
Segment by Segment: Constants

This module provides constants to be used with segment by segment

Segment by Segment: Definitions

This module provides definitions to be used with segment by segment

class omc3.segment_by_segment.definitions.MadXBoundaryConditions(alfx: float = None, alfy: float = None, betx: float = None, bety: float = None, dx: float = None, dy: float = None, dpx: float = None, dpy: float = None, wx: float = None, wy: float = None, dphix: float = None, dphiy: float = None, r11: float = None, r12: float = None, r21: float = None, r22: float = None)[source]

Store all boundary conditions for a Mad-X twiss.

class omc3.segment_by_segment.definitions.Measurement(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Alias for a uncertainties variable.

Additionally has a method to convert it to a tuple and iterate over it.

class omc3.segment_by_segment.definitions.PropagableBoundaryConditions(alpha: Measurement = None, beta: Measurement = None, dispersion: Measurement = None, f1001_amplitude: Measurement = None, f1001_phase: Measurement = None, f1010_amplitude: Measurement = None, f1010_phase: Measurement = None)[source]

Store boundary conditions with error for propagating.

class omc3.segment_by_segment.definitions.PropagableColumns(column: str, plane: str = '{}')[source]

Class to define columns for propagables. One could also implicitly define the error-columns, either via __getattr__ or as a wrapper, but I decided to explicitely name these columns, so that the IDEs can see them and can help in renaming and autocompletion (jdilly 2023).

Segment by Segment: Maths functions

This module provides mathematical helper functions, e.g. to propagate errors.

omc3.segment_by_segment.math.phase_diff(phase_a: ArrayLike, phase_b: ArrayLike) ArrayLike[source]

Returns the phase difference between phase_a and phase_b, mapped to [-0.5, 0.5].

omc3.segment_by_segment.math.propagate_error_alpha(alpha: ArrayLike, dphi: ArrayLike, init: PropagableBoundaryConditions) ArrayLike[source]

Propagates the alpha-error from alpha0 to alpha with dphi phaseadvance. See Eq. (4) in [LangnerDevelopmentsSegmentbySegmentTechnique2015] .

  • alpha (ArrayLike) -- Alpha function at the observation point(s).

  • dphi (ArrayLike) -- Phase advances from the initial position to the observation point(s), in units of 2pi radians.

  • init (PropagableBoundaryConditions) -- Initial conditions for alpha and beta and their uncertainties.

omc3.segment_by_segment.math.propagate_error_beta(beta: ArrayLike, dphi: ArrayLike, init: PropagableBoundaryConditions) ArrayLike[source]

Propagates the beta-error from beta0 to beta with dphi phase-advance. See Eq. (3) in [LangnerDevelopmentsSegmentbySegmentTechnique2015] .


beta (ArrayLike): Beta function at the observation point(s). dphi (ArrayLike): Phase advances from the initial position to the observation point(s), in units of 2pi radians. init (PropagableBoundaryConditions): Initial conditions at the start of the segment for alpha and beta and their uncertainties.

omc3.segment_by_segment.math.propagate_error_coupling_1001_im(dphix: ArrayLike, dphiy: ArrayLike, init: PropagableBoundaryConditions) ArrayLike[source]

Propagates the error on the imagary part of f1001 through dphix and dphiy phase-advance, based on the initial amplitude and phase error of f1001. See Eq. (6) in [LangnerDevelopmentsSegmentbySegmentTechnique2015] .

  • dphix (ArrayLike) -- Phase advances in x from initial position to observation point(s).

  • dphiy (ArrayLike) -- Phase advances in y from initial position to observation point(s).

  • init (PropagableBoundaryConditions) -- Initial conditions for f1001 amplitude and phase and their uncertainties.

omc3.segment_by_segment.math.propagate_error_coupling_1001_re(dphix: ArrayLike, dphiy: ArrayLike, init: PropagableBoundaryConditions) ArrayLike[source]

Propagates the error on the real part of f1001 through dphix and dphiy phase-advance, based on the initial amplitude and phase error of f1001. See Eq. (5) in [LangnerDevelopmentsSegmentbySegmentTechnique2015] .

  • dphix (ArrayLike) -- Phase advances in x from initial position to observation point(s).

  • dphiy (ArrayLike) -- Phase advances in y from initial position to observation point(s).

  • init (PropagableBoundaryConditions) -- Initial conditions for f1001 amplitude and phase and their uncertainties.

omc3.segment_by_segment.math.propagate_error_coupling_1010_im(dphix: ArrayLike, dphiy: ArrayLike, init: PropagableBoundaryConditions) ArrayLike[source]

Propagates the error on the imaginary part of f1010 through dphix and dphiy phase-advance, based on the initial amplitude and phase error of f1010. See Eq. (7) in [LangnerDevelopmentsSegmentbySegmentTechnique2015] , yet the phases dphix and dphiy are subtracted from the initial rdt phase.

  • dphix (ArrayLike) -- Phase advances in x from initial position to observation point(s).

  • dphiy (ArrayLike) -- Phase advances in y from initial position to observation point(s).

  • init (PropagableBoundaryConditions) -- Initial conditions for f1010 amplitude and phase and their uncertainties.

omc3.segment_by_segment.math.propagate_error_coupling_1010_re(dphix: ArrayLike, dphiy: ArrayLike, init: PropagableBoundaryConditions) ArrayLike[source]

Propagates the error on the real part of f1010 through dphix and dphiy phase-advance, based on the initial amplitude and phase error of f1010. See Eq. (7) in [LangnerDevelopmentsSegmentbySegmentTechnique2015] , yet the phases dphix and dphiy are subtracted from the initial rdt phase.

  • dphix (ArrayLike) -- Phase advances in x from initial position to observation point(s).

  • dphiy (ArrayLike) -- Phase advances in y from initial position to observation point(s).

  • init (PropagableBoundaryConditions) -- Initial conditions for f1010 amplitude and phase and their uncertainties.

omc3.segment_by_segment.math.propagate_error_dispersion(beta: ArrayLike, dphi: ArrayLike, init: PropagableBoundaryConditions) ArrayLike[source]

Propagates the dispersion error with dphi phase-advance.

  • beta (ArrayLike) -- Beta function at the observation point(s).

  • dphi (ArrayLike) -- Phase advances from the initial position to the observation point(s), in units of 2pi radians.

  • init (PropagableBoundaryConditions) -- Initial conditions for alpha and beta and the dispersion uncertainty.

omc3.segment_by_segment.math.propagate_error_phase(dphi: ArrayLike, init: PropagableBoundaryConditions) ArrayLike[source]

Propagates the phase-error. See Eq. (2) in [LangnerDevelopmentsSegmentbySegmentTechnique2015] . This implementation has a minus-sign instead of the first plus-sign as in the reference, this seems to be the correct implementation, as found e.g. in


dphi (ArrayLike): Phase advances from the initial position to the observation point(s), in units of 2pi radians. init (PropagableBoundaryConditions): Initial conditions at the start of the segment for alpha and beta and their uncertainties.

Segment by Segment: Propagables

In this module, the propagables, i.e. the parameters that can be propagated through the segment, are defined. Each propagable has a corresponding class, which contains the functions that describe the forward and backward propagation for the respective parameter.

class omc3.segment_by_segment.propagables.AlphaPhase(segment: Segment, meas: OpticsMeasurement)[source]
add_differences(segment_diffs: SegmentDiffs)[source]

This function calculates the differences between the propagated forward and backward models and the measured values. It then adds the results to the segment_diffs class (which writes them out, if its allow_write is set to True).


Deviations between backward propagated models with and without correction.


Deviations between forward propagated models with and without correction.


Interpolation of measured deviations to corrected backward propagated model.


Interpolation of measured deviations to corrected forward propagated model.

classmethod get_at(names: IndexType, meas: OpticsMeasurement, plane: str) ValueErrorType[source]

Get corresponding measurement values at the elements names

  • names -- element name(s)

  • measurement -- Measurement Collection

  • plane -- plane to use


Series or float containing the required values at names.


Return a dictionary containing the initial values for this propagable at start and end of the segment.

For the naming, see save_initial_and_final_values macro in omc3/model/madx_macros/general.macros.madx.


Interpolation of measured deviations to backward propagated model.


Interpolation of measured deviations to forward propagated model.

class omc3.segment_by_segment.propagables.BetaPhase(segment: Segment, meas: OpticsMeasurement)[source]
add_differences(segment_diffs: SegmentDiffs)[source]

This function calculates the differences between the propagated forward and backward models and the measured values. It then adds the results to the segment_diffs class (which writes them out, if its allow_write is set to True).


Deviations between backward propagated models with and without correction.


Deviations between forward propagated models with and without correction.


Interpolation of measured deviations to corrected backward propagated model.


Interpolation of measured deviations to corrected forward propagated model.

classmethod get_at(names: IndexType, meas: OpticsMeasurement, plane: str) ValueErrorType[source]

Get corresponding measurement values at the elements names

  • names -- element name(s)

  • measurement -- Measurement Collection

  • plane -- plane to use


Series or float containing the required values at names.


Interpolation of measured deviations to backward propagated model.


Interpolation of measured deviations to forward propagated model.

class omc3.segment_by_segment.propagables.Phase(segment: Segment, meas: OpticsMeasurement)[source]
add_differences(segment_diffs: SegmentDiffs)[source]

Calculate the differences between the propagated models and the measured values.


Deviations between backward propagated models with and without correction.


Deviations between forward propagated models with and without correction.


Interpolation of measured deviations to corrected backward propagated model.


Interpolation of measured deviations to corrected forward propagated model.

classmethod get_at(names: IndexType, meas: OpticsMeasurement, plane: str) ValueErrorType[source]

Get corresponding measurement values at the elements names

  • names -- element name(s)

  • measurement -- Measurement Collection

  • plane -- plane to use


Series or float containing the required values at names.


Return a dictionary containing the initial values for this propagable at start and end of the segment.

For the naming, see save_initial_and_final_values macro in omc3/model/madx_macros/general.macros.madx.


Interpolation of measured deviations to backward propagated model.


Interpolation of measured deviations to forward propagated model.

class omc3.segment_by_segment.propagables.Propagable(segment: Segment, meas: OpticsMeasurement)[source]
abstractmethod add_differences(segment_diffs: SegmentDiffs)[source]

This function calculates the differences between the propagated forward and backward models and the measured values. It then adds the results to the segment_diffs class (which writes them out, if its allow_write is set to True).

abstractmethod correction_backward(plane: str)[source]

Deviations between backward propagated models with and without correction.

abstractmethod correction_forward(plane: str)[source]

Deviations between forward propagated models with and without correction.

abstractmethod expected_backward(plane: str)[source]

Interpolation of measured deviations to corrected backward propagated model.

abstractmethod expected_forward(plane: str)[source]

Interpolation of measured deviations to corrected forward propagated model.

abstractmethod classmethod get_at(names: IndexType, measurement: OpticsMeasurement, plane: str) ValueErrorType[source]

Get corresponding measurement values at the elements names

  • names -- element name(s)

  • measurement -- Measurement Collection

  • plane -- plane to use


Series or float containing the required values at names.


Return a dictionary containing the initial values for this propagable at start and end of the segment.

For the naming, see save_initial_and_final_values macro in omc3/model/madx_macros/general.macros.madx.

abstractmethod measured_backward(plane: str)[source]

Interpolation of measured deviations to backward propagated model.

abstractmethod measured_forward(plane: str)[source]

Interpolation of measured deviations to forward propagated model.

property segment_models

TfsCollection of the segment models.

omc3.segment_by_segment.propagables.get_all_propagables() tuple[source]

Return all defined Propagables.

exception omc3.segment_by_segment.segments.SbsDefinitionError[source]

Exception to be raised when the sbs definition is invalid.

class omc3.segment_by_segment.segments.Segment(name: 'str', start: 'str', end: 'str', element: 'str' = None, init_conds: 'str' = None)[source]
classmethod init_from_element_name(element_name: str)[source]

Initialize from the string representation for elements as used in inputs.

classmethod init_from_input(input_str: str)[source]

Initialize from the string representation for segments or elements as used in inputs.

classmethod init_from_segment_definition(segment: str)[source]

Initialize from the string representation for segments as used in inputs.


String representation of the segment as used in inputs.

class omc3.segment_by_segment.segments.SegmentDiffs(directory: Path, segment_name: str, *args, **kwargs)[source]

TfsCollection of segment-by-segment outputfiles for the differences between propagated model and measurements.

  • directory -- The path where to write the files to/find the files.

  • segment_name -- Name of the segment corresponding to the model to load.

class omc3.segment_by_segment.segments.SegmentModels(directory: Path, segment: Segment)[source]

Class to hold and load the models of the segments created by MAD-X. The filenames need to be the same as in omc3.model.model_creators.abstract_model_creator.SegmentCreator.

  • directory -- The path where to find the models.

  • segment -- A segment instance corresponding to the model to load.