.. module: stats
Created on 03/07/18
:author: Lukas Malina
Provides statistical methods to compute:
various weighted averages along specified axis and their errors
unbiased error estimator of infinite normal distribution from finite-sized sample
TODO use weighted average and its error in circular calculations
TODO write tests
TODO LOGGER or Raising error and warnings?
TODO if zeros or nans occur in errors, fallback to uniform weights only in affected cases
import numpy as np
from scipy.special import erf
from scipy.stats import t
PI2 = 2 * np.pi
PI2I = PI2 * 1j
CONFIDENCE_LEVEL = (1 + erf(1 / np.sqrt(2))) / 2
[docs]def circular_mean(data, period=PI2, errors=None, axis=None):
Computes weighted circular average along the specified axis.
data: array-like
Contains the data to be averaged
period: scalar, optional, default (2 * np.pi)
Periodicity period of data
errors: array-like, optional
Contains errors associated with the values in data, it is used to calculated weights
axis: int or tuple of ints, optional
Axis or axes along which to average data
Returns the weighted circular average along the specified axis.
phases = data * PI2I / period
weights = weights_from_errors(errors, period=period)
return np.angle(np.average(np.exp(phases), axis=axis, weights=weights)) * period / PI2
[docs]def circular_error(data, period=PI2, errors=None, axis=None, t_value_corr=True):
Computes error of weighted circular average along the specified axis.
data: array-like
Contains the data to be averaged
period: scalar, optional
Periodicity period of data, default is (2 * np.pi)
errors: array-like, optional
Contains errors associated with the values in data, it is used to calculated weights
axis: int or tuple of ints, optional
Axis or axes along which to average data
t_value_corr: bool, optional
Species if the error is corrected for small sample size, default True
Returns the error of weighted circular average along the specified axis.
phases = data * PI2I / period
weights = weights_from_errors(errors, period=period)
complex_phases = np.exp(phases)
complex_average = np.average(complex_phases, axis=axis, weights=weights)
(sample_variance, sum_of_weights) = np.average(np.square(np.abs(complex_phases - complex_average.reshape(_get_shape(complex_phases.shape, axis)))),
weights=weights, axis=axis, returned=True)
if weights is not None:
sample_variance = sample_variance + 1. / sum_of_weights
error_of_complex_average = np.sqrt(sample_variance * unbias_variance(data, weights, axis=axis))
phase_error = error_of_complex_average / np.abs(complex_average)
if t_value_corr:
phase_error = phase_error * t_value_correction(effective_sample_size(data, weights, axis=axis))
return np.where(phase_error > 0.25 * PI2, 0.3 * period, phase_error * period / PI2)
[docs]def weighted_mean(data, errors=None, axis=None):
Computes weighted average along the specified axis.
data: array-like
Contains the data to be averaged
errors: array-like, optional
Contains errors associated with the values in data, it is used to calculated weights
axis: int or tuple of ints, optional
Axis or axes along which to average data
Returns the weighted average along the specified axis.
weights = weights_from_errors(errors)
return np.average(data, axis=axis, weights=weights)
def _get_shape(orig_shape, axis):
new_shape = np.array(orig_shape)
if axis is None:
new_shape[:] = 1
new_shape[np.array(axis)] = 1
return tuple(new_shape)
[docs]def weighted_error(data, errors=None, axis=None, t_value_corr=True):
Computes error of weighted average along the specified axis.
data: array-like
Contains the data to be averaged
errors: array-like, optional
Contains errors associated with the values in data, it is used to calculated weights
axis: int or tuple of ints, optional
Axis or axes along which to average data
t_value_corr: bool, optional
Species if the error is corrected for small sample size, default True
Returns the error of weighted average along the specified axis.
weights = weights_from_errors(errors)
weighted_average = np.average(data, axis=axis, weights=weights)
(sample_variance, sum_of_weights) = np.average(np.square(np.abs(data - weighted_average.reshape(_get_shape(data.shape, axis)))),
weights=weights, axis=axis, returned=True)
if weights is not None:
sample_variance = sample_variance + 1 / sum_of_weights
error = np.sqrt(sample_variance * unbias_variance(data, weights, axis=axis))
if t_value_corr:
error = error * t_value_correction(effective_sample_size(data, weights, axis=axis))
return error
[docs]def weighted_rms(data, errors=None, axis=None):
Computes weighted root mean square along the specified axis.
data: array-like
Contains the data to be averaged
errors: array-like, optional
Contains errors associated with the values in data, it is used to calculated weights
axis: int or tuple of ints, optional
Axis or axes along which to average data
Returns weighted root mean square along the specified axis.
weights = weights_from_errors(errors)
return np.sqrt(np.average(np.square(data), weights=weights, axis=axis))
[docs]def weights_from_errors(errors, period=PI2):
Computes weights from measurement errors, weights are not output if errors contain zeros or nans
errors: array-like
Contains errors which are used to calculated weights
period: scalar, optional
Periodicity period of data, default is (2 * np.pi)
Returns the error of weighted circular average along the specified axis.
if errors is None:
return None
if np.any(np.isnan(errors)):
# LOGGER.warning("Nans found, weights are not used.")
return None
if np.any(np.logical_not(errors)):
# LOGGER.warning("Zeros found, weights are not used.")
return None
return 1 / np.square(errors * PI2 / period)
[docs]def effective_sample_size(data, weights, axis=None):
Computes effective sample size of weighted data along specifies axis
data: array-like
weights: array-like
Contains weights associated with the values in data
axis: int or tuple of ints, optional
Axis or axes along which the effective sample size is computed
Returns the error of weighted circular average along the specified axis.
if weights is None:
return np.sum(np.ones(data.shape), axis=axis)
return np.square(np.sum(weights, axis=axis)) / np.sum(np.square(weights), axis=axis)
[docs]def unbias_variance(data, weights, axis=None):
Computes a correction factor to unbias variance of weighted average of data along specified axis
data: array-like
weights: array-like
Contains weights associated with the values in data
axis: int or tuple of ints, optional
Axis or axes along which the effective sample size is computed
Returns the error of weighted circular average along the specified axis.
sample_size = effective_sample_size(data, weights, axis=axis)
return sample_size / (sample_size - 1)
except ZeroDivisionError:
return np.zeros(sample_size.shape)
[docs]def t_value_correction(sample_size):
Calculates the multiplicative correction factor to determine standard deviation of normally
distributed quantity from standard deviation of its finite-sized sample
sample_size: array-like
multiplicative correction factor(s) of same shape as sample_size
can contain nans
return t.ppf(CONFIDENCE_LEVEL, sample_size - 1)