Source code for tfs_files.tfs_file_writer

Module tfs_files.tfs_file_writer

This module contains the class TfsFileWriter which is used to create easily TfsFiles.

.. moduleauthor:: Viktor Maier <>


    import tfs_files.tfs_file_writer as tfs_writer
    tfs_file_writer ="my_file.out")
    tfs_file_writer.set_column_width(15) # Specify desired column width
    tfs_file_writer.set_outputpath("/x/y/z/") # Specify a directory if desired

    tfs_file_writer.add_string_descriptor("NAME", "TWISS")
    tfs_file_writer.add_float_descriptor("MASS", 0.938272013)
    tfs_file_writer.add_comment("I am a comment")
    tfs_file_writer.add_column_names("NAME S BETX ALFX BETY ALFY".split())
    tfs_file_writer.add_column_datatypes("%s %le %le %le %le %le".split())
    tfs_file_writer.add_table_row("BTVSS.6L2.B1  1.125  131.58734  -1.8991  67.6178 1.6995".split())



    tfs_file_writer ="/x/y/z/my_file.out")
    #tfs_file_writer.set_outputpath("/x/y/z/") # Don't do this! Outputpath is already in file_name.

    ... # Add at least column_names, dolumn_datatypes and one table_row


import os
from utils import iotools
from utils import logging_tools
import numpy

LOG = logging_tools.get_logger(__name__)

def significant_numbers(value, uncertainty):

    digits = -int(numpy.floor(numpy.log10(uncertainty)))
    sig_uncertainty = round(uncertainty, digits)
    sig_value = round(value, digits)

    if numpy.floor(uncertainty / 10 ** numpy.floor(numpy.log10(sig_uncertainty))) == 1:
        digits = digits + 1
        sig_uncertainty = round(uncertainty, digits)
        sig_value = round(value, digits)
        if digits > 0:
            return format(sig_value, '.' + str(digits) + 'f'), format(sig_uncertainty, '.' + str(digits) + 'f')
        return format(sig_value, '.0f'), format(sig_uncertainty, '.0f')

    if digits > 0:
        return format(sig_value, '.' + str(numpy.abs(digits)) + 'f'), format(sig_uncertainty, '.' + str(numpy.abs(digits)) + 'f')
    return format(sig_value, '.0f'), format(sig_uncertainty, '.0f')

[docs]class TfsFileWriter(object): """ This class represents a TFS file. It stores all header lines and the table and write all the content formatted at once by calling the write function. """ DEFAULT_COLUMN_WIDTH = 20 # Indicates width of columns in output file. MIN_COLUMN_WIDTH = 10
[docs] @staticmethod def open(file_name): """ This function will create and return a TfsFileWriter object with the given filename. No file will be opened on the file system yet. An actual file will first be created after adding at least column_names, dolumn_datatypes and one table_row and the method call write_to_file(). """ return TfsFileWriter(file_name)
def __init__(self, file_name, outputpath=None, column_width=DEFAULT_COLUMN_WIDTH): """ Constructor Args: file_name (str): The file name without path where the file will be written outputpath (str): Folder to write the file into. Default: None == current folder) column_width (int): Indicates the width of each column in the file. Default: 17 """ self.__file_name = "" self.__outputpath = "" self.__column_width = 0 self.__tfs_header_lines = [] # Holds instances of subclasses of _TfsHeaderLine self.__tfs_table = _TfsTable(self) self.set_file_name(file_name) self.set_outputpath(outputpath) self.set_column_width(column_width) def set_file_name(self, file_name): if not isinstance(file_name, str) or 0 == len(file_name): raise ValueError("File name is not valid: " + file_name) self.__file_name = file_name def set_outputpath(self, outputpath): if outputpath is None or not isinstance(outputpath, str) or outputpath == "": outputpath = os.path.abspath("./") if iotools.not_exists_directory(outputpath): iotools.create_dirs(outputpath) self.__outputpath = outputpath def set_column_width(self, column_width): if not isinstance(column_width, (int, long)) or column_width < TfsFileWriter.MIN_COLUMN_WIDTH: column_width = TfsFileWriter.DEFAULT_COLUMN_WIDTH self.__column_width = column_width def get_file_name(self): return self.__file_name def get_tfs_table(self): return self.__tfs_table
[docs] def add_string_descriptor(self, name, str_value): """ Adds the string "@ <name> %s <data>" to the tfs header. """ tfs_descriptor = _TfsDescriptor(name, str_value, _TfsDataType.get_new_string_instance()) self.__tfs_header_lines.append(tfs_descriptor)
[docs] def add_float_descriptor(self, name, float_value): """ Adds the string "@ <name> %le <data>" to the tfs header. """ tfs_descriptor = _TfsDescriptor(name, float_value, _TfsDataType.get_new_float_instance()) self.__tfs_header_lines.append(tfs_descriptor)
[docs] def add_int_descriptor(self, name, int_value): """ Adds the string "@ <name> %d <data>" to the tfs header. """ tfs_descriptor = _TfsDescriptor(name, int_value, _TfsDataType.get_new_int_instance()) self.__tfs_header_lines.append(tfs_descriptor)
[docs] def add_header_line(self, str_value): """ Adds the line to the tfs header. """ self.__tfs_header_lines.append(_TfsLine(str_value))
[docs] def add_comment(self, comment): """ Adds the string "# <comment>" to the tfs header. """ self.__tfs_header_lines.append(_TfsComment(comment))
[docs] def add_column_names(self, list_names): """ Adds the list of column names to the table header. If the number of columns is determined already(e.g. by adding column data types) and the length of list_names does not match the number of columns a TypeError will be raised. Args: list_names (list): Containing the names of the columns. Without prefix '*' """ self.__tfs_table.add_column_names(list_names)
[docs] def add_column_datatypes(self, list_datatypes): """ Adds the list of column data types to the table header. If the number of columns is determined already(e.g. by adding column names) and the length of list_datatypes does not match the number of columns a TypeError will be raised. Args: list_datatypes (list): Containing the data type(%s, %le) of the columns. Without prefix '$' """ self.__tfs_table.add_column_datatypes(list_datatypes)
[docs] def add_table_row(self, list_row_entries): """ Adds the entries of one row to the table data. Args: list_row_entries (list): Values of one row. Datatypes will not be checked. Only length will be checked with the length of column names. """ self.__tfs_table.add_table_row(list_row_entries)
def get_absolute_file_name_path(self): return os.path.join(self.__outputpath, self.__file_name)
[docs] def order_rows(self, column_name, reverse=False): """ Orders the rows according to one of the column names. """ self.__tfs_table.order_rows(column_name, reverse)
[docs] def write_to_file(self, formatted=True): """ Writes the stored data to the file with the given filename. """ if not self.__tfs_table.are_column_names_and_types_are_set(): LOG.error(self.__file_name + ": " + "Abort writing file. Cannot write file until column names and types are set.") return if self.__tfs_table.is_empty(): LOG.error(self.__file_name + ": " + "Abort writing file. No rows in table.") return path = self.get_absolute_file_name_path() lines = [] # Header lines.extend(x.get_line_as_string() for x in self.__tfs_header_lines) LOG.debug("{} lines in tfs table".format(self.__tfs_table.get_row_count())) LOG.debug("{} rows in tfs table: {}".format(len(self.__tfs_table.get_column_names()), " ".join(self.__tfs_table.get_column_names()))) # Table if formatted: self.__write_formatted_table(lines) else: self.__write_unformatted_table(lines) with open(path, 'w') as tfs_file: tfs_file.write("\n".join(lines))
def __write_formatted_table(self, lines): """ Writes the table of this object formatted to file. """ list_column_types = self.__tfs_table.get_column_data_types() list_column_names = self.__tfs_table.get_column_names() format_for_titles = self.__get_column_formatter(list_column_names, with_type=False) format_for_data = self.__get_column_formatter(list_column_types, with_type=True) # Write column names str_column_names = "* " + format_for_titles.format(*list_column_names) lines.append(str_column_names) # Write column types str_column_types = "$ " + format_for_titles.format(*list_column_types) lines.append(str_column_types) # Write table lines for table_line in self.__tfs_table.get_data_rows(): formatted_line = " " + format_for_data.format(*table_line) lines.append(formatted_line) def __write_unformatted_table(self, lines): lines.append("* " + " ".join(self.__tfs_table.get_column_names())) lines.append("$ " + " ".join(self.__tfs_table.get_column_data_types())) for row in self.__tfs_table.get_data_rows(): lines.append(" ".join(str(entry) for entry in row)) def __get_column_formatter(self, list_of_names, with_type): def type_fmt(s): if with_type: return _TfsDataType.get_type_from_string( s).get_type_as_python_format(self.__column_width) return "{:d}".format(self.__column_width) return " ".join("{" + "{:d}:>".format(indx) + type_fmt(ctype) + "}" for indx, ctype in enumerate(list_of_names) )
class _TfsHeaderLine(object): """ Abstract class which represents a header line. Subclasses: _TfsDescriptor, _TfsComment, _TfsLine """ def __init__(self): pass def get_line_as_string(self): raise NotImplementedError() class _TfsDescriptor(_TfsHeaderLine): """ Represents a descriptor in a TFS file. E.g.: '@ SomeText %s "Some Text"' """ def __init__(self, name, value, tfs_data_type=None): super(_TfsDescriptor, self).__init__() if tfs_data_type is None: tfs_data_type = _TfsDataType.get_new_string_instance() self.__name = "" self.__tfs_data_type = None self.__value = "" self.set_name(name) self.set_tfs_data_type(tfs_data_type) self.set_value(value) def set_name(self, name_of_descriptor_as_string): if isinstance(name_of_descriptor_as_string, str): self.__name = name_of_descriptor_as_string else: raise ValueError(name_of_descriptor_as_string + "is not a string") def set_value(self, value_of_descriptor): if self.get_tfs_data_type().is_value_valid(value_of_descriptor): if _TfsDataType.TYPE_STRING == self.get_tfs_data_type_as_string(): value_of_descriptor = '"'+value_of_descriptor+'"' self.__value = str(value_of_descriptor) else: raise ValueError(str(value_of_descriptor) + " does not correspond to tfs_data_type: " + self.get_tfs_data_type_as_string()) def set_tfs_data_type(self, tfs_data_type): if isinstance(tfs_data_type, _TfsDataType): self.__tfs_data_type = tfs_data_type else: raise ValueError(str(tfs_data_type) + " is not an instance of _TfsDataType") def get_name(self): return self.__name def get_tfs_data_type(self): return self.__tfs_data_type def get_tfs_data_type_as_string(self): return self.get_tfs_data_type().get_type_as_string() def get_value(self): return self.__value def get_line_as_string(self): return '@ {0} {1} {2}'.format(self.get_name(), self.get_tfs_data_type_as_string(), self.get_value()) class _TfsComment(_TfsHeaderLine): def __init__(self, comment): super(_TfsComment, self).__init__() self.__comment = "" self.__set_comment(comment) def __set_comment(self, comment_as_string): if isinstance(comment_as_string, str): self.__comment = comment_as_string else: raise ValueError(str(comment_as_string) + " is not a string") def get_line_as_string(self): return "# " + self.__comment class _TfsLine(_TfsHeaderLine): def __init__(self, line): super(_TfsLine, self).__init__() self.__line = "" self.__set_line(line) def __set_line(self, line_as_string): if isinstance(line_as_string, str): self.__line = line_as_string else: raise ValueError(str(line_as_string) + " is not a string") def get_line_as_string(self): return self.__line class _TfsDataType: """ This class represents a data type for the descritpors and columns of the table of a TFS file. The following types are implemented: String, Float Usage:: corresponding_type = _TfsDataType.get_type_from_string(type_as_string) string_type = _TfsDataType.get_new_string_instance() float_type = _TfsDataType.get_new_float_instance() """ TYPE_STRING = "%s" TYPE_FLOAT = "%le" TYPE_INT = "%d" TYPE_INVALID = None DEFAULT_PRECISION = "13" def __init__(self): self.__type = _TfsDataType.TYPE_INVALID def set_type(self, tfs_type): all_types = [_TfsDataType.TYPE_STRING, _TfsDataType.TYPE_FLOAT, _TfsDataType.TYPE_INT] if tfs_type not in all_types: raise ValueError("Invalid type" + str(tfs_type)) else: self.__type = tfs_type @staticmethod def get_type_from_string(type_as_string): try: return { _TfsDataType.TYPE_STRING: _TfsDataType.get_new_string_instance, _TfsDataType.TYPE_FLOAT: _TfsDataType.get_new_float_instance, _TfsDataType.TYPE_INT: _TfsDataType.get_new_int_instance, }[type_as_string]() except KeyError: raise ValueError("Type in string not recognized: {:s}".format(type_as_string)) @staticmethod def get_new_string_instance(): tfs_type = _TfsDataType() tfs_type.set_type(_TfsDataType.TYPE_STRING) return tfs_type @staticmethod def get_new_float_instance(): tfs_type = _TfsDataType() tfs_type.set_type(_TfsDataType.TYPE_FLOAT) return tfs_type @staticmethod def get_new_int_instance(): tfs_type = _TfsDataType() tfs_type.set_type(_TfsDataType.TYPE_INT) return tfs_type def get_type_as_string(self): return self.__type def get_type_as_python_format(self, width=None): """ """ width_str = "" if width is None else "{:d}".format(width) # precision needs usually 7 digits less then total length, e.g. "-0.'precision'e-000" precision_str = self.DEFAULT_PRECISION if width is None else "{:d}".format(width-7) return { _TfsDataType.TYPE_FLOAT: " {:s}.{:s}g".format(width_str, precision_str), # _TfsDataType.TYPE_FLOAT: " #{:s}.{:s}g".format(width_str, precision_str), #TODO: python3 _TfsDataType.TYPE_INT: " {:s}.{:s}g".format(width_str, precision_str), #TODO: proper int? _TfsDataType.TYPE_STRING: "{:s}s".format(width_str), }[self.__type] def is_value_valid(self, value): if _TfsDataType.TYPE_STRING == self.__type: return isinstance(value, str) elif _TfsDataType.TYPE_FLOAT == self.__type: try: float(value) return True except ValueError: return False elif _TfsDataType.TYPE_INT == self.__type: try: int(value) return True except ValueError: return False else: raise TypeError("Type of _TfsDataType is unknown: " + str(self.__type)) def __str__(self): return self.__type def __get_type_as_string(self): return self.__str__() class _TfsTable(object): """ Represents the table in a TFS file. """ def __init__(self, tfs_file_writer): self.__tfs_file_writer = tfs_file_writer self.__num_of_columns = 0 self.__list_of_column_data_types = [] self.__list_of_column_names = [] self.__list_of_table_rows = [] def add_column_names(self, list_names): """ Args: list_names (list): List of strings representing the names of the TFS columns. Without '*'. """ if self.__column_data_types_are_set(): if self.__length_is_not_equal_to_already_set_length(list_names): raise AttributeError("Column number is set already but the length of the given list" + " does not match.(" + self.__tfs_file_writer.get_file_name() + ")") else: self.__num_of_columns = len(list_names) self.__list_of_column_names.extend(list_names) def __length_is_not_equal_to_already_set_length(self, a_list): return self.__num_of_columns != len(a_list) def __column_data_types_are_set(self): return 0 != len(self.__list_of_column_data_types) def are_column_names_and_types_are_set(self): return self.__column_names_are_set() and self.__column_data_types_are_set() def is_empty(self): return 0 == len(self.__list_of_table_rows) def add_column_datatypes(self, list_datatypes): """ Adds the list of column data types to the table header. If the number of columns is determined already(e.g. by adding column names) and the length of list_datatypes does not match the number of columns a TypeError will be raised. Args: list_datatypes (list): Containing the data type(%s, %le) of the columns. Without prefix '$' """ if self.__column_names_are_set(): if self.__length_is_not_equal_to_already_set_length(list_datatypes): raise AttributeError("Column number is set already but the length of the given list" + " does not match.(" + self.__tfs_file_writer.get_file_name() + ")") else: self.__num_of_columns = len(list_datatypes) self.__list_of_column_data_types.extend(list_datatypes) def __column_names_are_set(self): return 0 != len(self.__list_of_column_names) def add_table_row(self, list_row_entries): """ Adds the entries of one row to the table data. """ if not (self.__column_names_are_set() and self.__column_data_types_are_set()): raise TypeError("Before filling the table, set the names and datatypes(" + self.__tfs_file_writer.get_file_name() + ").") else: if self.__num_of_columns != len(list_row_entries): raise TypeError("Number of entries does not match the column number of the table.(" + self.__tfs_file_writer.get_file_name() + ")") self.__list_of_table_rows.append(list_row_entries) def get_column_names(self): return self.__list_of_column_names def get_column_data_types(self): return self.__list_of_column_data_types def get_data_rows(self): return self.__list_of_table_rows def get_row_count(self): return len(self.__list_of_table_rows) def order_rows(self, column_name, reverse=False): """ Orders the rows according to one of the column names. """ if not self.are_column_names_and_types_are_set(): raise ValueError("Column names and types have to be set to order the entries.") column_index = self.__list_of_column_names.index(column_name) self.__list_of_table_rows.sort( key=lambda elem: float(elem[column_index]), reverse=reverse )