Module tfs_files.tfs_collection
Easy access to tfs-file contents via ``tfs_pandas``.
from __future__ import print_function
import os
from tfs_files import tfs_pandas
class _MetaTfsCollection(type):
Metaclass for TfsCollection. It takes the class attributes declared as
Tfs(...) and replaces it for a property getter and setter. Check
TfsCollection docs.
def __new__(mcs, cls_name, bases, dct):
new_dict = dict(dct)
new_dict["_two_plane_names"] = []
for name in dct:
value = dct[name]
args = value.args
kwargs = value.kwargs
except AttributeError:
new_props = _define_property(dct, args, kwargs)
prop_x, prop_y = new_props
new_dict[name + "_x"] = prop_x
new_dict[name + "_y"] = prop_y
except TypeError:
new_dict[name] = new_props
return super(_MetaTfsCollection, mcs).__new__(mcs, cls_name, bases, new_dict)
[docs]class TfsCollection(object):
""" Abstract class to lazily load and write TFS files.
The classes that inherit from this abstract class will be able to define
TFS files as readable or writable and read or write them just as attribute
access or assignments. All attributes will be read and write as Pandas
If "./example" is a directory that contains two TFS file "getbetax.out"
and "getbetax.out" with BETX and BETY columns respectively:
>>> class ExampleCollection(TfsCollection)
>>> # All TFS attributes must be marked with the Tfs(...) class:
>>> beta = Tfs("getbeta{}.out")
>>> # This is a traditional attribute.
>>> other_value = 7
>>> def get_filename(template, plane):
>>> return template.format(plane)
>>> example = ExampleCollection("./example")
>>> # Get the BETX column from "getbetax.out":
>>> beta_x_column = example.beta_x.BETX
>>> # Get the BETY column from "getbetay.out":
>>> beta_y_column = example.beta_y.BETY
>>> # The planes can also be accessed as items:
>>> beta_y_column = example.beta["y"].BETY
>>> # This will write an empty DataFrame to "getbetay.out":
>>> example.allow_write = True
>>> example.beta["y"] = DataFrame()
If the file to be loaded is not defined for two planes it can be declared
as: coupling = Tfs("getcouple.out", two_planes=False) and then accessed as
f1001w_column = example.coupling.F1001W.
No file will be loaded until the corresponding attribute is accessed and
the loaded DataFrame will be buffered, thus the user should expect an
IOError if the requested file is not in the provided directory (only the
first time but is better to always take it into account!).
When a DataFrame is assigned to one attribute it will be set as the buffer
value. If the self.allow_write attribute is set to true, an assignment on
one of the attributes will trigger the corresponding file write.
__metaclass__ = _MetaTfsCollection
def __init__(self, directory, allow_write=False):
self.directory = directory
self.allow_write = allow_write
self.maybe_call = _MaybeCall(self)
self._buffer = {}
[docs] def get_filename(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Returns the filename to be loaded or written.
This function will get as parameters any parameter given to the
Tfs(...) attributes. It must return the filename to be written
according to those parameters. If "two_planes=False" is not present in
the Tfs(...) definition, it will also be given the keyword argument
plane="x" or "y".
raise NotImplementedError(
"This is an abstract method, it should be implemented in subclasses."
[docs] def write_to(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Returns the filename and DataFrame to be written on assignments.
If this function is overwrote, it will replace get_filename(...) in
file writes to find out the filename of the file to be written. It also
gets the value assigned as first parameter.
It must return a tuple (filename, data_frame).
raise NotImplementedError(
"This is an abstract method, it should be implemented in subclasses."
[docs] def clear(self):
"""Clear the file buffer.
Any subsequent attribute access will try to load the corresponding file
self._buffer = {}
[docs] def read_tfs(self, filename):
"""Actually reads the TFS file from self.directory with filename.
This function can be ovewriten to use something instead of tfs_pandas
to load the files.
filename: The name of the file to load.
A tfs_pandas instance of the requested file.
tfs_data = tfs_pandas.read_tfs(os.path.join(self.directory, filename))
if "NAME" in tfs_data:
tfs_data = tfs_data.set_index("NAME", drop=False)
return tfs_data
def __getattr__(self, attr):
if attr in self._two_plane_names:
return TfsCollection._TwoPlanes(self, attr)
raise AttributeError("{} object has no attribute {}"
.format(self.__class__.__name__, attr))
def _load_tfs(self, filename):
return self._buffer[filename]
except KeyError:
tfs_data = self.read_tfs(filename)
if "NAME" in tfs_data:
tfs_data = tfs_data.set_index("NAME", drop=False)
self._buffer[filename] = tfs_data
return self._buffer[filename]
def _write_tfs(self, filename, data_frame):
if self.allow_write:
tfs_pandas.write_tfs(os.path.join(self.directory, filename), data_frame)
self._buffer[filename] = data_frame
class _TwoPlanes(object):
def __init__(self, parent, attr):
self.parent = parent
self.attr = attr
def __getitem__(self, plane):
return getattr(self.parent, self.attr + "_" + plane)
def __setitem__(self, plane, value):
setattr(self.parent, self.attr + "_" + plane, value)
[docs]class Tfs(object):
""" Class to mark attributes as Tfs attributes.
Any parameter given to this class will be passed to the "get_filename()"
and "write_to()" methods, together with the plane if "two_planes=False" is
not present.
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.args = args
self.kwargs = kwargs
# Private methods to define the properties ##################################
def _define_property(dct, args, kwargs):
if "two_planes" not in kwargs:
return _define_property_two_planes(dct, args, kwargs)
elif kwargs["two_planes"]:
return _define_property_two_planes(dct, args, kwargs)
def getter_funct(self):
return _getter(self, *args, **kwargs)
def setter_funct(self, tfs_data):
return _setter(self, tfs_data, *args, **kwargs)
return property(fget=getter_funct, fset=setter_funct)
def _define_property_two_planes(dct, args, kwargs):
x_kwargs = dict(kwargs)
y_kwargs = dict(kwargs)
x_kwargs["plane"] = "x"
y_kwargs["plane"] = "y"
def x_getter_funct(self):
return _getter(self, *args, **x_kwargs)
def x_setter_funct(self, tfs_data):
return _setter(self, tfs_data, *args, **x_kwargs)
def y_getter_funct(self):
return _getter(self, *args, **y_kwargs)
def y_setter_funct(self, tfs_data):
return _setter(self, tfs_data, *args, **y_kwargs)
property_x = property(fget=x_getter_funct, fset=x_setter_funct)
property_y = property(fget=y_getter_funct, fset=y_setter_funct)
return property_x, property_y
def _getter(self, *args, **kwargs):
filename = self.get_filename(*args, **kwargs)
return self._load_tfs(filename)
def _setter(self, value, *args, **kwargs):
filename, data_frame = self.write_to(value, *args, **kwargs)
self._write_tfs(filename, data_frame)
except NotImplementedError:
filename = self.get_filename(*args, **kwargs)
self._write_tfs(filename, value)
class _MaybeCall(object):
"""Handles the maybe_call feature of the TfsCollection.
This class defines the maybe_call attribute in the instances of
TfsCollection. To avoid repetitive try: except: blocks, this class allowes
you to do: meas.maybe_call.beta["x"](some_funct, args, kwargs). If the
requested file is available, the call is equivalent to: some_funct(args,
kwargs), if it is not no function is called and the program continues.
def __init__(self, parent):
self.parent = parent
def __getattr__(self, attr):
return _MaybeCall.MaybeCallAttr(self.parent, attr)
class MaybeCallAttr():
def __init__(self, parent, attr):
self.parent = parent
self.attr = attr
def __getitem__(self, item):
return _MaybeCall.MaybeCallAttr(self.parent,
self.attr + "_" + item)
def __call__(self, function, *args, **kwargs):
tfs_file = getattr(self.parent, self.attr)
except IOError:
return lambda funct: None # Empty function
return function(tfs_file, *args, **kwargs)