Source code for utils.math_tools

Module utils.math_tools

Mathematical helper functions for everyone.
import numpy as np

[docs]def get_next_scientific_exponent(number): """ Returns the next exponent of 10 which is a multiple of 3, so that the coefficient is <100. Args: number: number to convert Returns: Tupel of coefficient and exponent. """ exp = np.log10(abs(number)) exp = int(np.ceil(exp - 2 * (exp < 0))/3.)*3 coeff = number * 10**(- exp) return coeff, exp
[docs]def mad(arr): """ Median Absolute Deviation: a "Robust" version of standard deviation. Indices variabililty of the sample. Source: Args: arr: numpy array """ arr = # in case of MaskedArray. med = np.median(arr) return np.median(np.abs(arr - med))