes(axs, idx_plot) for idx_data in range(len(self.datas)): # ax, idx_plot, idx_line, data, x_col, y_col, e_col, legend, y_label, last_line yield (ax, idx_plot, idx_data, self.datas[idx_data], self.x_cols[idx_col], self.y_cols[idx_col], self.e_cols[idx_col], self.file_labels[idx_data], self.y_labels[idx_col], idx_data == (len(self.datas)-1) ) def get_ncols(self): """ Returns the number of columns for the legend. Done here, as this class divides single-plot from multiplot anyway """ names = self.column_labels if self.figure_per_file else self.file_labels names = [n for n in names if n is not None] try: return ps.get_legend_ncols(names, MAX_LEGENDLENGTH) except ValueError: return 3 def _create_plots(x_cols, y_cols, e_cols, datas, file_labels, column_labels, y_labels, xy, change_marker, no_legend, auto_scale, figure_per_file=False): # create layout ps.set_style("standard", MANUAL_STYLE) ir_positions, x_is_position = _get_ir_positions(datas, x_cols) y_lims = None the_loop = _LoopGenerator(x_cols, y_cols, e_cols, datas, file_labels, column_labels, y_labels, xy, figure_per_file) for ax, idx_plot, idx, data, x_col, y_col, e_col, legend, y_label, last_line in the_loop(): # plot data y_label_from_col, y_plane, y_col, e_col, chromatic = _get_names_and_columns(idx_plot, xy, y_col, e_col) x_val, y_val, e_val = _get_column_data(data, x_col, y_col, e_col) ebar = ax.errorbar(x_val, y_val, yerr=e_val, ls=rcParams[u"lines.linestyle"], fmt=get_marker(idx, change_marker), label=legend) _change_ebar_alpha(ebar) if auto_scale: current_y_lims = _get_auto_scale(y_val, auto_scale) if y_lims is None: y_lims = current_y_lims else: y_lims = [min(y_lims[0], current_y_lims[0]), max(y_lims[1], current_y_lims[1])] if last_line: ax.set_ylim(*y_lims) # things to do only once if last_line: # setting the y_label if y_label is None: _set_ylabel(ax, y_col, y_label_from_col, y_plane, chromatic) else: y_label_from_label = "" if y_label: y_label_from_label, y_plane, _, _, chromatic = _get_names_and_columns( idx_plot, xy, y_label, "") if xy: y_label = "{:s} {:s}".format(y_label, y_plane) _set_ylabel(ax, y_label, y_label_from_label, y_plane, chromatic) # setting x limits if x_is_position: try: ps.set_xLimits(data.SEQUENCE, ax) except (AttributeError, ps.ArgumentError): pass # setting visibility, ir-markers and label if xy and idx_plot == 0: ax.axes.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) if x_is_position and ir_positions: ps.show_ir(ir_positions, ax, mode='lines') else: if x_is_position: ps.set_xaxis_label(ax) if ir_positions: ps.show_ir(ir_positions, ax, mode='outside') if not no_legend and idx_plot == 0: ps.make_top_legend(ax, the_loop.get_ncols()) return the_loop.get_figs()
[docs]def export_plots(figs, output): """ Export all created figures to PDF """ for param in figs: fig = figs[param] pdf_path = "{:s}_{:s}.pdf".format(output, param) mpdf = PdfPages(pdf_path) try: mpdf.savefig(fig, bbox_inches='tight') LOG.debug("Exported tfs-contents to PDF '{:s}'".format(pdf_path)) finally: mpdf.close()
# Helper ##################################################################### def _check_opt(opt): """ Sanity checks for the opt structure """ if opt.figure_per_file and opt.y_labels: if len(opt.y_labels) == 1: opt.y_labels = opt.y_lables * len(opt.files) elif len(opt.y_labels) != len(opt.files): raise ValueError("Supply either one y-label or one y-label per file!") if opt.file_labels is None: opt.file_labels = opt.files elif len(opt.file_labels) != len(opt.files): raise AttributeError("The number of file-labels and number of files differ!") if opt.column_labels is None: opt.column_labels = opt.y_cols elif len(opt.column_labels) != len(opt.y_cols): raise AttributeError("The number of column-labels and number of y columns differ!") if opt.e_cols is None: opt.e_cols = [None] * len(opt.y_cols) elif len(opt.e_cols) != len(opt.y_cols): raise AttributeError("The number of error columns and number of y columns differ!") if opt.x_cols is None: opt.x_cols = ["S"] * len(opt.y_cols) elif len(opt.x_cols) != len(opt.y_cols): raise AttributeError("The number of x columns and number of y columns differ!") return opt
[docs]def get_marker(idx, change): """ Return the marker used """ if change: return ps.MarkerList.get_marker(idx) else: return rcParams['lines.marker']
def _get_auto_scale(y_val, scaling): """ Find the y-limits so that scaling% of the points are visible """ y_sorted = sorted(y_val) n_points = len(y_val) y_min = y_sorted[int(((1 - scaling/100.) / 2.) * n_points)] y_max = y_sorted[int(((1 + scaling/100.) / 2.) * n_points)] return y_min, y_max def _find_ir_pos(all_data): """ Return the middle positions of the interaction regions """ ip_names = ["IP" + str(i) for i in range(1, 9)] for data in all_data: try: ip_pos = data.loc[ip_names, 'S'].values except KeyError: try: # loading failed, use defaults return IR_POS_DEFAULT[data.SEQUENCE] # return {} except AttributeError: # continue looking pass else: return dict(zip(ip_names, ip_pos)) # did not find ips or defaults return {} def _get_ir_positions(all_data, x_cols): """ Check if x is position around the ring and return ir positions if possible """ ir_pos = None x_is_pos = all([xc == "S" for xc in x_cols]) if x_is_pos: ir_pos = _find_ir_pos(all_data) return ir_pos, x_is_pos def _get_gridspec(xy): """ Single or dual plot """ if xy: return gridspec.GridSpec(2, 1, height_ratios=[1, 1]) return gridspec.GridSpec(1, 1, height_ratios=[1]) def _get_column_data(data, x_col, y_col, e_col): """ Extract column data """ x_val = data[x_col] y_val = data[y_col] try: e_val = data[e_col] except (KeyError, ValueError): e_val = None return x_val, y_val, e_val def _get_names_and_columns(idx_plot, xy, y_col, e_col): """ Names and columns """ chromatic = False if xy: if y_col[-5:] in COMPLEX_NAMES: plane_map = "RI" y_name = plane_map[idx_plot] if "C" == y_col[0]: y_plane_name = y_col[1:] chromatic = True else: y_plane_name = y_col else: plane_map = "XY" y_name = y_col y_plane_name = plane_map[idx_plot] y_col_full = y_col + plane_map[idx_plot] e_col_full = None if e_col is not None: e_col_full = e_col + plane_map[idx_plot] else: if y_col[-5:] in COMPLEX_NAMES: y_name = y_col[-1] if "C" == y_col[0]: y_plane_name = y_col[1:-1] chromatic = True else: y_plane_name = y_col[:-1] else: y_name = y_col[:-1] y_plane_name = y_col[-1] y_col_full = y_col e_col_full = e_col return y_name, y_plane_name, y_col_full, e_col_full, chromatic def _change_ebar_alpha(ebar): """ loop through bars (ebar[1]) and caps (ebar[2]) and set the alpha value """ for bars_or_caps in ebar[1:]: for bar_or_cap in bars_or_caps: bar_or_cap.set_alpha(ERROR_ALPHA) def _set_ylabel(ax, default, y_label, y_plane, chromatic): """ Tries to set a mapped y label, otherwise the default """ try: ps.set_yaxis_label(_map_proper_name(y_label), y_plane, ax, chromcoup=chromatic) except (KeyError, ps.ArgumentError): ax.set_ylabel(default) def _map_proper_name(name): """ Maps to a name understood by plotstyle. """ return { "BET": "beta", "BB": "betabeat", "D": "dispersion", "ND": "norm_dispersion", "MU": "phase", "X": "co", "Y": "co", "PHASE": "phase", "I": "imag", "R": "real", }[name.upper()] # Script Mode ################################################################ if __name__ == "__main__": plot()