""" Common Functions not attached to any class in this module.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import itertools
from utils import logging_tools
from utils.contexts import timeit
from utils.error_handling import assertion
LOG = logging_tools.get_logger(__name__)
# General Helpers ##############################################################
[docs]def upper(list_of_strings):
""" Set all items of list to uppercase """
return [item.upper() for item in list_of_strings]
[docs]def lower(list_of_strings):
""" Set all items of list to lowercase """
return [item.lower() for item in list_of_strings]
# Twiss Helpers ################################################################
[docs]def get_all_rdts(n):
""" Returns list of all valid RDTs of order 2 to n """
assertion(n > 1, ValueError("'n' must be greater 1 for resonance driving terms."))
permut = [x for x in itertools.product(range(n + 1), repeat=4)
if 1 < sum(x) <= n and not (x[0] == x[1] and x[2] == x[3])]
return ['F{:d}{:d}{:d}{:d}'.format(j, k, l, m) for j, k, l, m in sorted(permut, key=sum)]
[docs]def rdt_generator(orders, normal=True, skew=True, complex_conj=True):
""" Generates lists of RDT-4-tuples sorted into a dictionary by order.
orders (list): list of orders to be generated. Orders < 2 raise errors.
normal (bool): calculate normal RDTs (default: True)
skew (bool): calculate skew RDTs (default: True)
complex_conj (bool): Have both, RDT and it's complex conjugate RDT in the list
(default: True)
Dictionary with keys of orders containing lists of 4-Tuples for the RDTs of that order.
assertion(all([n > 1 for n in orders]),
ValueError("All order must be greater 1 for resonance driving terms."))
assertion(normal or skew, ValueError("Either 'normal' or 'skew' must be activated"))
permut = {o: [] for o in orders}
for x in itertools.product(range(max(orders) + 1), repeat=4):
order = sum(x)
if ((order in orders) # check for order
and not (x[0] == x[1] and x[2] == x[3]) # rdt index rule
and ((skew and sum(x[2:4]) % 2) or (normal and not sum(x[2:4]) % 2)) # skew or normal
and (complex_conj or not((x[1], x[0], x[3], x[2]) in permut[order])) # filter conj
return permut
# Phase Advance Functions ######################################################
[docs]def get_phase_advances(twiss_df):
Calculate phase advances between all elements
Matrices similar to DPhi(i,j) = Phi(j) - Phi(i)
LOG.debug("Calculating Phase Advances:")
phase_advance_dict = dict.fromkeys(['X', 'Y'])
with timeit(lambda t:
LOG.debug(" Phase Advances calculated in {:f}s".format(t))):
for plane in ['X', 'Y']:
colmn_phase = "MU" + plane
phases_mdl = twiss_df.loc[twiss_df.index, colmn_phase]
# Same convention as in [1]: DAdv(i,j) = Phi(j) - Phi(i)
phase_advances = pd.DataFrame((phases_mdl[None, :] - phases_mdl[:, None]),
# Do not calculate dphi and tau here.
# only slices of phase_advances as otherwise super slow
phase_advance_dict[plane] = phase_advances
return phase_advance_dict
[docs]def dphi(data, q):
""" Return dphi from phase advances in data, see Eq. 8 in [#FranchiAnalyticformulasrapid2017]_
return data + np.where(data <= 0, q, 0) # '<=' seems to be what MAD-X does
[docs]def tau(data, q):
""" Return tau from phase advances in data, see Eq. 16 in [#FranchiAnalyticformulasrapid2017]_
return data + np.where(data <= 0, q / 2, -q / 2) # '<=' seems to be what MAD-X does
# Script Mode ##################################################################
if __name__ == '__main__':
raise EnvironmentError("{:s} is not supposed to run as main.".format(__file__))