Source code for measure_optics

.. module: measure_optics

Created on 11/07/18

:author: Lukas Malina

Top-level script, which computes various lattice optics parameters from frequency spectra

import os
from os.path import isfile, join
import sys
import traceback
import datetime
from time import time
import re
from collections import OrderedDict
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from optics_measurements import optics_input, dpp, tune, phase
from optics_measurements import (beta, beta_from_amplitude, coupling, dispersion,
                                 interaction_point, kick, resonant_driving_terms)
from model.accelerators.accelerator import AccExcitationMode
from utils import logging_tools, iotools
from tfs_files import tfs_pandas

VERSION = '0.2.0'
DEBUG = sys.flags.debug  # True with python option -d! ("python -d") (vimaier)
LOGGER = logging_tools.get_logger(__name__, level_console=logging_tools.INFO)
PLANES = ('X', 'Y')
LOG_FILE = "measure_optics.log"

[docs]def measure_optics(input_files, measure_input): """ Main function to compute various lattice optics parameters from frequency spectra Args: input_files: InputFiles object containing frequency spectra files (linx/y) measure_input: OpticsInput object containing analysis settings Returns: """"Calculating optics parameters - code version " + VERSION) global __start_time __start_time = time() iotools.create_dirs(measure_input.outputdir) logging_tools.add_module_handler(logging_tools.file_handler( join(measure_input.outputdir, LOG_FILE))) common_header = _get_header(measure_input) if sys.flags.debug:" DEBUG ON") print_time() try: tune_dict = tune.calculate_tunes(measure_input, input_files) phase_dict = phase.calculate_phases(measure_input, input_files, tune_dict, common_header) except: raise ValueError("Phase advance or tune calculation failed: No other calculation will run") print_time() try: coupling.calculate_coupling(measure_input, input_files, phase_dict, tune_dict, common_header) except: _tb_() if measure_input.only_coupling:"Finished as only coupling calculation was requested.") return try: beta_df_x, driven_beta_df_x, beta_df_y, driven_beta_df_y = beta.calculate_beta_from_phase( measure_input, tune_dict, phase_dict, common_header) if driven_beta_df_x is None: beta_df_dict = {"X": beta_df_x, "Y": beta_df_y} else: beta_df_dict = {"X": driven_beta_df_x, "Y": driven_beta_df_y} except: _tb_() try: ratio = beta_from_amplitude.calculate_beta_from_amplitude(measure_input, input_files, tune_dict, phase_dict, beta_df_dict, common_header) except: _tb_() # in the following functions, nothing should change, so we choose the models now mad_twiss = measure_input.accelerator.get_model_tfs() # mad_elements = measure_input.accelerator.get_elements_tfs() if measure_input.accelerator.excitation != AccExcitationMode.FREE: mad_ac = measure_input.accelerator.get_driven_tfs() else: mad_ac = mad_twiss try: interaction_point.write_betastar_from_phase( interaction_point.betastar_from_phase( measure_input.accelerator, phase_dict, mad_twiss ), common_header, measure_input.outputdir) except: _tb_() try: dispersion.calculate_orbit_and_dispersion(measure_input, input_files, tune_dict, mad_twiss, beta_df_dict, common_header) except: _tb_() try: inv_x, inv_y = kick.calculate_kick(measure_input, input_files, mad_twiss, mad_ac, ratio, common_header) except: _tb_() if measure_input.nonlinear: try: resonant_driving_terms.calculate_RDTs(measure_input, input_files, mad_twiss, phase_dict, common_header, inv_x, inv_y) except: _tb_() print_time()
def _get_header(meas_input): return OrderedDict([('Measure_optics:version', VERSION), ('Command', sys.executable + " '" + "' '".join([] + sys.argv) + "'"), ('CWD', os.getcwd()), ('Date',"%d. %B %Y, %H:%M:%S")), ('Model_directory', meas_input.accelerator.model_dir)]) def _tb_(): if sys.stdout.isatty(): err_exc = re.sub(r"line\s([0-9]+)", "\33[1mline \33[38;2;80;160;255m\\1\33[0m\33[21m", traceback.format_exc()) err_exc = re.sub("File\\s\"([^\"]+)\",", "File \33[38;2;0;255;100m\\1\33[0m", err_exc) err_excs = err_exc.split("\n") for line in err_excs: LOGGER.error(line) else: LOGGER.error(traceback.format_exc()) def print_time(): LOGGER.debug("::: Elapsed time >>>>>>>>>> {:8.3f} s".format(time() - __start_time))
[docs]class InputFiles(dict): """ Stores the input files, provides methods to gather quantity specific data Public methods: get_dpps(plane) get_joined_frame(plane, columns, zero_dpp=False, how='inner') get_columns(frame, column) get_data(frame, column) """ def __init__(self, files_to_analyse): super(InputFiles, self).__init__(zip(PLANES, ([], []))) if isinstance(files_to_analyse, str): for file_in in files_to_analyse.split(','): for plane in PLANES: if isfile(file_in + '.lin' + plane.lower()): file_to_load = file_in + '.lin' + plane.lower() else: file_to_load = file_in + '_lin' + plane.lower() self[plane].append(tfs_pandas.read_tfs(file_to_load).set_index("NAME")) else: for file_in in files_to_analyse: for plane in PLANES: self[plane].append(file_in[plane.lower()]) for plane in PLANES: self[plane] = dpp.arrange_dpp(self[plane]) if len(self['X']) + len(self['Y']) == 0: raise IOError("No valid input files")
[docs] def dpps(self, plane): """ Gathers measured DPPs from input files corresponding to given plane Parameters: plane: "X" or "Y" Returns: numpy array of DPPs """ return np.array([df.DPP for df in self[plane]])
def zero_dpp_frames(self, plane): _zero_dpp_frames = [] for i in np.argwhere(self.dpps(plane) == 0.0).T[0]: _zero_dpp_frames.append(self[plane][i]) if len(_zero_dpp_frames) > 0: return _zero_dpp_frames return self._all_frames(plane) def _all_frames(self, plane): return self[plane]
[docs] def joined_frame(self, plane, columns, zero_dpp=False, how='inner'): """ Constructs merged DataFrame from InputFiles Parameters: plane: "X" or "Y" columns: list of columns from input files zero_dpp: if True merges only zero-dpp files, default is False how: way of merging: 'inner' (intersection) or 'outer' (union), default is 'inner' Returns: merged DataFrame from InputFiles """ if how not in ['inner', 'outer']: raise RuntimeWarning("'how' should be either 'inner' or 'outer', 'inner' will be used.") if zero_dpp: frames_to_join = self.zero_dpp_frames(plane) else: frames_to_join = self._all_frames(plane) if len(frames_to_join) == 0: raise ValueError("No data found") joined_frame = pd.DataFrame(self[plane][0]).loc[:, columns] for i, df in enumerate(self[plane][1:]): joined_frame = pd.merge(joined_frame, df.loc[:, columns], how=how, left_index=True, right_index=True, suffixes=('', '__' + str(i + 1))) for column in columns: joined_frame.rename(columns={column: column + '__0'}, inplace=True) return joined_frame
def calibrate(self, calibs): if calibs is None: return for plane in PLANES: for i in range(len(self[plane])): data = pd.merge(self[plane][i].loc[:, ["AMP" + plane]], calibs[plane], how='left', left_index=True, right_index=True).fillna( value={"CALIBRATION": 1., "ERROR_CALIBRATION": 0.}) self[plane][i]["AMP" + plane] = self[plane][i].loc[:, "AMP" + plane] * data.loc[:,"CALIBRATION"] self[plane][i]["ERRAMP" + plane] = data.loc[:, "ERROR_CALIBRATION"] # TODO
[docs] @ staticmethod def get_columns(frame, column): """ Returns list of columns of frame corresponding to column in original files Parameters: frame: joined frame column: name of column in original files Returns: list of columns """ str_list = list(frame.columns[frame.columns.str.startswith(column + '__')].values) new_list = list(map(lambda s: s.strip(column + '__'), str_list)) new_list.sort(key=int) return [(column + '__' + str(x)) for x in new_list]
[docs] def get_data(self, frame, column): """ Returns data in columns of frame corresponding to column in original files Parameters: frame: joined frame column: name of column in original files Returns: data in numpy array corresponding to column in original files """ return frame.loc[:, self.get_columns(frame, column)].values
def _copy_calibration_files(outputdir, calibrationdir): if calibrationdir is None: return None calibs = {} for plane in PLANES: cal_file = "calibration_{}.out".format(plane.lower()) iotools.copy_item(join(calibrationdir, cal_file), join(outputdir, cal_file)) calibs[plane] = tfs_pandas.read_tfs(join(outputdir, cal_file)).set_index("NAME") return calibs if __name__ == "__main__": arguments = optics_input.parse_args() inputs = InputFiles(arguments.files) iotools.create_dirs(arguments.outputdir) calibrations = _copy_calibration_files(arguments.outputdir, arguments.calibrationdir) inputs.calibrate(calibrations) measure_optics(inputs, arguments)