Source code for harmonic_analysis.harpy

This module is the actual implementation of the resonance search for
turn-by-turn data.
It uses a combination of the laskar method with SVD decomposition to speed up
the search of resonances.
from __future__ import print_function
import multiprocessing
import logging
from functools import partial
from collections import OrderedDict
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from utils import outliers

    from scipy.fftpack import fft as _fft
except ImportError:
    from numpy.fft import fft as _fft

    from numba import jit
except ImportError:

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
LOGGER.addHandler(logging.NullHandler())  # avoid 'no handler' warn from _which_compute_coef() on import

PI2I = 2 * np.pi * complex(0, 1)

    "X": ((0, 1, 0), (-2, 0, 0), (0, 2, 0), (-3, 0, 0), (-1, -1, 0),
          (2, -2, 0), (0, -2, 0), (1, -2, 0), (-1, 3, 0), (1, 2, 0),
          (-2, 1, 0), (1, 1, 0), (2, 0, 0), (-1, -2, 0), (3, 0, 0)),
    "Y": ((1, 0, 0), (-1, 1, 0), (-2, 0, 0), (1, -1, 0), (0, -2, 0),
          (0, -3, 0), (2, 1, 0), (-1, 3, 0), (1, 1, 0), (-1, 2, 0)),
    "Z": ((1, 0, 1), (0, 1, 1))

MAIN_LINES = {"X": (1, 0, 0), "Y": (0, 1, 0), "Z": (0, 0, 1)}
Z_TOLERANCE = 0.0001

PROCESSES = multiprocessing.cpu_count()

[docs]def harpy(harpy_input, bpm_matrix_x, usv_x, bpm_matrix_y, usv_y): """ """ all_frequencies = {} all_coefficients = {} spectr = {} bad_bpms_summaries = {} pandas_dfs = {} cases = (("X", bpm_matrix_x, usv_x), ("Y", bpm_matrix_y, usv_y)) for plane, bpm_matrix, usv in cases: panda = pd.DataFrame(index=bpm_matrix.index, columns=OrderedDict()) if harpy_input.harpy_mode == "window": frequencies, coefficients = windowed_padded_fft(bpm_matrix, usv, 21, harpy_input) else: frequencies, coefficients = harmonic_analysis(bpm_matrix, usv=usv, mode=harpy_input.harpy_mode, sequential=harpy_input.sequential, ) spectr[plane] = _get_bpms_spectr(bpm_matrix, coefficients, frequencies) panda, not_tune_bpms = _get_main_resonances( harpy_input, frequencies, coefficients, plane, harpy_input.tolerance, panda ) cleaned_by_tune_bpms = [] if not harpy_input.no_tune_clean: cleaned_by_tune_bpms = clean_by_tune(panda.loc[:, 'TUNE' + plane], harpy_input.tune_clean_limit) panda = panda.loc[panda.index.difference(cleaned_by_tune_bpms)] bpm_matrix = bpm_matrix.loc[panda.index] coefficients = coefficients.loc[panda.index] frequencies = frequencies.loc[panda.index] bad_bpms_summaries[plane] = _get_bad_bpms_summary( not_tune_bpms, cleaned_by_tune_bpms ) panda = _amp_and_mu_from_avg(bpm_matrix, plane, panda) panda = _get_natural_tunes(frequencies, coefficients, harpy_input, plane, panda) if harpy_input.tunez > 0.0: panda, _ = _get_main_resonances( harpy_input, frequencies, coefficients, "Z", Z_TOLERANCE, panda ) pandas_dfs[plane] = panda all_frequencies[plane] = frequencies all_coefficients[plane] = coefficients tunez = 0.0 if harpy_input.tunez > 0.0: tunez = pandas_dfs["X"]["TUNEZ"].mean() tunes = (pandas_dfs["X"]["TUNEX"].mean(), pandas_dfs["Y"]["TUNEY"].mean(), tunez) nattunes = (pandas_dfs["X"]["NATTUNEX"].mean(), pandas_dfs["Y"]["NATTUNEY"].mean()) # Log as an error in tune == nattune if tunes[0] == nattunes[0]: LOGGER.error('Tune and nattune for plane X are equal: {}'.format(tunes[0])) if tunes[1] == nattunes[1]: LOGGER.error('Tune and nattune for plane Y are equal: {}'.format(tunes[1])) n_turns = bpm_matrix_x.shape[1] for plane in ("X", "Y"): resonances_freqs = _compute_resonances_freqs(plane, tunes) if harpy_input.tunez > 0.0: resonances_freqs.update(_compute_resonances_freqs("Z", tunes)) pandas_dfs[plane] = _resonance_search(all_frequencies[plane], all_coefficients[plane], resonances_freqs, pandas_dfs[plane], n_turns) yield pandas_dfs[plane], spectr[plane], bad_bpms_summaries[plane]
def _get_bpms_spectr(bpm_matrix, coefficients, frequencies): all_bpms_coefs = pd.DataFrame(data=coefficients, index=bpm_matrix.index) all_bpms_freqs = pd.DataFrame(data=frequencies, index=bpm_matrix.index) all_bpms_spectr = {"COEFS": all_bpms_coefs, "FREQS": all_bpms_freqs} return all_bpms_spectr
[docs]def harmonic_analysis(bpm_matrix=None, usv=None, mode="bpm", sequential=False): """ Performs the laskar method on every of the BPMs signals contained in each row of the bpm_matrix pandas DataFame. Args: bpm_matrix: Pandas DataFrame containing the signals of each bpm in each row. In bpm mode this parameter is obligatory. usv: Truncated SVD decomposition of the bpm matrix. It must contain a tuple (U, S, V), where U must be a DataFrame with the bpm names as index. mode: one of 'bpm', 'svd', or 'fast'. Check 'harmonic_analysis_bpm' documentation for 'bpm' mode and 'harmonic_analysis_svd" for 'svd' and 'fast'. sequential: If true, it will run all the computations in a single core. Returns: frequencies: A numpy array with the frequencies found per BPM. bpm_coefficients: A numpy array containing the complex coefficients found per BPM. """ if mode == "bpm": if bpm_matrix is None: raise ValueError("bpm_matrix has to be provided " "for the bpm mode") frequencies, bpm_coefficients = harmonic_analysis_bpm( bpm_matrix, sequential=sequential, num_harms=NUM_HARMS, ) elif mode in ("svd", "fast"): if usv is None: raise ValueError("SVD decomposition has to be provided " "for fast or svd modes") num_harms = NUM_HARMS if mode == "fast" else NUM_HARMS_SVD frequencies, bpm_coefficients = harmonic_analysis_svd( usv, fast=mode == "fast", sequential=sequential, num_harms=num_harms, ) else: raise ValueError("Invalid harpy mode: {}".format(mode)) return frequencies, bpm_coefficients
[docs]def harmonic_analysis_bpm(bpm_matrix, sequential=False, num_harms=NUM_HARMS): """ Performs the laskar method on every of the BPMs signals contained in each row of the bpm_matrix pandas DataFame. This method will run the full laskar analysis in each BPM in parallel (slow). Args: bpm_matrix: Pandas DataFrame containing the signals of each bpm in each row. In bpm mode this parameter is obligatory. sequential: If true, it will run all the computations in a single core. num_harms: Number of harmonics to compute per BPM. Returns: frequencies: A numpy array with the frequencies found per BPM. bpm_coefficients: A numpy array containing the complex coefficients found per BPM. """ frequencies, bpm_coefficients = _parallel_laskar( bpm_matrix, sequential, num_harms, ) return frequencies, bpm_coefficients
[docs]def harmonic_analysis_svd(usv, fast=False, sequential=False, num_harms=NUM_HARMS): """ Performs the laskar method on every of the BPMs signals contained in each row of the bpm_matrix pandas DataFame. It takes advantage of the truncation of the V matrix in the SVD decomposition to speed up the calculations. Mode 'svd' is slower but more precise, 'bpm' mode is the fastest but makes more assumptions. Args: usv: Truncated SVD decomposition of the bpm matrix. It must contain a tuple (U, S, V), where U must be a DataFrame with the bpm names as index. fast: If true, it will use the 'fast' calculation mode ('svd' otherwise) sequential: If true, it will run all the computations in a single core. num_harms: Number of harmonics to compute per BPM. Returns: frequencies: A numpy array with the frequencies found per BPM. bpm_coefficients: A numpy array containing the complex coefficients found per BPM. """ sv =[1]), usv[2]) fake_bpms = ["MODE{}".format(i) for i in range(sv.shape[0])] sv = pd.DataFrame(index=fake_bpms, data=sv) if fast: frequencies, _ = _laskar_per_mode(np.mean(sv, axis=0), num_harms) else: frequencies, _ = _parallel_laskar( sv, sequential, num_harms, ) frequencies = np.ravel(frequencies) svd_coefficients = _compute_coefs_for_freqs(sv, frequencies) bpm_coefficients = usv[0].dot(svd_coefficients.values) frequencies = pd.DataFrame( index=bpm_coefficients.index, data=np.outer(np.ones(bpm_coefficients.shape[0]), frequencies) ) return frequencies, bpm_coefficients
[docs]def clean_by_tune(tunes, tune_clean_limit): """ This function looks for outliers in the tunes pandas Series and returns their indices. Args: tunes: Pandas series with the tunes per BPM and the BPM names as index. tune_clean_limit: No BPM will find as oulier if its distance to the average is lower than this limit. """ bad_bpms_mask = outliers.get_filter_mask( tunes, limit=tune_clean_limit, ) bad_bpms_names = tunes[~bad_bpms_mask].index return bad_bpms_names
def _get_bad_bpms_summary(not_tune_bpms, cleaned_by_tune_bpms): bad_bpms_summary = [] for bpm_name in not_tune_bpms: bad_bpms_summary.append(bpm_name + " The main resonance has not been found.") for bpm_name in cleaned_by_tune_bpms: bad_bpms_summary.append( "{} tune is too far from average" .format(bpm_name) ) return bad_bpms_summary def _parallel_laskar(samples, sequential, num_harms): freqs = pd.DataFrame( index=samples.index, data=np.zeros((samples.shape[0], num_harms), dtype=np.float) ) coefs = pd.DataFrame( index=samples.index, data=np.zeros((samples.shape[0], num_harms), dtype=np.complex128) ) def _collect_results(bpm_name, freq_and_coef): freq, coef = freq_and_coef freqs.loc[bpm_name] = freq coefs.loc[bpm_name] = coef pool = multiprocessing.Pool(np.min([PROCESSES, samples.shape[0]])) for bpm_name in samples.index: args = (samples.loc[bpm_name, :], num_harms) callback = partial(_collect_results, bpm_name) if sequential: callback(_laskar_per_mode(*args)) else: pool.apply_async(_laskar_per_mode, args, callback=callback) pool.close() pool.join() return freqs, coefs def _laskar_per_mode(samples, number_of_harmonics): freqs, coefs = _laskar_method(samples.values, number_of_harmonics) return np.array(freqs), np.array(coefs) def _compute_coefs_for_freqs(samples, freqs): # Samples is a matrix n = samples.shape[1] coefficients = np.exp(-PI2I * np.outer(np.arange(n), freqs)) ) / n return coefficients def _get_main_resonances(harpy_input, frequencies, coefficients, plane, tolerance, panda): h, v, l = MAIN_LINES[plane] freq = ((h * harpy_input.tunex) + (v * harpy_input.tuney) + (l * harpy_input.tunez)) max_coefs, max_freqs = _search_highest_coefs( freq, tolerance, frequencies, coefficients ) if not np.any(max_coefs) and plane != "Z": raise ValueError( "No main " + plane + " resonances found, " "try to increase the tolerance or adjust the tunes" ) bad_bpms_by_tune = coefficients.loc[max_coefs == 0.].index panda['TUNE'+plane] = max_freqs panda['AMP'+plane] = max_coefs.abs() panda['MU'+plane] = np.angle(max_coefs) / (2 * np.pi) if plane != "Z": panda = panda.loc[panda.index.difference(bad_bpms_by_tune)] return panda, bad_bpms_by_tune def _search_highest_coefs(freq, tolerance, frequencies, coefficients): min_val = freq - tolerance max_val = freq + tolerance freq_vals = frequencies.values coefs_vals = coefficients.values on_window_mask = (freq_vals >= min_val) & (freq_vals <= max_val) filtered_coefs = np.where(on_window_mask, coefs_vals, 0) filtered_amps = np.abs(filtered_coefs) max_indices = np.argmax(filtered_amps, axis=1) max_coefs = filtered_coefs[np.arange(coefs_vals.shape[0]), max_indices] max_coefs = pd.Series(index=coefficients.index, data=max_coefs) max_freqs = freq_vals[np.arange(freq_vals.shape[0]), max_indices] max_freqs = pd.Series(index=coefficients.index, data=np.where(max_coefs != 0, max_freqs, 0)) return max_coefs, max_freqs def _amp_and_mu_from_avg(bpm_matrix, plane, panda): avg_coefs = _compute_coefs_for_freqs( bpm_matrix, np.mean(panda.loc[:, 'TUNE' + plane]) ) panda['AMP'+plane] = np.abs(avg_coefs) panda['MU'+plane] = np.angle(avg_coefs) / (2 * np.pi) return panda def _get_natural_tunes(frequencies, coefficients, harpy_input, plane, panda): if harpy_input.nattunex is None or harpy_input.nattuney is None: return panda if plane == "X": freq = harpy_input.nattunex if plane == "Y": freq = harpy_input.nattuney max_coefs, max_freqs = _search_highest_coefs( freq, harpy_input.tolerance, frequencies, coefficients ) panda['NATTUNE' + plane] = max_freqs panda['NATMU' + plane] = np.angle(max_coefs) / (2 * np.pi) panda['NATAMP' + plane] = np.abs(max_coefs) return panda # Vectorized - coefficiens are matrix: def _resonance_search(frequencies, coefficients, resonances_freqs, panda, n_turns): results = panda for resonance in resonances_freqs.keys(): tolerance = _get_resonance_tolerance(resonance, n_turns) max_coefs, max_freqs = _search_highest_coefs(resonances_freqs[resonance], tolerance, frequencies, coefficients) resstr = _get_resonance_suffix(resonance) results['AMP' + resstr] = np.abs(max_coefs) results['PHASE' + resstr] = np.angle(max_coefs) / (2 * np.pi) results['FREQ' + resstr] = max_freqs return results def _get_resonance_suffix(resonance): x, y, z = resonance if z == 0: resstr = (str(x) + str(y)).replace("-", "_") else: resstr = (str(x) + str(y) + str(z)).replace("-", "_") return resstr def _compute_resonances_freqs(plane, tunes): """ Computes the frequencies for all the resonances listed in the constante RESONANCE_LISTS, together with the natural tunes frequencies if given. """ tunex, tuney, tunez = tunes freqs = [(resonance_h * tunex) + (resonance_v * tuney) + (resonance_l * tunez) for (resonance_h, resonance_v, resonance_l) in RESONANCE_LISTS[plane]] # Move to [0, 1] domain. freqs = [freq + 1. if freq < 0. else freq for freq in freqs] resonances_freqs = dict(zip(RESONANCE_LISTS[plane], freqs)) return resonances_freqs def _laskar_method(tbt, num_harmonics): samples = tbt[:] # Copy the samples array. n = len(samples) int_range = np.arange(n) coefficients = [] frequencies = [] for _ in range(num_harmonics): # Compute this harmonic frequency and coefficient. dft_data = _fft(samples) frequency = _jacobsen(dft_data, n) coefficient = _compute_coef(samples, frequency * n) / n # Store frequency and amplitude coefficients.append(coefficient) frequencies.append(frequency) # Subtract the found pure tune from the signal new_signal = coefficient * np.exp(PI2I * frequency * int_range) samples = samples - new_signal coefficients, frequencies = zip(*sorted(zip(coefficients, frequencies), key=lambda tuple: np.abs(tuple[0]), reverse=True)) return frequencies, coefficients def _jacobsen(dft_values, n): """ This method interpolates the real frequency of the signal using the three highest peaks in the FFT. """ k = np.argmax(np.abs(dft_values)) r = dft_values delta = np.tan(np.pi / n) / (np.pi / n) kp = (k + 1) % n km = (k - 1) % n delta = delta * np.real((r[km] - r[kp]) / (2 * r[k] - r[km] - r[kp])) return (k + delta) / n def _fft_method(tbt, num_harmonics): samples = tbt[:] # Copy the samples array. n = float(len(samples)) dft_data = _fft(samples) indices = np.argsort(np.abs(dft_data))[::-1][:num_harmonics] frequencies = indices / n coefficients = dft_data[indices] / n return frequencies, coefficients def _compute_coef_simple(samples, kprime): """ Computes the coefficient of the Discrete Time Fourier Transform corresponding to the given frequency (kprime). """ n = len(samples) freq = kprime / n exponents = np.exp(-PI2I * freq * np.arange(n)) coef = np.sum(exponents * samples) return coef def _compute_coef_goertzel(samples, kprime): """ Computes the coefficient of the Discrete Time Fourier Transform corresponding to the given frequency (kprime). This function is faster than the previous one if compiled with Numba. """ n = len(samples) a = 2 * np.pi * (kprime / n) b = 2 * np.cos(a) c = np.exp(-complex(0, 1) * a) d = np.exp(-complex(0, 1) * ((2 * np.pi * kprime) / n) * (n - 1)) s1 = 0. s2 = 0. for i in range(n - 1): s0 = samples[i] + b * s1 - s2 s2 = s1 s1 = s0 s0 = samples[n - 1] + b * s1 - s2 y = s0 - s1 * c return y * d def _get_resonance_tolerance(resonance, n_turns): tolerance = max(1e-4, 1 / n_turns) x, y, z = resonance if z == 0: return (abs(x) + abs(y)) * tolerance return (abs(x) + abs(y) + abs(z) - 1) * tolerance def _which_compute_coef(): if not NUMBA_AVAILABLE: LOGGER.warn("Cannot import numba, using numpy functions.") return _compute_coef_simple LOGGER.debug("Using compiled Numba functions.") return jit(_compute_coef_goertzel, nopython=True, nogil=True) _compute_coef = _which_compute_coef() def windowed_padded_fft(matrix, svd, turn_bits, harpy_input): # TODO fft is used just once on real data -> rfft can be used and together with np.conj() when needed for_freqs =[1]), svd[2]) length = for_freqs.shape[1] padded_length = np.power(2, turn_bits) ints2pi = 2. * np.pi * np.arange(length) / float(length) nuttal4 = 0.3125 - 0.46875 * np.cos(ints2pi) + 0.1875 * np.cos(2. * ints2pi) - 0.03125 * np.cos(3. * ints2pi) norm = np.sum(nuttal4) #nuttal3 = 0.375 - 0.5 * np.cos(ints2pi) + 0.125 * np.cos(2. * ints2pi) #norm = np.sum(nuttal3) s_vt_freq = np.fft.fft(for_freqs * nuttal4, n=padded_length) samples = np.power(2, turn_bits - 13) mask = _get_mask(harpy_input.tolerance, s_vt_freq.shape[1], harpy_input) extended = int(np.ceil(np.sum(mask) / float(samples)) * samples) coefficients =[0], s_vt_freq[:, mask]) new_coeffs = np.zeros((coefficients.shape[0], extended), dtype=np.complex128) new_freqs = np.zeros((coefficients.shape[0], extended)) new_coeffs[:,:int(np.sum(mask))] = coefficients coef = new_coeffs.reshape(new_coeffs.shape[0], int(extended/samples), samples) argsmax = np.outer(np.ones(new_coeffs.shape[0],, np.arange(int(extended/samples))*samples) + np.argmax(np.abs(coef), axis=2) freqs = np.arange(np.power(2, turn_bits), dtype=np.float64)[mask] / float(np.power(2, turn_bits)) new_freqs[:, :int(np.sum(mask))] = freqs coeffs = pd.DataFrame(index=matrix.index, data=new_coeffs[np.arange(new_coeffs.shape[0])[:, None], argsmax] / norm) frequencies = pd.DataFrame(index=coeffs.index, data=new_freqs[np.arange(new_freqs.shape[0])[:, None], argsmax]) return frequencies, coeffs def _get_mask(tol, length, harpy_input): freqs = [0.0] for dim in ["X", "Y", "Z"]: freqs.extend([(resonance_h * harpy_input.tunex) + (resonance_v * harpy_input.tuney) + (resonance_l * harpy_input.tunez) for (resonance_h, resonance_v, resonance_l) in RESONANCE_LISTS[dim]]) freqs.extend([harpy_input.nattunex, harpy_input.nattuney, harpy_input.tunez]) # Move to [0, 1] domain. freqs = [freq + 1. if freq < 0. else freq for freq in freqs] freqs = np.array(freqs) * length tolerance = tol * length mask = np.zeros(length, dtype=bool) for res in freqs: mask[max(0, int(res - tolerance)):min(length, int(res + tolerance))] = True return mask