""" Tools to use htcondor via python.
Requires you to be on a computer where htcondor is set up.
For local machines see: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/ABPComputing/LxbatchHTCondor
Hint: I had to add the path of the newly installed modules to the batch_Krb5_credential script to
be able to find the Authen::Krb5 package:
(use lib "/home/jdilly/perl5/lib/perl5/x86_64-linux-gnu-thread-multi/";)
Also, make sure the SCHEDD_NAME is set properly in the config file mentioned above.
(i.e. go to lxplus, run condor_q and see which scheduler was assigned to you)
If you run jobs that take longer than 25h, make sure you are using a renewable Kerberos ticket:
kinit -r 604800 (i.e. renewable by "kinit -R" for 1 week)
Python Readme:
IMPORTANT: This functionality relies on shared-space of all files between htcondor and the user.
import subprocess
import madx_wrapper
import os
import htcondor
import six
from utils import logging_tools
from utils.contexts import suppress_exception
LOG = logging_tools.get_logger(__name__)
SHEBANG = "#!/bin/bash"
BASHFILE_MASK = "htcbash{:s}.sh"
SUBFILE = "queuehtc.sub"
MADX_PATH = madx_wrapper.MADX_AFS_PATH # always use afs
CMD_SUBMIT = "condor_submit"
CMD_VIEW = "condor_q"
CMD_RM = "condor_rm"
# HTCondor Python Methods ######################################################
[docs]def submit_job(job):
""" Submits the job to the scheduler
This would be the nicer way, BUT: the python bindings do currently not forward the
keberos token.
raise NotImplementedError("Submitting via python not implemented because of kerberos")
schedd = htcondor.Schedd() # works if schedd_name is set up
with schedd.transaction() as txn:
clusterId = job.queue(txn) # assuming queue args are set in job, or 1
return clusterId
def view_history():
schedd = htcondor.Schedd()
for ad in schedd.history('true', ['Owner', 'ProcId', 'ClusterId', 'JobStatus', 'WallDuration'], 2):
# Subprocess Methods ###########################################################
[docs]def create_subfile_from_job(folder, job):
""" Write file to submit to htcondor """
subfile = os.path.join(folder, SUBFILE)
with open(subfile, "w") as f:
return subfile
[docs]def submit_jobfile(jobfile):
""" Submit subfile to htcondor via subprocess """
LOG.info("Sending {:s} to htcondor.".format(jobfile))
_start_subprocess_with_logger([CMD_SUBMIT, jobfile])
def log_current_jobs_subprocess():
# Job Creation #################################################################
[docs]def create_multijob_for_bashfiles(folder, n_files, duration="longlunch"):
""" Function to create a HTCondor job assuming n_files bash-files. """
dura_key, dura_val = _get_duration(duration)
job = htcondor.Submit({
"MyId": "htcondor",
"executable": os.path.join(folder, BASHFILE_MASK.format(".$(ProcId)")),
"arguments": "$(ClusterId) $(ProcId)",
"initialdir": os.path.join(folder),
"output": os.path.join("$(initialdir)", "$(MyId).$(ClusterId).$(ProcId).out"),
"error": os.path.join("$(initialdir)", "$(MyId).$(ClusterId).$(ProcId).err"),
"log": os.path.join("$(initialdir)", "$(MyId).$(ClusterId).$(ProcId).log"),
dura_key: dura_val,
return job
[docs]def create_job_for_bashfile(bashfile, duration="longlunch"):
""" Returns a simple Submit() object for the bashfile. """
dura_key, dura_val = _get_duration(duration)
folder = os.path.dirname(bashfile)
job = htcondor.Submit({
"MyId": os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(bashfile))[0],
"executable": bashfile,
"arguments": "$(ClusterId)",
"initialdir": os.path.join(folder),
"output": os.path.join("$(initialdir)", "$(MyId).$(ClusterId).out"),
"error": os.path.join("$(initialdir)", "$(MyId).$(ClusterId).err"),
"log": os.path.join("$(initialdir)", "$(MyId).$(ClusterId).log"),
dura_key: dura_val,
return job
# For MADX #####################################################################
[docs]def write_madx_bash(folder, id, madx_files):
""" Write bash file to call madx files
folder: Folder to write file into
id: id for current bash_file
madx_files: List of madx-files to run in this job.
Path to current madx file
with suppress_exception(ValueError):
id = "{:d}".format(id) # in case it's an int
if id and not id.startswith("."):
id = ".{:s}".format(id)
filename = os.path.join(folder, BASHFILE_MASK.format(id))
with open(filename, "w") as f:
f.write(SHEBANG + "\n")
for madx_file in madx_files:
f.write("{:s} < {:s}\n".format(MADX_PATH, madx_file))
return filename
# Helper #######################################################################
def _get_duration(duration):
if isinstance(duration, six.string_types):
# espresso 20min, microcentury 1h, longlunch 2h, workday 8h,
# tomorrow 1d, testmatch 3d, nextweek 1w
return "+JobFlavour", '"{:s}"'.format(duration)
return "+MaxRuntime", str(duration) # runtime in seconds
def _start_subprocess_with_logger(command):
process = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=False,
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,)
for line in iter(process.stdout.readline, b''):
line = line.strip()
if line:
status = process.wait()
return status
# Script Mode ##################################################################
if __name__ == '__main__':
raise EnvironmentError("{:s} is not supposed to run as main.".format(__file__))