Source code for global_correct_iterative

Iterative Correction Scheme.

The response matrices :math:`R_{O}` for the observables :math:`O` (e.g. BBX, MUX, ...)
are loaded from a file and then the equation

.. math:: R_{O} \cdot \delta var = O_{meas} - O_{model}
    :label: eq1

is being solved for :math:`\delta var` via a chosen method (at the moment only numpys pinv,
which creates a pseudo-inverse via svd is used).

The response matrices are hereby merged into one matrix for all observables to solve vor all
:math:`\delta var` at the same time.

To normalize the observables to another ``weigths`` (W) can be applied.

Furthermore, an ``errorcut``, specifying the maximum errorbar for a BPM to be used, and
``modelcut``, specifying the maximum distance between measurement and model for a BPM to be used,
can be defined. Data from BPMs outside of those cut-values will be discarded.
These cuts are defined for each observable separately.

After each iteration the model variables are changed by :math:`-\delta var` and the
observables are recalculated by Mad-X.
:eq:`eq1` is then solved again.

:author: Lukas Malina, Joschua Dilly

Possible problems and notes:
 * do we need error cut, when we use error-based weights? probably not anymore
 * error-based weights default? likely - but be carefull with low tune errors vs
svd cut in pseudoinverse
 * manual creation of pd.DataFrame varslist, deltas? maybe
tunes in tfs_pandas single value or a column?
 * Minimal strength removed
 * Check the output files and when they are written
 * There should be some summation/renaming for iterations
 * For two beam correction
 * The two beams can be treated separately until the calcultation of correction
 * Values missing in the response (i.e. correctors of the other beam) shall be
treated as zeros
 * Missing a part that treats the output from LSA

import cPickle
import datetime
import os
import pickle
import time

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.linear_model import OrthogonalMatchingPursuit

import madx_wrapper
from correction.fullresponse import response_twiss
from model import manager
from optics_measurements.io_filehandler import OpticsMeasurement
from twiss_optics.optics_class import TwissOptics
from utils import logging_tools
from utils import iotools
from tfs_files import tfs_pandas as tfs
from utils.entrypoint import entrypoint, EntryPointParameters
from utils.logging_tools import log_pandas_settings_with_copy

LOG = logging_tools.get_logger(__name__)

DEV_NULL = os.devnull

# Configuration ##################################################################

    "optics_file": None,
    "output_path": None,
    "output_filename": "changeparameters_iter",
    "svd_cut": 0.01,
    "optics_params": ['MUX', 'MUY', 'BBX', 'BBY', 'NDX', 'Q'],
    "variables": ["MQM", "MQT", "MQTL", "MQY"],
    "beta_file_name": "getbeta",
    "method": "pinv",
    "max_iter": 3,
    "eps": None,

# Define functions here, to new optics params
def _get_default_values():
    return {
        'modelcut': {
            'MUX': 0.05, 'MUY': 0.05,
            'BBX': 0.2, 'BBY': 0.2,
            'BETX': 0.2, 'BETY': 0.2,
            'DX': 0.2, 'DY': 0.2,
            'NDX': 0.2, 'Q': 0.1,
            'F1001R': 0.0, 'F1001I': 0.0,
            'F1010R': 0.0, 'F1010I': 0.0,
        'errorcut': {
            'MUX': 0.035, 'MUY': 0.035,
            'BBX': 0.02, 'BBY': 0.02,
            'BETX': 0.02, 'BETY': 0.02,
            'DX': 0.02, 'DY': 0.02,
            'NDX': 0.02, 'Q': 0.027,
            'F1001R': 0.02, 'F1001I': 0.02,
            'F1010R': 0.02, 'F1010I': 0.02,
        'weights': {
            'MUX': 1, 'MUY': 1,
            'BBX': 0, 'BBY': 0,
            'BETX': 0, 'BETY': 0,
            'DX': 0, 'DY': 0,
            'NDX': 0, 'Q': 10,
            'F1001R': 0, 'F1001I': 0,
            'F1010R': 0, 'F1010I': 0,

def _get_measurement_filters():
    return {
        'MUX': _get_filtered_phases, 'MUY': _get_filtered_phases,
        'BBX': _get_filtered_betabeat, 'BBY': _get_filtered_betabeat,
        'BETX': _get_filtered_generic, 'BETY': _get_filtered_generic,
        'DX': _get_filtered_generic, 'DY': _get_filtered_generic,
        'NDX': _get_filtered_generic, 'Q': _get_tunes,
        'F1001R': _get_filtered_generic, 'F1001I': _get_filtered_generic,
        'F1010R': _get_filtered_generic, 'F1010I': _get_filtered_generic,

def _get_response_filters():
    return {
        'MUX': _get_phase_response, 'MUY': _get_phase_response,
        'BBX': _get_generic_response, 'BBY': _get_generic_response,
        'BETX': _get_generic_response, 'BETY': _get_generic_response,
        'DX': _get_generic_response, 'DY': _get_generic_response,
        'NDX': _get_generic_response, 'Q': _get_tune_response,
        'F1001R': _get_generic_response, 'F1001I': _get_generic_response,
        'F1010R': _get_generic_response, 'F1010I': _get_generic_response,

def _get_model_appenders():
    return {
        'MUX': _get_model_phases, 'MUY': _get_model_phases,
        'BBX': _get_model_betabeat, 'BBY': _get_model_betabeat,
        'BETX': _get_model_generic, 'BETY': _get_model_generic,
        'DX': _get_model_generic, 'DY': _get_model_generic,
        'NDX': _get_model_norm_disp, 'Q': _get_model_tunes,
        'F1001R': _get_model_generic, 'F1001I': _get_model_generic,
        'F1010R': _get_model_generic, 'F1010I': _get_model_generic,

def _get_params():
    params = EntryPointParameters()
        help="Path to the directory containing the measurement files.",
        help="Path to the model to use.",
        help=("Path to the fullresponse binary file."
              " If not given, calculates the response analytically."),
        help="If True, it will update the (analytical) response per iteration.",
        help="List of parameters to correct upon (e.g. BBX BBY)",
        help=("Path to the optics file to use. If not present will default to "
              "model_path/modifiers.madx, if such a file exists."),
        help=("Path to the directory where to write the output files, will "
              "default to the --meas input path."),
        help="Identifier of the output files.",
        help=("Cutoff for small singular values of the pseudo inverse. (Method: 'pinv')"
              "Singular values smaller than rcond*largest_singular_value are set to zero"),
        help=("Maximum number of correctors to use. (Method: 'omp')"),
        help=("Minimum (absolute) strength of correctors."),
        help=("Reject BPMs whose deviation to the model is higher than the "
              "correspoding input. Input in order of optics_params."),
        help=("Reject BPMs whose error bar is higher than the "
              "corresponding input. Input in order of optics_params."),
        help=("Weight to apply to each measured quantity. "
              "Input in order of optics_params."),
        help=("If True, it will take into account the measured errorbars "
              "in the correction."),
        help="List of names of the variables classes to use.",
        help="Prefix of the beta file to use. E.g.: getkmodbeta",
        help="If true, it will use virtual correctors.",
        help="Optimization method to use.",
        choices=["pinv", "omp"]
        help=("Maximum number of correction re-iterations to perform."
              "A value of `0` means the correction is calculated once (like in the old days)."),
        help=("Convergence criterion." 
              "If <|delta(PARAM * WEIGHT)|> < eps, stop iteration.(Not implemented yet)"),
        help="Print debug information.",
    return params

# Entry Point ##################################################################

[docs]@entrypoint(_get_params()) def global_correction(opt, accel_opt): """ Do the global correction. Iteratively. Keyword Args: Required meas_dir: Path to the directory containing the measurement files. **Flags**: --meas_dir model_dir: Path to the dir containing the model (twiss.dat or twiss_elements.dat) to use. **Flags**: --model_dir Optional beta_file_name: Prefix of the beta file to use. E.g.: getkmodbeta **Flags**: --beta_file_name **Default**: ``getbeta`` debug: Print debug information. **Flags**: --debug **Action**: ``store_true`` eps (float): (Not implemented yet) Convergence criterion. If :math:`<|\Delta(PARAM \cdot WEIGHT)|> < \epsilon`, stop iteration. **Flags**: --eps **Default**: ``None`` errorcut (float): Reject BPMs whose error bar is higher than the corresponding input. Input in order of optics_params. **Flags**: --error_cut fullresponse_path: Path to the fullresponse binary file. If not given, calculates the response analytically. **Flags**: --fullresponse max_iter (int): Maximum number of correction re-iterations to perform. A value of `0` means the correction is calculated once (like in the old days). **Flags**: --max_iter **Default**: ``3`` method (str): Optimization method to use. **Flags**: --method **Choices**: ['pinv', 'omp'] **Default**: ``pinv`` min_corrector_strength (float): Minimum (absolute) strength of correctors. **Flags**: --min_corrector_strength **Default**: ``0.`` modelcut (float): Reject BPMs whose deviation to the model is higher than the correspoding input. Input in order of optics_params. **Flags**: --model_cut n_correctors (int): Maximum number of correctors to use. (Method: 'omp') **Flags**: --n_correctors optics_file: Path to the optics file to use, usually modifiers.madx. If not present will default to model_path/modifiers.madx **Flags**: --optics_file optics_params (str): List of parameters to correct upon (e.g. BBX BBY) **Flags**: --optics_params **Default**: ``['MUX', 'MUY', 'BBX', 'BBY', 'NDX', 'Q']`` output_path: Path to the directory where to write the output files, will default to the --meas input path. **Flags**: --output_dir **Default**: ``None`` svd_cut (float): Cutoff for small singular values of the pseudo inverse. (Method: 'pinv') Singular values smaller than :math:`rcond \cdot largest_singular_value` are set to zero **Flags**: --svd_cut **Default**: ``0.01`` use_errorbars: If True, it will take into account the measured errorbars in the correction. **Flags**: --use_errorbars **Action**: ``store_true`` variable_categories: List of names of the variables classes to use. **Flags**: --variables **Default**: ``['MQM', 'MQT', 'MQTL', 'MQY']`` virt_flag: If true, it will use virtual correctors. **Flags**: --virt_flag **Action**: ``store_true`` weights (float): Weights to apply to each measured quantity. Input in order of optics_params. **Flags**: --weights """"Starting Iterative Global Correction.") with logging_tools.DebugMode(active=opt.debug, log_file=os.path.join(opt.model_dir, "iterative_correction.log")): not_implemented_params = [k for k in opt.optics_params if k not in _get_measurement_filters()] if any(not_implemented_params): raise NotImplementedError("Correct iterative is not equipped for parameters:" "'{:s}'".format(not_implemented_params)) # ######### Preparations ######### # # check on opt opt = _check_opt(opt) meth_opt = _get_method_opt(opt) # get accelerator class accel_cls = manager.get_accel_class(accel_opt) accel_inst = accel_cls(model_dir=opt.model_dir) if opt.optics_file is not None: accel_inst.optics_file = opt.optics_file # convert numbers to dictionaries w_dict = dict(zip(opt.optics_params, opt.weights)) mcut_dict = dict(zip(opt.optics_params, opt.modelcut)) ecut_dict = dict(zip(opt.optics_params, opt.errorcut)) # read data from files vars_list = _get_varlist(accel_cls, opt.variable_categories, opt.virt_flag) optics_params, meas_dict = _get_measurment_data( opt.optics_params, opt.meas_dir, opt.beta_file_name, w_dict, ) mcut_dict = _automate_modelcut(mcut_dict, meas_dict, opt.variable_categories) if opt.fullresponse_path is not None: resp_dict = _load_fullresponse(opt.fullresponse_path, vars_list) else: resp_dict = response_twiss.create_response( accel_inst, opt.variable_categories, optics_params ) # the model in accel_inst is modified later, so save nominal model here to variables nominal_model = _maybe_add_coupling_to_model(accel_inst.get_model_tfs(), optics_params) # apply filters to data meas_dict = _filter_measurement( optics_params, meas_dict, nominal_model, opt.use_errorbars, w_dict, ecut_dict, mcut_dict ) meas_dict = _append_model_to_measurement(nominal_model, meas_dict, optics_params) resp_dict = _filter_response_index(resp_dict, meas_dict, optics_params) resp_matrix = _join_responses(resp_dict, optics_params, vars_list) # _dump(os.path.join(opt.output_path, "measurement_dict.bin"), meas_dict) delta = tfs.TfsDataFrame(0, index=vars_list, columns=["DELTA"]) # ######### Iteration Phase ######### # for iteration in range(opt.max_iter + 1):"Correction Iteration {:d} of {:d}.".format(iteration, opt.max_iter)) # ######### Update Model and Response ######### # if iteration > 0: LOG.debug("Updating model via MADX.") corr_model_path = os.path.join(opt.output_path, "twiss_" + str(iteration) + ".dat") _create_corrected_model(corr_model_path, opt.change_params_path, accel_inst, opt.debug) corr_model_elements = tfs.read_tfs(corr_model_path, index="NAME") corr_model_elements = _maybe_add_coupling_to_model( corr_model_elements, optics_params ) bpms_index_mask = accel_inst.get_element_types_mask( corr_model_elements.index, types=["bpm"] ) corr_model = corr_model_elements.loc[bpms_index_mask, :] meas_dict = _append_model_to_measurement(corr_model, meas_dict, optics_params) if opt.update_response: LOG.debug("Updating response.") # please look away for the next two lines. accel_inst._model = corr_model accel_inst._elements = corr_model_elements resp_dict = response_twiss.create_response( accel_inst, opt.variable_categories, optics_params ) resp_dict = _filter_response_index(resp_dict, meas_dict, optics_params) resp_matrix = _join_responses(resp_dict, optics_params, vars_list) # ######### Actual optimization ######### # delta += _calculate_delta( resp_matrix, meas_dict, optics_params, vars_list, opt.method, meth_opt) delta, resp_matrix, vars_list = _filter_by_strength(delta, resp_matrix, opt.min_corrector_strength) # remove unused correctors from vars_list writeparams(opt.change_params_path, delta) writeparams(opt.change_params_correct_path, -delta) LOG.debug("Cumulative delta: {:.5e}".format( np.sum(np.abs(delta.loc[:, "DELTA"].values)))) write_knob(opt.knob_path, delta)"Finished Iterative Global Correction.")
# Main function helpers ####################################################### def _check_opt(opt): """ Check on options and put in missing values """ # get unset paths from other paths if opt.output_path is None: opt.output_path = opt.meas_dir iotools.create_dirs(opt.output_path) # some paths "hardcoded" opt.change_params_path = os.path.join(opt.output_path, "{:s}.madx".format(opt.output_filename)) opt.change_params_correct_path = os.path.join(opt.output_path, "{:s}_correct.madx".format(opt.output_filename)) opt.knob_path = os.path.join(opt.output_path, "{:s}.tfs").format(opt.output_filename) # check cuts and weights: def_dict = _get_default_values() if opt.modelcut is None: opt.modelcut = [def_dict["modelcut"][p] for p in opt.optics_params] elif len(opt.optics_params) != len(opt.modelcut): raise ValueError("The length of modelcut is not the same as of the optical parameters!") if opt.errorcut is None: opt.errorcut = [def_dict["errorcut"][p] for p in opt.optics_params] elif len(opt.optics_params) != len(opt.errorcut): raise ValueError("The length of errorcut is not the same as of the optical parameters!") if opt.weights is None: opt.weights = [def_dict["weights"][p] for p in opt.optics_params] elif len(opt.optics_params) != len(opt.weights): raise ValueError("The length of the weights is not the same as of the optical parameters!") return opt def _get_method_opt(opt): """ Slightly unnecessary function to separate method-options for easier debugging and readability """ return opt.get_subdict(["svd_cut", "n_correctors"]) def _print_rms(meas, diff_w, r_delta_w): """ Prints current RMS status """ f_str = "{:>20s} : {:.5e}" LOG.debug("RMS Measure - Model (before correction, w/o weigths):") for key in meas: LOG.debug(f_str.format(key, _rms(meas[key].loc[:, 'DIFF'].values)))"RMS Measure - Model (before correction, w/ weigths):") for key in meas: key, _rms(meas[key].loc[:, 'DIFF'].values * meas[key].loc[:, 'WEIGHT'].values)))"All", _rms(diff_w))) LOG.debug(f_str.format("R * delta", _rms(r_delta_w))) LOG.debug("(Measure - Model) - (R * delta) ") LOG.debug(f_str.format("", _rms(diff_w - r_delta_w))) def _load_fullresponse(full_response_path, variables): """ Full response is dictionary of optics-parameter gradients upon a change of a single quadrupole strength """ LOG.debug("Starting loading Full Response optics") with open(full_response_path, "r") as full_response_file: full_response_data = pickle.load(full_response_file) loaded_vars = [] [loaded_vars.append(var) for resp in full_response_data.values() for var in resp] if not any([v in loaded_vars for v in variables]): raise ValueError("None of the given variables found in response matrix. " "Are you using the right categories?") LOG.debug("Loading ended") return full_response_data def _get_measurment_data(keys, meas_dir, beta_file_name, w_dict): """ Retruns a dictionary full of get_llm data """ measurement = {} filtered_keys = [k for k in keys if w_dict[k] != 0] getllm_data = OpticsMeasurement(meas_dir) for key in filtered_keys: if key == "MUX": measurement['MUX'] = getllm_data.phase_x elif key == 'MUY': measurement['MUY'] = getllm_data.phase_y elif key == "DX": measurement['DX'] = getllm_data.disp_x elif key == "DY": measurement['DY'] = getllm_data.disp_y elif key == "NDX": measurement['NDX'] = getllm_data.norm_disp elif key in ('F1001R', 'F1001I', 'F1010R', 'F1010I'): measurement[key] = getllm_data.coupling elif key == "Q": measurement["Q"] = pd.DataFrame({ # Just fractional tunes: 'VALUE': np.remainder([getllm_data.phase_x['Q1'], getllm_data.phase_y['Q2']], [1, 1]), # TODO measured errors not in the file 'ERROR': np.array([0.001, 0.001]) }, index=['Q1', 'Q2']) else: # a beta key if beta_file_name == "getbeta": if key in ("BBX", "BETX"): measurement[key] = getllm_data.beta_x elif key in ("BBY", "BETY"): measurement[key] = getllm_data.beta_y elif beta_file_name == "getampbeta": if key in ("BBX", "BETX"): measurement[key] = getllm_data.amp_beta_x elif key in ("BBY", "BETY"): measurement[key] = getllm_data.amp_beta_y elif beta_file_name == "getkmodbeta": if key in ("BBX", "BETX"): measurement[key] = getllm_data.kmod_beta_x elif key in ("BBY", "BETY"): measurement[key] = getllm_data.kmod_beta_y return filtered_keys, measurement def _automate_modelcut(mcut_dict, meas_dict, vars_categories): """ Automatic calculation of model-cut For coupling: Applied if "coupling_knobs" is int the list of variables AND if the model-cut is set to zero! """ if "coupling_knobs" in vars_categories: # use the value after 5% of the sorted data as cut value for rdt in ["1001", "1010"]: rdt_names = ["F{:s}{:s}".format(rdt, comp) for comp in ["R", "I"]] if any([name in meas_dict for name in rdt_names]): # use meas_dict for checking, because it's already filtered try: meas = meas_dict[rdt_names[0]] except KeyError: # does not matter which one they link to the same file meas = meas_dict[rdt_names[1]] amp_meas = meas["F{:s}W".format(rdt)] amp_mdl = np.sqrt(meas["MDLF{:s}R".format(rdt)]**2 + meas["MDLF{:s}I".format(rdt)]**2 ) idx_num = int(np.floor(len(amp_meas) * 0.95)) idx = amp_meas.sort_values().index.values[idx_num] new_cut = np.abs(amp_meas[idx] - amp_mdl[idx]) for name in rdt_names: if mcut_dict[name] == 0.0: mcut_dict[name] = new_cut"Model Cut for {:s} set to {:e}.".format(name, new_cut)) return mcut_dict def _get_varlist(accel_cls, variables, virt_flag): # TODO: Virtual? varlist = np.array(accel_cls.get_variables(classes=variables)) if len(varlist) == 0: raise ValueError("No variables found! Make sure your categories are valid!") return varlist def _maybe_add_coupling_to_model(model, keys): if any([key for key in keys if key.startswith("F1")]): tw_opt = TwissOptics(model) couple = tw_opt.get_coupling(method="cmatrix") model["F1001R"] = couple["F1001"].apply(np.real).astype(np.float64) model["F1001I"] = couple["F1001"].apply(np.imag).astype(np.float64) model["F1010R"] = couple["F1010"].apply(np.real).astype(np.float64) model["F1010I"] = couple["F1010"].apply(np.imag).astype(np.float64) return model # Parameter filtering ######################################################## def _filter_measurement(keys, meas, model, errorbar, w_dict, e_dict, m_dict): """ Filters measurements and renames columns to VALUE, ERROR, WEIGHT""" filters = _get_measurement_filters() new = dict.fromkeys(keys) for key in keys: new[key] = filters[key](key, meas[key], model, errorbar, w_dict[key], modelcut=m_dict[key], errorcut=e_dict[key]) return new def _get_filtered_generic(key, meas, model, erwg, weight, modelcut, errorcut): common_bpms = meas.index.intersection(model.index) meas = meas.loc[common_bpms, :] # value new = tfs.TfsDataFrame(index=common_bpms) new.loc[:, "VALUE"] = meas[key] # errors if ("ERR" + key) in meas.columns.values: # usually beta if ('STD' + key) in meas.columns.values: # Old files or k-mod new['ERROR'] = np.sqrt(np.square(meas['ERR' + key].values) + np.square(meas['STD' + key].values)) else: new['ERROR'] = meas['ERR' + key] else: key2num = {'1001': '1', '1010': '2'} if key[1:-1] in key2num: # coupling new.loc[:, 'ERROR'] = meas['FWSTD' + key2num[key[1:-1]]] else: new.loc[:, 'ERROR'] = meas['STD'+key] # weights new.loc[:, 'WEIGHT'] = weight if erwg: new.loc[:, 'WEIGHT'] = _get_errorbased_weights(key, new['WEIGHT'], new['ERROR']) # filter cuts error_filter = new.loc[:, 'ERROR'].values < errorcut try: model_filter = np.abs(new.loc[:, 'VALUE'].values - meas[key + 'MDL'].values) < modelcut except KeyError: # Why is there no standard for where "MDL" is attached to the name??? model_filter = np.abs(new['VALUE'].values - meas['MDL' + key].values) < modelcut good_bpms = error_filter & model_filter LOG.debug("Number of BPMs with {:s}: {:d}".format(key, np.sum(good_bpms))) return new.loc[good_bpms, :] def _get_filtered_phases(key, meas, model, erwg, weight, modelcut, errorcut): common_bpms = meas.index.intersection(model.index) meas = meas.loc[common_bpms, :] col_val = "PHASE" + key[-1] col_err = "STDPH" + key[-1] col_mdl = "PH" + key[-1] + "MDL" # value new = tfs.TfsDataFrame(index=common_bpms) new.loc[:, "VALUE"] = meas[col_val] # errors new.loc[:, 'ERROR'] = meas[col_err] # weights new.loc[:, 'WEIGHT'] = weight if erwg: new.loc[:, 'WEIGHT'] = _get_errorbased_weights(key, new['WEIGHT'], new['ERROR']) # filter cuts error_filter = new['ERROR'] < errorcut model_filter = np.abs(new['VALUE'] - meas[col_mdl]) < modelcut new.loc[:, 'NAME2'] = meas['NAME2'] second_bpm_in = np.in1d(new['NAME2'].values, new.index.values) good_bpms = error_filter & model_filter & second_bpm_in good_bpms[-1] = False LOG.debug("Number of BPMs with {:s}: {:d}".format(key, np.sum(good_bpms))) return new.loc[good_bpms, :] def _get_filtered_betabeat(key, meas, model, erwg, weight, modelcut, errorcut): # Beta-beating and its error RELATIVE as shown in GUI common_bpms = meas.index.intersection(model.index) meas = meas.loc[common_bpms, :] col_val = "BET" + key[-1] col_std = "STDBET" + key[-1] col_err = 'ERRBET' + key[-1] col_mdl = "BET" + key[-1] + "MDL" # value new = tfs.TfsDataFrame(index=common_bpms) new.loc[:, 'VALUE'] = meas[col_val] # errors if col_std in new.columns.values: # Old files or k-mod new.loc[:, 'ERROR'] = np.sqrt(np.square(meas[col_err]) + np.square(meas[col_std])) else: new.loc[:, 'ERROR'] = meas[col_err] # weights new.loc[:, 'WEIGHT'] = weight if erwg: new.loc[:, 'WEIGHT'] = _get_errorbased_weights(key, new['WEIGHT'] * meas[col_mdl], new['ERROR']) # filter cuts model_filter = np.abs(new['VALUE'] - meas[col_mdl]) / meas[col_mdl] < modelcut error_filter = new['ERROR'] / meas[col_mdl] < errorcut good_bpms = model_filter & error_filter LOG.debug("Number of BPMs with {:s}: {:d}".format(key, np.sum(good_bpms))) return new.loc[good_bpms, :] def _get_tunes(key, meas, model, erwg, weight, modelcut, errorcut): meas.loc[:, 'WEIGHT'] = weight if erwg: meas.loc[:, 'WEIGHT'] = _get_errorbased_weights(key, meas['WEIGHT'], meas['ERROR']) LOG.debug("Number of tune measurements: " + str(len(meas.index.values))) return meas def _get_errorbased_weights(key, weights, errors): if 0 in errors.values: LOG.warn("Zero-values found in errors of '{:s}'. ".format(key) + "Weights will not be based on errors for this parameter! " + "(Maybe don't use --errorbars.)") return weights else: return weights / errors # Response filtering ########################################################## def _filter_response_index(response, measurement, keys): not_in_response = [k for k in keys if k not in response] if len(not_in_response) > 0: raise KeyError("The following optical parameters are not present in current" "response matrix: {:s}".format(not_in_response)) filters = _get_response_filters() new_resp = {} for key in keys: new_resp[key] = filters[key](response[key], measurement[key]) return new_resp def _get_generic_response(resp, meas): return resp.loc[meas.index.values, :] def _get_phase_response(resp, meas): phase1 = resp.loc[meas.index.values, :] phase2 = resp.loc[meas.loc[:, 'NAME2'].values, :] return -phase1.sub(phase2.values) # phs2-phs1 but with idx of phs1 def _get_tune_response(resp, meas): return resp # Model appending ############################################################# def _append_model_to_measurement(model, measurement, keys): appenders = _get_model_appenders() meas = {} for key in keys: meas[key] = appenders[key](model, measurement[key], key) return meas def _get_model_generic(model, meas, key): with log_pandas_settings_with_copy(LOG.debug): meas.loc[:, 'MODEL'] = model.loc[meas.index.values, key].values meas.loc[:, 'DIFF'] = meas['VALUE'] - meas['MODEL'] return meas def _get_model_phases(model, meas, key): with log_pandas_settings_with_copy(LOG.debug): meas.loc[:, 'MODEL'] = (model.loc[meas['NAME2'].values, key].values - model.loc[meas.index.values, key].values) meas.loc[:, 'DIFF'] = meas['VALUE'] - meas['MODEL'] return meas def _get_model_betabeat(model, meas, key): col = "BETX" if key == "BBX" else "BETY" with log_pandas_settings_with_copy(LOG.debug): meas.loc[:, 'MODEL'] = model.loc[meas.index.values, col].values meas.loc[:, 'DIFF'] = (meas['VALUE'] - meas['MODEL']) / meas['MODEL'] return meas def _get_model_norm_disp(model, meas, key): col = key[1:] beta = "BET" + key[-1] with log_pandas_settings_with_copy(LOG.debug): meas.loc[:, 'MODEL'] = ( model.loc[meas.index.values, col].values / np.sqrt(model.loc[meas.index.values, beta].values) ) meas.loc[:, 'DIFF'] = meas['VALUE'] - meas['MODEL'] return meas def _get_model_tunes(model, meas, key): # We want just fractional tunes with log_pandas_settings_with_copy(LOG.debug): meas.loc[:, 'MODEL'] = np.remainder([model['Q1'], model['Q2']], [1, 1]) meas.loc[:, 'DIFF'] = meas['VALUE'] - meas['MODEL'] return meas # Main Calculation ############################################################# def _calculate_delta(resp_matrix, meas_dict, keys, vars_list, method, meth_opt): """ Get the deltas for the variables. Output is Dataframe with one column 'DELTA' and vars_list index. """ weight_vector = _join_columns('WEIGHT', meas_dict, keys) diff_vector = _join_columns('DIFF', meas_dict, keys) resp_weighted = resp_matrix.mul(weight_vector, axis="index") diff_weighted = diff_vector * weight_vector delta = _get_method_fun(method)(resp_weighted, diff_weighted, meth_opt) delta = tfs.TfsDataFrame(delta, index=vars_list, columns=["DELTA"]) # check calculations update =, delta["DELTA"]) _print_rms(meas_dict, diff_weighted, update) return delta def _get_method_fun(method): funcs = { "pinv": _pseudo_inverse, "omp": _orthogonal_matching_pursuit, } return funcs[method] def _pseudo_inverse(response_mat, diff_vec, opt): """ Calculates the pseudo-inverse of the response via svd. (numpy) """ if opt.svd_cut is None: raise ValueError("svd_cut setting needed for pseudo inverse method.") return, opt.svd_cut), diff_vec) def _orthogonal_matching_pursuit(response_mat, diff_vec, opt): """ Calculated n_correctors via orthogonal matching pursuit""" if opt.n_correctors is None: raise ValueError("n_correctors setting needed for orthogonal matching pursuit.") # return orthogonal_mp(response_mat, diff_vec, opt.n_correctors) res = OrthogonalMatchingPursuit(opt.n_correctors).fit(response_mat, diff_vec) coef = res.coef_ LOG.debug("Orthogonal Matching Pursuit Results:") LOG.debug(" Chosen variables: {:s}".format(str(response_mat.columns.values[coef.nonzero()]))) LOG.debug(" Score: {:f}".format(res.score(response_mat, diff_vec))) return coef # MADX related ################################################################# def _create_corrected_model(twiss_out, change_params, accel_inst, debug): """ Use the calculated deltas in changeparameters.madx to create a corrected model """ # create script from template madx_script = accel_inst.get_update_correction_job(twiss_out, change_params) # run madx if debug: madx_wrapper.resolve_and_run_string(madx_script) else: madx_wrapper.resolve_and_run_string( madx_script, log_file=os.devnull, ) def write_knob(knob_path, delta): a = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time()) delta_out = - delta.loc[:, ["DELTA"]] delta_out.headers["PATH"] = os.path.dirname(knob_path) delta_out.headers["DATE"] = str(a.ctime()) tfs.write_tfs(knob_path, delta_out, save_index="NAME") def writeparams(path_to_file, delta): with open(path_to_file, "w") as madx_script: for var in delta.index.values: value = delta.loc[var, "DELTA"] madx_script.write("{var:s} = {var:s} {value:+e};\n".format(var=var, value=value)) # Small Helpers ################################################################ def _rms(a): return np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square(a))) def _dump(path_to_dump, content): with open(path_to_dump, 'wb') as dump_file: cPickle.Pickler(dump_file, -1).dump(content) def _join_responses(resp, keys, varslist): """ Returns matrix #BPMs * #Parameters x #variables """ return pd.concat([resp[k] for k in keys], # dataframes axis="index", # axis to join along join_axes=[pd.Index(varslist)] # other axes to use (pd Index obj required) ).fillna(0.0) def _join_columns(col, meas, keys): """ Retuns vector: N= #BPMs * #Parameters (BBX, MUX etc.) """ return np.concatenate([meas[key].loc[:, col].values for key in keys], axis=0) def _filter_by_strength(delta, resp_matrix, min_strength=0): """ Remove too small correctors """ delta = delta.loc[delta["DELTA"].abs() > min_strength] return delta, resp_matrix.loc[:, delta.index], delta.index.values # Main invocation ############################################################ if __name__ == "__main__": global_correction()