KickGroup Informations


Functions to list KickGroups and show their Kicks.

usage: [-h] {list,info} ...

KickGroups Functions

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

    list                List all KickGroups
    info               Show the info of a given KickGroup

Function list:

usage: list [-h] [--root ROOT]
                          [--sort {TIMESTAMP,KICKGROUP}]

List KickGroups

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --root ROOT           KickGroups Root-Directory
                        Sort KickGroups

Function info:

usage: info [-h] [--root ROOT] [--files FILES] group

KickGroup Info

positional arguments:
  group                 KickGroup name

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --root ROOT           KickGroups Root-Directory
  --files FILES, -f FILES
                        Optional integer. If a value is given, only show the path
                        to *files* SDDS files from the group. Use negative values
                        to show the last files (most recent kicks), positive
                        values for the first ones. A value of zero means showing
                        all files in the group.
pylhc.kickgroups.get_folder_json_files(root: Path | str = PosixPath('/user/slops/data/LHC_DATA/OP_DATA/Betabeat/KickGroups/MULTITURN_ACQ_GROUPS')) List[Path][source]

Returns a list of all .json files in the folder.


root (Union[Path, str])) -- the path to the folder. (Defaults to the NFS path of our kickgroups).


A list of Path objects to all json files within the provided root parameter.

pylhc.kickgroups.get_kickgroup_info(kick_group: str, root: Path | str = PosixPath('/user/slops/data/LHC_DATA/OP_DATA/Betabeat/KickGroups/MULTITURN_ACQ_GROUPS')) TfsDataFrame[source]

Gather all important info about the KickGroup into a TfsDataFrame.

  • kick_group (str) -- the KickGroup name, corresponds to the kickgroup file name without the .json extension.

  • root (pathlib.Path) -- Alternative Path to the KickGroup folder. (Defaults to the NFS path of our kickgroups).


A TfsDataFrame with the KickGroup information loaded.

pylhc.kickgroups.list_available_kickgroups(by: str = 'TIMESTAMP', root: Path | str = PosixPath('/user/slops/data/LHC_DATA/OP_DATA/Betabeat/KickGroups/MULTITURN_ACQ_GROUPS'), printout: bool = True) DataFrame[source]

List all available KickGroups in root with optional sorting..

  • by (str) -- Column to sort the KickGroups by. Should be either the TIMESTAMP or KICKGROUP variable.

  • root (pathlib.Path) -- Alternative Path to the KickGroup folder. (Defaults to the NFS path of our kickgroups).

  • printout (bool) -- whether to print out the dataframe, defaults to True.


A DataFrame with the KickGroups loaded, sorted by the provided by parameter.

pylhc.kickgroups.load_kickfile(kickfile: Path | str) Series[source]

Load the important data from a json kickfile into a Series.


kickfile (Union[Path, str]) -- the path to the kickfile to load data from.


A Series with the relevant information loaded from the provided kickfile. The various entries in the Series are defined in pylhc.constants.kickgroups as KICK_COLUMNS.

pylhc.kickgroups.show_kickgroup_files(kick_group: str, nfiles: int | None = None, root: Path | str = PosixPath('/user/slops/data/LHC_DATA/OP_DATA/Betabeat/KickGroups/MULTITURN_ACQ_GROUPS')) None[source]

Wrapper around pylhc.kickgroups.get_kickgroup_info, gathering the relevant information from all kickfiles in the KickGroup and printing only the sdds-filepaths to console.

  • kick_group (str) -- the KickGroup name, corresponds to the kickgroup file name without the .json extension.

  • nfiles (int) -- Number of files to show. Use negative values for the last nfiles. A value of zero or None means all files in the group.

  • root (pathlib.Path) -- Alternative Path to the KickGroup folder. (Defaults to the NFS path of our kickgroups).

pylhc.kickgroups.show_kickgroup_info(kick_group: str, root: Path | str = PosixPath('/user/slops/data/LHC_DATA/OP_DATA/Betabeat/KickGroups/MULTITURN_ACQ_GROUPS')) None[source]

Wrapper around get_kickgroup_info, gathering the relevant information from the kick files in the group and printing it to console.

  • kick_group (str) -- the KickGroup name, corresponds to the kickgroup file name without the .json extension.

  • root (pathlib.Path) -- Alternative Path to the KickGroup folder. (Defaults to the NFS path of our kickgroups).