LSA Knobs to MAD-X Expressions Converter


This script is meant to convert various LSA knobs to their MAD-X equivalent scripts.

usage: [-h] --optics OPTICS [--knobs [KNOBS ...]] [--file FILE]

LSA Knob to MAD-X Converter.This script can be given an LSA LHC optics, a list
of LSA knobs or a file with LSA knobs and will, for each knob, retrieve the
affected LHC power circuits and determine the corresponding MAD-X variables
changes. It will then output both definition files and MAD-X scripts reproducing
the provided knobs.

-h, --help           show this help message and exit
--optics OPTICS      The LSA name of the optics for which the knobs are defined.
--knobs [KNOBS ...]  The full LSA names of any knob to convert to their MAD-X equivalent.
--file FILE          Name of a file with knob names and strength factors to use. A
                     single knob should be written per line, and lines starting with a
                     '#' character will be ignored.

One can simply want to find out the MAD-X way to reproduce a given knob. For instance, to find reproduce LHCBEAM/MD_ATS_2022_05_04_B1_RigidWaitsShift_IP1pos, which is defined in the R2022a_A30cmC30cmA10mL200cm optics one would run:

python -m pylhc.lsa_to_madx \
    --optics R2022a_A30cmC30cmA10mL200cm \
    --knobs LHCBEAM/MD_ATS_2022_05_04_B1_RigidWaitsShift_IP1pos

Two files, LHCBEAM_MD_ATS_2022_05_04_B1_RigidWaitsShift_IP1pos_definition.tfs and LHCBEAM_MD_ATS_2022_05_04_B1_RigidWaitsShift_IP1pos_knob.madx will be written to disk.


In MAD-X, variable names with 48 or more characters will cause an issue. As a consequence, this script will automatically truncate the knob name if needed when created the trim variable name. One should not be surprised if long LSA knob names appear slightly differently in the created MAD-X files, then functionality stays intact.

For instance, the knob LHCBEAM/MD_ATS_2022_05_04_B1_RigidWaitsShift_IP1pos will lead to the following trim variable definition:

trim_D_ATS_2022_05_04_B1_RigidWaitsShift_IP1pos = 1.0;

In order to reproduce a specific machine configuration at a given time, one can gather all knobs and their trim values for this configuration in a text file and feed this file to the script. In this file, each line should hold a knob name as it appears in LSA and its trim value. Lines starting with a # character will be ignored.

For instance the following knobs.txt file gathers a 2017 LHC configuration:

# Nonlinear Corrections
LHCBEAM/2017_IRNL_IR1a4     0.5
LHCBEAM/2017_IRNL_IR1b3_couplFD     1.0
LHCBEAM/2017_IRNL_a3b3_tuneFD 1.0
LHCBEAM/2017_IRNL_b4 1.0
LHCBEAM/2017_NL_IR1_30cm_kcssxr1 1.0
LHCBEAM/2018_IRNL_IR1a3 1.0
LHCBEAM/2018_IRNL_IR1b3 1.0
LHCBEAM/2018_IRNL_IR5a3 1.0
LHCBEAM/IR5_a4_2018 1.0
# Local correctors close to IP
LHCBEAM/2017_ATS_Inj_LocalCoupling 1.0
LHCBEAM/2017_ATS_LocalCorrection 1.0
# Chromatic Coupling
LHCBEAM/chromatic_coupling_b1_40cm_ctpps2_2017_v2 -1.0
LHCBEAM/chromatic_coupling_b2_40cm_ctpps2_2017 -1.0
# Beta-beat
LHCBEAM/b1_global_beta_beating_40cm_ctpps_2017_v2 1.0
LHCBEAM/b2_global_beta_beating_40cm_ctpps_2017 1.0
LHCBEAM/2017_beam1_beta_CrossingAngleCompensation 1.0
LHCBEAM/2017_30cm_GlobalCorr_wXing_Beam2_v2 1.0
LHCBEAM/B2_2017_global_correction_Xing 1.0
# Total Phase advance
LHCBEAM/2017_B2_MQT_total_phase_correction 1.0
LHCBEAM/B1_2017_MQT_total_phase_correction 1.0
# Arc-by-arc coupling
LHCBEAM/global_coup_knob_all_correctors     -1.0

One can provide this file with the corresponding optics and get a MAD-X file for each defined knob with the appropriate trim value. In this case many files will be created. The call would be:

python -m pylhc.lsa_to_madx \
    --optics R2017aT_A30C30A10mL300_CTPPS2 \
    --file knobs.txt

Hint: the knobs active at a given time can be retrieved with the machine_settings_info script.

pylhc.lsa_to_madx.get_madx_script_from_definition_dataframe(deltas_df: TfsDataFrame, lsa_knob: str, trim: float = 1.0, by_reference: bool = True, verbose: bool = False) str[source]

Given the extracted definition dataframe of an LSA knob - as returned by get_knob_circuits - this function will generate the corresponding MAD-X text commands that would reproduce this knob in a script.

  • deltas_df (TfsDataFrame) -- The extracted definition dataframe of an LSA knob. This can be obtained with get_knob_circuits.

  • lsa_knob (str) -- The complete LSA name of the knob, including any LHCBEAM[12]?/ part.

  • trim (float) -- The trim value to write for the knob. Defaults to 1.

  • by_reference (bool) -- If true, creates an _init variable and uses deferred expressions (:=) so that changing the trim later in the script changes all variables as well. Might be problematic if a variable depends on multiple trim-knobs. Otherwise variable = variable + delta*trim is used.

  • verbose (bool) -- Adds some extra comments into the madx code.


The complete MAD-X script to reproduce the knob, as a string.

pylhc.lsa_to_madx.get_sign_madx_vs_lsa(madx_name: str) int[source]

Return the sign convention between madx and lsa for the given variable.


madx_name (str) -- Name of the variable as used in MAD-X.


1 or -1.

Return type:


pylhc.lsa_to_madx.parse_knobs_and_trim_values_from_file(knobs_file: Path) Dict[str, float][source]

Parses a file for LSA knobs and their trim values. Each line should be a knob name following by a number of the trim value. If no value is written, it defaults to 1.0. Lines starting with a # are ignored.


knobs_file (Path) -- Path to the file with definitions.


A dict with as keys the parsed knob names and as values their associated trims.