Source code for utils.entry_datatypes

""" Advanced Datatypes to add as type to entrypoint. Or any parser, really. """
from __future__ import print_function

import abc
import sys
import six

# for testing purposes:
from os.path import abspath, join, dirname, pardir
sys.path.append(abspath(join(dirname(__file__), pardir)))

from utils.entrypoint import entrypoint, EntryPointParameters

# Meta Class Helper ############################################################

[docs]def get_instance_faker_meta(*classes): """ Returns the metaclass that fakes the isinstance() checks. """ class FakeMeta(abc.ABCMeta): def __instancecheck__(cls, inst): return isinstance(inst, classes) return FakeMeta
# 'Merge' Classes ##############################################################
[docs]def get_multi_class(*classes): """ Create a class 'behaving' like all classes in `classes`. In case a value needs to be converted to a class in this list, it is attempted to cast the input to the classes in the given order (i.e. string-classes need to go to the end, as they 'always' succeed). """ class MultiClass(object): __metaclass__ = get_instance_faker_meta(*classes) @classmethod def _convert_to_a_type(cls, value): for c in classes: try: return c.__new__(c, value) except ValueError: pass else: raise ValueError( "The value '{}' cant be converted to any of the classes '{}' ".format( value, ",".join([c.__name__ for c in classes]), ) ) def __new__(cls, value): if isinstance(value, six.string_types) or not isinstance(value, classes): return cls._convert_to_a_type(value) return value return MultiClass
# More Fake Classes ############################################################
[docs]class DictAsString(object): """ Use dicts in command line like {"key":value} """ __metaclass__ = get_instance_faker_meta(str, dict) def __new__(cls, s): if isinstance(s, dict): return s d = eval(s) if not isinstance(d, dict): raise ValueError("'{}' can't be converted to a dictionary.".format(s)) return d
[docs]class BoolOrString(object): """ A class that behaves like a boolean when possible, otherwise like a string.""" __metaclass__ = get_instance_faker_meta(bool, str) def __new__(cls, value): if value in ["True", "1", True, 1]: return bool.__new__(bool, True) elif value in ["False", "0", False, 0]: return bool.__new__(bool, False) else: return str.__new__(str, value)
[docs]class BoolOrList(object): """ A class that behaves like a boolean when possible, otherwise like a list. Hint: 'list.__new__(list, value)' returns an empty list.""" __metaclass__ = get_instance_faker_meta(bool, list) def __new__(cls, value): if value in ["True", "1", True, 1]: return bool.__new__(bool, True) elif value in ["False", "0", False, 0]: return bool.__new__(bool, False) else: return list(value)
# Test ######################################################################### def get_params(): params = EntryPointParameters() params.add_parameter( flags="--dict", name="dict", type=DictAsString, help="Use a dictionary!", ) params.add_parameter( flags="--int_or_str", name="int_or_str", type=get_multi_class(int, str), help="either int or string", ) params.add_parameter( flags="--bool_or_str", name="bool_or_str", type=BoolOrString, help="either bool or string", ) params.add_parameter( flags="--bool_or_list", name="bool_or_list", type=BoolOrList, help="either bool or list", ) return params @entrypoint(get_params(), strict=False) def tester(opt, other): print("Opt:") print(opt) print("Other:") print(other) print("\n") if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) < 2: tester(dict={"test": 5}, bool_or_str="test", int_or_str="test") tester(dict={"test": 5}, bool_or_str=False, int_or_str=10) tester(bool_or_list=True) tester(bool_or_list=["This", "Is", "A", 1]) else: tester() # e.g. # --dict '{"hello":4, "there":{"General":"Kenobi"}}' --int_or_str hello --bool_or_str there # --dict '{"hello":4, "there":{"General":"Kenobi"}}' --int_or_str 5 --bool_or_str 0 # --dict '{"hello":4, "there":{"General":"Kenobi"}}' --int_or_str 0 --bool_or_str True