Source code for online_model.extractor_wrapper

Module online_model.extractor_wrapper
Python wrapper to use the online model extractor with some conversion functionality.

.. warning::
    Needs to be run from the technical network or using a cwd with server and local access.
import os
import subprocess

import online_model.constants as const
import online_model.data_converter as dc
from tfs_files import tfs_pandas as tfs
from utils import logging_tools
from plotshop.plot_tfs import plot

LOG = logging_tools.get_logger(__name__)

[docs]def extract_knob_value_and_definition(knob_names, time, cwd="./", server=None): """ Extract knob values from online model using the knob name and the time. Example Call:: extract_knob_values("LHCBEAM/2018_global_ats_flat_b1_for_ip5_waist", "2018-10-30 15:00:00.0", cwd="/afs/", server="cs-ccr-dev3") Args: knob_names (list): List of knob names to extract time: UTC time in ISOformat to extract cwd: output directory for results and log (default: current directory) server: server to run on (default: runs local) """ knob_file = os.path.join(cwd, const.get_extractor_knobs_filename()) # first get the trim value and madx_changefile _run_knob_extraction(knob_names, time, cwd, server, "trim") if not os.path.exists(knob_file): raise IOError("Something went wrong while extracting data form online model. See log file.") trim, _ = dc.post_trim_extract(knob_file) # run again and get the values and deltas _run_knob_extraction(knob_names, time, cwd, server, "k") df_list = dc.knobs_k_to_tfs(knob_file, trim) for knob, df in zip(knob_names, df_list): filename = const.get_knob_tfs_filename(knob) tfs.write_tfs(os.path.join(cwd, filename), df)
[docs]def extract_overview(knob_names, time=None, cwd="./", server=None, show_plot=False): """ Extract overview-data consisting of - beamprocess - optics used - values of given Knobs - orbit plot Args: knob_names (list): List of knob names to extract time: UTC time in ISO format (default: now) cwd: output directory for results and log (default: current directory) server: server to run on (default: runs local) """ if time is None: time = dc.get_utc_now() if knob_names is None or len(knob_names) == 0: raise NotImplementedError("Knob names need to be provided, due to bug in extractor.") # knob_names = extract_all_knob_names(time=time, only_active=False, cwd=cwd, server=server) # extraction _run_overview_extraction(knob_names, time, cwd, server) # knobs knobs_file = os.path.join(cwd, const.get_extractor_knobs_filename()) if not os.path.exists(knobs_file): raise RuntimeError("Knobs output file '{:s}' ".format(knobs_file) + "not found!") df = dc.knobs_kvalues_to_tfs(knobs_file) # optics optics_file = os.path.join(cwd, const.get_extractor_output_filename()) if not os.path.exists(optics_file): raise RuntimeError("Optics output file '{:s}' ".format(optics_file) + "not found!") df.headers[const.get_optics_header()] = dc.get_optics(optics_file) # orbit filenames = [os.path.join(cwd, const.get_default_orbit_filename(b)) for b in [1, 2]] if not all([os.path.exists(fn) for fn in filenames]): raise RuntimeError("Orbit files not found in '{:s}'.".format(cwd)) df.headers[const.get_fill_header()] = dc.get_fill_from_orbitfile(filenames[0]) tfs.write_tfs(os.path.join(cwd, const.get_overview_filename()), df) _log_df(df) _plot_orbits(cwd, show_plot)
[docs]def extract_all_knob_names(time=None, only_active=True, cwd="./", server=None): """ DOES NOT WORK BECAUSE OF ONLINE-MODEL-EXTRACTOR BUGS.... Extract all knobs present at given time. Args: time: UTC time in ISO format (default: now) only_active (bool): If set, returns only knobs with non-zero value. cwd: output directory for results and log (default: current directory) server: server to run on (default: runs local) """ if time is None: time = dc.get_utc_now() _run_for_log(time, cwd, server) trims = dc.get_knobs_and_trims_from_log( os.path.join(cwd, const.get_extractor_log_filename()) ) if only_active: for key, value in trims.items(): if value == 0: del trims[key] LOG.debug("Extracted Knob-Names: '{}'".format(",".join(trims.keys()))) return trims.keys()
# Private Functions ############################################################ # Build command def _run_knob_extraction(knob_names, time, cwd, server, ktype): cmd = " ".join([const.get_om_extractor(), "-time", '"{:s}"'.format(dc.convert_utc_time_to_local(time)), "-Knames", '"{:s}"'.format(",".join(knob_names)), "-Ktype", const.get_ktype(ktype)]) _run_command(cmd, server, cwd) def _run_overview_extraction(knob_names, time, cwd, server): cmd = " ".join([const.get_om_extractor(), "-e", # extract optics "-oe", # extract orbit "-time", '"{:s}"'.format(dc.convert_utc_time_to_local(time)), "-Knames", '"{:s}"'.format(",".join(knob_names)), "-Ktype", const.get_ktype("trim")]) _run_command(cmd, server, cwd) def _run_for_log(time, cwd, server): cmd = " ".join([const.get_om_extractor(), "-time", '"{:s}"'.format(dc.convert_utc_time_to_local(time)), "-oe", # extract orbit "-Knames", "dummy", # makes it crash, but knobs will be in logs "-Ktype", const.get_ktype("trim") ]) _run_command(cmd, server, cwd) # Run command def _run_command(cmd, server, cwd): if server: cmd = "ssh -t -X -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no' {:s} 'cd {:s} ; {:s}'".format( server, cwd, cmd) LOG.debug("Running command:\n{}".format(cmd)) process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, cwd=cwd) process.wait() # Output def _log_df(df): LOG.debug("Extracted data summary:") s = "{:<20s}: {:s}" k = " {:<30s} = {:g}" with logging_tools.unformatted_console_logging():"")"Time (UTC)", df.headers[const.get_time_header()]))"Beamprocess", df.headers[const.get_beamprocess_header()]))"Optics", df.headers[const.get_optics_header()]))"Fill", str(df.headers[const.get_fill_header()])))"Trims", "")) for idx in df.index:*df.loc[idx, :].values))"") def _plot_orbits(cwd, show_plot): beams = [1, 2] filenames = [os.path.join(cwd, const.get_default_orbit_filename(b)) for b in beams] output = os.path.splitext(filenames[0])[0] file_labels = ["Beam {:d}".format(b) for b in beams] plot(files=filenames, y_cols=["X", "Y"], y_labels=["Orbit [m]"] * 2, file_labels=file_labels, figure_per_file=True, output=output, no_show=not show_plot, )