.. module: utils.bpm
Created on 3 Jun 2013
This module contains helper functions concerning bpms. It contains functions to filter BPMs or to
intersect BPMs in multiple files or with a given model file.
.. moduleauthor:: gvanbavi, vimaier
import sys
[docs]def filterbpm(list_of_bpms):
'''Filter non-arc BPM.
:returns: list -- a list with those bpms which start with name "BPM."
result = []
if len(list_of_bpms) == 0:
print >> sys.stderr, "Nothing to filter!!!!"
return result
for b in list_of_bpms:
if ('BPM.' in b[1].upper()):
return result
[docs]def model_intersect(exp_bpms, model_twiss):
Intersects BPMs from
:param list exp_bpms: list with tuples (<S_value_i>,<bpm_i>)
:param metaclass.Twiss model_twiss: Should be a Twiss object from model
:returns: list with tuples: (<S_value_i>,<bpm_i>) -- A list with BPMs which are both in exp_bpms and model_twiss.
# pandas way
return model_twiss.loc[exp_bpms.index, "S"]
except AttributeError:
# old way
bpmsin = []
#print "start Intersect, exp_bpms #:", len(exp_bpms)
if len(exp_bpms) == 0:
print >> sys.stderr, "Zero exp BPMs sent to model_intersect"
return bpmsin
for bpm in exp_bpms:
model_twiss.indx[bpm[1].upper()] # Check if bpm is in the model
except KeyError:
print >> sys.stderr, bpm, "Not in Model"
if len(bpmsin) == 0:
print >> sys.stderr, "Zero intersection of Exp and Model"
print >> sys.stderr, "Please, provide a good Dictionary or correct data"
print >> sys.stderr, "Now we better leave!"
return bpmsin
[docs]def intersect(list_of_twiss_files):
Pure intersection of all bpm names in all files.
:param list list_of_twiss_files: List of metaclass.Twiss objects with columns NAME and S.
:returns: list with tuples: (<S_value_i>,<bpm_i>) -- bpm_i is in every twiss of list_of_twiss_files.
if len(list_of_twiss_files) == 0:
print >> sys.stderr, "Nothing to intersect!!!!"
return []
names_list = list_of_twiss_files[0].index
except AttributeError:
# metaclass way
names_list = list_of_twiss_files[0].NAME
if len(names_list) == 0:
print >> sys.stderr, "No exp BPMs..."
for twiss_file in list_of_twiss_files:
#TODO: have to use a set probably, does not detect duplicates! (vimaier)
names_list = [b for b in twiss_file.NAME if b in names_list]
result = [] # list of tupels (S, bpm_name)
twiss_0 = list_of_twiss_files[0]
for bpm in names_list:
result.append((twiss_0.S[twiss_0.indx[bpm]], bpm))
#SORT by S
return result
for twiss_file in list_of_twiss_files:
names_list = twiss_file.index.intersection(names_list)
result = list_of_twiss_files[0].loc[names_list, "S"]
return result
[docs]def get_list_of_tuples(bpms):
"""transforms the DataFrame bpms to a list of tuples to fake the old usage.
return [(bpms.loc[name], name) for name in bpms.index]
[docs]def intersect_with_bpm_list(exp_bpms, bpm_list):
Intersects BPMs from
:param list exp_bpms' list with tuples: (<S_value_i>,<bpm_i>)
:param list bpm_list: List of bpm names
:returns: list with tuples: (<S_value_i>,<bpm_i>) -- A list with BPMs which are both in exp_bpms and bpm_list.
result = []
for s_bpm_tupel in exp_bpms:
bpm_name = s_bpm_tupel[1]
if bpm_name in bpm_list:
return result