:module: correction.getdiff
Created on 24/02/18
:author: Lukas Malina
Calculates the difference between GetLLM output and correction plugged in the model.
Provide as first argument the path to the output files of GetLLM.
model inputs:
twiss_cor.dat and twiss_no.dat
outputs in measurement directory:
phasex.out and phasey.out
bbx.out and bby.out
dx.out, dy.out and ndx.out
couple.out and chromatic_coupling.out
TODOs and Notes:
OpticsMeasurement: possibly extend and use with measurement filters from global correction
to be used in sbs, new corrections, getdiff, plot_export
Expected values after correction to be put in, little tricky with phase column names
No coupling in twiss_no.dat? not used
Some hints:
MEA, MODEL, EXPECT are usually the names for the differences between the values and the model.
Apart from phase, where these differences are called DIFF and DIFF_MDL (EXPECT is still the
same) while MEA and MODEL are the actual measurement and model values respectively.
Don't look into the coupling and chromatic coupling namings.
from __future__ import print_function
import re
import sys
from os.path import abspath, join, dirname, isdir, exists, split, pardir
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
new_path = abspath(join(dirname(abspath(__file__)), pardir))
if new_path not in sys.path:
from optics_measurements.io_filehandler import OpticsMeasurement
from twiss_optics.optics_class import TwissOptics
from tfs_files.tfs_pandas import read_tfs, write_tfs
from utils import logging_tools, beta_star_from_twiss as bsft
LOG = logging_tools.get_logger(__name__)
TWISS_CORRECTED = "twiss_cor.dat"
TWISS_NOT_CORRECTED = "twiss_no.dat"
TWISS_CORRECTED_PLUS = "twiss_cor_dpp.dat" # positive dpp
TWISS_CORRECTED_MINUS = "twiss_cor_dpm.dat" # negative dpp
# Main invocation ############################################################
def get_diff_filename(id):
return "diff_{:s}.out".format(id)
[docs]def getdiff(meas_path=None, beta_file_name="getbeta"):
""" Calculates the differences between measurement, corrected and uncorrected model.
After running madx and creating the model with (twiss_cor) and without (twiss_no)
corrections, run this functions to get tfs-files with the differences between measurements
and models.
meas_path (str): Path to the measurement folder.
Needs to contain twiss_cor.dat and twiss_no.dat.
if meas_path is None:
meas_path = sys.argv[1]
LOG.debug("Started 'getdiff' for measurment dir '{:s}'".format(meas_path))
if not isdir(meas_path):
raise IOError("No valid measurement directory:" + meas_path)
corrected_model_path = join(meas_path, TWISS_CORRECTED)
uncorrected_model_path = join(meas_path, TWISS_NOT_CORRECTED)
meas = OpticsMeasurement(meas_path)
twiss_cor = read_tfs(corrected_model_path).set_index('NAME', drop=False)
twiss_no = read_tfs(uncorrected_model_path).set_index('NAME', drop=False)
coup_cor = TwissOptics(twiss_cor, quick_init=True).get_coupling(method='cmatrix')
coup_no = TwissOptics(twiss_no, quick_init=True).get_coupling(method='cmatrix')
model = pd.merge(twiss_cor, twiss_no, how='inner', on='NAME', suffixes=('_c', '_n'))
coupling_model = pd.merge(coup_cor, coup_no, how='inner', left_index=True, right_index=True,
suffixes=('_c', '_n'))
coupling_model['NAME'] = coupling_model.index.values
for plane in ['x', 'y']:
_write_betabeat_diff_file(meas_path, meas, model, plane, beta_file_name)
_write_phase_diff_file(meas_path, meas, model, plane)
_write_disp_diff_file(meas_path, meas, model, plane)
_write_closed_orbit_diff_file(meas_path, meas, model, plane)
_write_coupling_diff_file(meas_path, meas, coupling_model)
_write_norm_disp_diff_file(meas_path, meas, model)
_write_chromatic_coupling_files(meas_path, corrected_model_path)
_write_betastar_diff_file(meas_path, meas, twiss_cor, twiss_no)
LOG.debug("Finished 'getdiff'.")
# Writing Functions ##########################################################
def _write_betabeat_diff_file(meas_path, meas, model, plane, betafile):
LOG.debug("Calculating beta diff.")
if betafile == "getbeta":
meas_beta = meas.beta[plane]
elif betafile == "getampbeta":
meas_beta = meas.amp_beta[plane]
elif betafile == "getkmodbeta":
meas_beta = meas.kmod_beta[plane]
raise KeyError("Unknown beta file name '{}'.".format(betafile))
up = plane.upper()
tw = pd.merge(meas_beta, model, how='inner', on='NAME')
tw['MEA'] = ((tw.loc[:, 'BET' + up] - tw.loc[:, 'BET' + up + 'MDL'])
/ tw.loc[:, 'BET' + up + 'MDL'])
tw['ERROR'] = tw.loc[:, 'ERRBET' + up] / tw.loc[:, 'BET' + up + 'MDL']
tw['MODEL'] = ((tw.loc[:, 'BET' + up + '_c'] - tw.loc[:, 'BET' + up + '_n'])
/ tw.loc[:, 'BET' + up + '_n'])
tw['EXPECT'] = tw['MEA'] - tw['MODEL']
write_tfs(join(meas_path, get_diff_filename('bb' + plane)),
tw.loc[:, ['NAME', 'S', 'MEA', 'ERROR', 'MODEL', 'EXPECT']])
def _write_phase_diff_file(meas_path, meas, model, plane):
LOG.debug("Calculating phase diff.")
up = plane.upper()
tw = pd.merge(meas.phase[plane], model, how='inner', on='NAME')
tw['MEA'] = tw.loc[:, 'PHASE' + up]
tw['ERROR'] = tw.loc[:, 'STDPH' + up]
tw['MODEL'] = np.concatenate((np.diff(tw.loc[:, 'MU' + up + '_c']), np.array([0.0])))
tw['DIFF'] = tw.loc[:, 'PHASE' + up] - tw.loc[:, 'PH' + up + 'MDL']
tw['DIFF_MDL'] = tw.loc[:, 'MODEL'] - tw.loc[:, 'PH' + up + 'MDL']
tw['EXPECT'] = tw['DIFF'] - tw['DIFF_MDL']
write_tfs(join(meas_path, get_diff_filename('phase' + plane)),
['NAME', 'S', 'MEA', 'ERROR', 'MODEL', 'DIFF', 'DIFF_MDL', 'EXPECT']])
def _write_disp_diff_file(meas_path, meas, model, plane):
LOG.debug("Calculating dispersion diff.")
up = plane.upper()
tw = pd.merge(meas.disp[plane], model, how='inner', on='NAME')
except IOError:
LOG.debug("Dispersion measurements not found. Skipped.")
tw['MEA'] = tw.loc[:, 'D' + up] - tw.loc[:, 'D' + up + 'MDL']
tw['ERROR'] = tw.loc[:, 'STDD' + up]
tw['MODEL'] = tw.loc[:, 'D' + up + '_c'] - tw.loc[:, 'D' + up + '_n']
tw['EXPECT'] = tw['MEA'] - tw['MODEL']
write_tfs(join(meas_path, get_diff_filename('d' + plane)),
tw.loc[:, ['NAME', 'S', 'MEA', 'ERROR', 'MODEL', 'EXPECT']])
def _write_closed_orbit_diff_file(meas_path, meas, model, plane):
LOG.debug("Calculating orbit diff.")
up = plane.upper()
tw = pd.merge(meas.orbit[plane], model, how='inner', on='NAME')
except IOError:
LOG.debug("Orbit measurements not found. Skipped.")
tw['MEA'] = tw.loc[:, up] - tw.loc[:, up + 'MDL']
tw['ERROR'] = tw.loc[:, 'STD' + up]
tw['MODEL'] = (tw.loc[:, up + '_c'] - tw.loc[:, up + '_n']) * 1000
tw['EXPECT'] = tw['MEA'] - tw['MODEL'] * 1000
write_tfs(join(meas_path, get_diff_filename('co' + plane)),
tw.loc[:, ['NAME', 'S', 'MEA', 'ERROR', 'MODEL', 'EXPECT']])
def _write_norm_disp_diff_file(meas_path, meas, model):
LOG.debug("Calculating normalized dispersion diff.")
tw = pd.merge(meas.norm_disp, model, how='inner', on='NAME')
except IOError:
LOG.debug("Normalized dispersion measurements not found. Skipped.")
tw['MEA'] = tw.loc[:, 'NDX'] - tw.loc[:, 'NDXMDL']
tw['ERROR'] = tw.loc[:, 'STDNDX']
tw['MODEL'] = (tw.loc[:, 'DX_c'] / np.sqrt(tw.loc[:, 'BETX_c'])
- tw.loc[:, 'DX_n'] / np.sqrt(tw.loc[:, 'BETX_n']))
tw['EXPECT'] = tw['MEA'] - tw['MODEL']
write_tfs(join(meas_path, get_diff_filename('ndx')),
tw.loc[:, ['NAME', 'S', 'MEA', 'ERROR', 'MODEL', 'EXPECT']])
def _write_coupling_diff_file(meas_path, meas, model):
LOG.debug("Calculating coupling diff.")
tw = pd.merge(meas.coupling, model, how='inner', on='NAME')
out_columns = ['NAME', 'S']
for idx, rdt in enumerate(['F1001', 'F1010']):
tw[rdt+'re'] = tw.loc[:, rdt+'R']
tw[rdt+'im'] = tw.loc[:, rdt+'I']
tw[rdt+'e'] = tw.loc[:, 'FWSTD{:d}'.format(idx+1)]
tw[rdt+'re_m'] = np.real(tw.loc[:, rdt+'_c'])
tw[rdt+'im_m'] = np.imag(tw.loc[:, rdt+'_c'])
tw[rdt+'re_prediction'] = tw.loc[:, rdt+'re'] - tw.loc[:, rdt+'re_m']
tw[rdt+'im_prediction'] = tw.loc[:, rdt+'im'] - tw.loc[:, rdt+'im_m']
tw[rdt+'W_prediction'] = np.sqrt(np.square(tw[rdt+'re_prediction'])
+ np.square(tw[rdt+'im_prediction']))
out_columns += [rdt+'re', rdt+'im', rdt+'e',
rdt+'re_m', rdt+'im_m',
rdt+'W', rdt+'W_prediction',
rdt+'re_prediction', rdt+'im_prediction']
tw['in_use'] = 1
out_columns += ['in_use']
write_tfs(join(meas_path, get_diff_filename('couple')), tw.loc[:, out_columns])
def _write_chromatic_coupling_files(meas_path, cor_path):
LOG.debug("Calculating chromatic coupling diff.")
# TODO: Add Cf1010
twiss_plus = read_tfs(join(split(cor_path)[0], TWISS_CORRECTED_PLUS), index='NAME')
twiss_min = read_tfs(join(split(cor_path)[0], TWISS_CORRECTED_MINUS), index='NAME')
except IOError:
LOG.debug("Chromatic coupling measurements not found. Skipped.")
deltap = np.abs(twiss_plus.DELTAP - twiss_min.DELTAP)
plus = TwissOptics(twiss_plus, quick_init=True).get_coupling(method='cmatrix')
minus = TwissOptics(twiss_min, quick_init=True).get_coupling(method='cmatrix')
model = pd.merge(plus, minus, how='inner', left_index=True, right_index=True,
suffixes=('_p', '_m'))
model['NAME'] = model.index.values
if exists(join(meas_path, "chromcoupling_free.out")):
meas = read_tfs(join(meas_path, "chromcoupling_free.out"))
meas = read_tfs(join(meas_path, "chromcoupling.out"))
tw = pd.merge(meas, model, how='inner', on='NAME')
cf1001 = (tw.loc[:, 'F1001_p'] - tw.loc[:, 'F1001_m']) / deltap
tw['Cf1001r_model'] = np.real(cf1001)
tw['Cf1001i_model'] = np.imag(cf1001)
tw['Cf1001r_prediction'] = tw.loc[:, 'Cf1001r'] - tw.loc[:, 'Cf1001r_model']
tw['Cf1001i_prediction'] = tw.loc[:, 'Cf1001i'] - tw.loc[:, 'Cf1001i_model']
write_tfs(join(meas_path, get_diff_filename('chromatic_coupling')),
tw.loc[:, ['NAME', 'S',
'Cf1001r', 'Cf1001rERR',
'Cf1001i', 'Cf1001iERR',
'Cf1001r_model', 'Cf1001i_model',
'Cf1001r_prediction', 'Cf1001i_prediction']])
def _write_betastar_diff_file(meas_path, meas, twiss_cor, twiss_no):
LOG.debug("Calculating betastar diff at the IPs.")
meas = meas.kmod_betastar.set_index(bsft.RES_COLUMNS[0])
except IOError:
LOG.debug("Beta* measurements not found. Skipped.")
# get all IPs
ip_map = {}
beam = ''
for label in meas.index.values:
ip, beam = re.findall(r'\d', label)[-2:] # beam should be the same for all
if ip not in "1258":
raise NotImplementedError(
"Beta-Star comparison is not yet implemented for measurements in IP" + ip)
ip_label = "IP" + ip
ip_map[label] = ip_label
beam = int(beam)
all_ips = set(ip_map.values())
# calculate waist and so on
model = bsft.get_beta_star_and_waist_from_ip(twiss_cor, beam, all_ips)
design = bsft.get_beta_star_and_waist_from_ip(twiss_no, beam, all_ips)
except KeyError:
LOG.warn("Can't find all IPs in twiss files. Skipped beta* calculations.")
# extract data
tw = pd.DataFrame()
for label in meas.index:
plane = label[-1]
ip_name = bsft.get_full_label(ip_map[label], beam, plane)
tw.loc[label, "S"] = model.loc[ip_name, "S"]
# calculate alpha* but with s-oriented waist definition
meas["ALPHASTAR"] = meas["WAIST"] / meas["BETAWAIST"]
meas["ALPHASTAR_ERR"] = ((meas["WAIST_ERR"] / meas["WAIST"] +
meas["BETAWAIST_ERR"] / meas["BETAWAIST"]) *
for attr in bsft.RES_COLUMNS[2:]:
# default diff parameter
tw.loc[label, attr + "_MEA"] = (meas.loc[label, attr]
- design.loc[ip_name, attr])
tw.loc[label, attr + "_ERROR"] = meas.loc[label, attr + "_ERR"]
tw.loc[label, attr + "_MODEL"] = (model.loc[ip_name, attr]
- design.loc[ip_name, attr])
# additional for checks (e.g. for betastar* panel)
tw.loc[label, attr + "_MEAVAL"] = meas.loc[label, attr]
tw.loc[label, attr + "_DESIGNVAL"] = design.loc[ip_name, attr]
tw.loc[label, attr + "_MODELVAL"] = model.loc[ip_name, attr]
# and the beatings
tw.loc[label, "B{}_MEA".format(attr)] = (tw.loc[label, attr + "_MEA"]
/ design.loc[ip_name, attr])
tw.loc[label, "B{}_MODEL".format(attr)] = (tw.loc[label, attr + "_MODEL"]
/ design.loc[ip_name, attr])
# special handling for the expectation values, as waist and betawaist
# should be derived directly from alpha* and beta*
if attr in bsft.RES_COLUMNS[2:4]:
# beta* and alpha*: as usual
tw.loc[label, attr + "_EXPECT"] = (tw.loc[label, attr + "_MEA"]
- tw.loc[label, attr + "_MODEL"])
tw.loc[label, attr + "_EXPECTVAL"] = (design.loc[ip_name, attr]
+ tw.loc[label, attr + "_EXPECT"])
tw.loc[label, "B{}_EXPECT".format(attr)] = (
tw.loc[label, "B{}_MEA".format(attr)]
- tw.loc[label, "B{}_MODEL".format(attr)])
# waist and betawaist: calculate expected value directly and go from there
tw.loc[label, attr + "_EXPECTVAL"] = (
tw.loc[label, "BETASTAR_EXPECTVAL"],
tw.loc[label, "ALPHASTAR_EXPECTVAL"],
tw.loc[label, attr + "_EXPECT"] = (
tw.loc[label, attr + "_EXPECTVAL"] - design.loc[ip_name, attr])
tw.loc[label, "B{}_EXPECT".format(attr)] = (
tw.loc[label, attr + "_EXPECTVAL"] / design.loc[ip_name, attr])
write_tfs(join(meas_path, get_diff_filename('betastar')), tw,
# Script Mode ################################################################
if __name__ == "__main__":