Provides contexts managers to use.
- omc3.utils.contexts.log_out(stdout=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w' encoding='utf-8'>, stderr=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stderr>' mode='w' encoding='utf-8'>)[source]
Temporarily changes
- omc3.utils.contexts.silence()[source]
Suppress all console output, rerouting
to devnull.
- omc3.utils.contexts.suppress_warnings(warning_classes)[source]
Suppress all warnings of given classes.
- omc3.utils.contexts.timeit(function)[source]
Prints the time at the end of the context via
IO Tools
Helper functions for input/output issues.
- class omc3.utils.iotools.OptionalStr(value)[source]
A class that allows str or None. Can be used in string-lists when individual entries can be None.
- class omc3.utils.iotools.PathOrStr(value)[source]
A class that behaves like a Path when possible, otherwise like a string.
- class omc3.utils.iotools.PathOrStrOrDataFrame(value)[source]
A class that behaves like a Path when possible, otherwise maybe a TfsDataFrame, otherwise like a string.
- class omc3.utils.iotools.PathOrStrOrDict(value)[source]
A class that tries to parse/behaves like a dict when possible, otherwise either like a Path or like a string.
- class omc3.utils.iotools.UnionPathStr(value)[source]
A class that can be used as Path and string parser input, but does not convert to path.
- class omc3.utils.iotools.UnionPathStrInt(value)[source]
A class that can be used as Path, string, int parser input, but does not convert. Very special and used e.g. in the BBQ Input.
- omc3.utils.iotools.always_true(*args, **kwargs) bool [source]
A function that is always True.
- omc3.utils.iotools.convert_paths_in_dict_to_strings(dict_: dict) dict [source]
Converts all Paths in the dict to strings, including those in iterables.
- omc3.utils.iotools.copy_content_of_dir(src_dir: Path, dst_dir: Path)[source]
Copies all files and directories from
- omc3.utils.iotools.copy_item(src_item: Path, dst_item: Path)[source]
Copies a file or a directory to
, which may be a directory. Ifsrc_item
is a directory then all containing files and dirs will be copied intodest
- omc3.utils.iotools.create_dirs(path_to_dir: str | Path)[source]
Creates all dirs to
if not exists. TODO: Change all calls to use only Path.
- omc3.utils.iotools.get_check_by_regex_func(pattern: str) Callable[[Path], bool] [source]
Returns a function that checks the name of a given path against the pattern.
- omc3.utils.iotools.get_check_suffix_func(suffix: str) Callable[[Path], bool] [source]
Returns a function that checks the suffix of a given path against the suffix.
- omc3.utils.iotools.glob_regex(path: Path, pattern: str) Iterator[str] [source]
Do a glob on the given path based on the regular expression pattern. Returns only the matching filenames (as strings).
- Parameters:
path (Path) -- Folder path to look in.
pattern (str) -- Pattern to match.
- Returns:
Matching filenames
- Return type:
- omc3.utils.iotools.maybe_add_command(opt: dict, script: str) dict [source]
Add a comment ‘;command’ to the opt-dict, which is the command used to run the script gotten from sys.argv, but only if the executed file (the file that run with the python command) equals
, i.e. the script for which you are saving the parameters is the main script being run. Otherwise the command is probably unrelated.- Parameters:
opt (dict) -- Options datastructure
script (str) -- Name of the script that called save_config.
- Returns:
Updated dict with ;command entry, or if the script names were different, just the original opt.
- omc3.utils.iotools.remove_none_dict_entries(dict_: dict) dict [source]
entries from dict. This can be used as a workaround to https://github.com/pylhc/generic_parser/issues/26.
- omc3.utils.iotools.replace_in_path(path: Path, old: Path | str, new: Path | str) Path [source]
Replace a part of a path with a new path. Useful for example to replace the original path with a path to a symlink or vice versa.
- Parameters:
path (Path) -- Path object to replace the subpath in
old (Union[Path, str]) -- Subpath to be replaced
new (Union[Path, str]) -- Subpath to replace with
- Returns:
New Path object with the replacement in.
- Return type:
- omc3.utils.iotools.save_config(output_dir: Path, opt: dict, script: str, unknown_opt: dict | list = None)[source]
Quick wrapper for
.- Parameters:
output_dir (Path) -- Path to the output directory (does not need to exist).
opt (dict) -- opt-structure to be saved.
script (str) -- path/name of the invoking script (becomes name of the .ini) usually
.unknown_opt (dict|list) -- un-parsed opt-structure to be saved.
- omc3.utils.iotools.strip_quotes(value: Any) Any [source]
Strip quotes around string-objects. If not a string, nothing is changed. This is because the input from commandline or json files could be surrounded by quotes (if they are strings). The dict-parser removes them automatically as well. This behaviour is important for basically every string-faker!
- Parameters:
value (Any) -- The input value that goes into the function. Can be of any type.
- Returns:
If the input was a string, then it will be the string with stripped quotes (if there were any). Otherwise just the value.
Logging Tools
Functions for easier use of logging, like automatic logger setup
(see: get_logger()
- class omc3.utils.logging_tools.DebugMode(active=True, log_file=None)[source]
Context Manager for the debug mode. Hint: Does not work with
from contextlib (even though nicer code), as the_get_caller
would find contextlib.py.- Parameters:
active (bool) -- Defines if this manager is doing anything. Defaults to
.log_file (str) -- File to log into.
- class omc3.utils.logging_tools.MaxFilter(level)[source]
To get messages only up to a certain level.
- class omc3.utils.logging_tools.TempFile(file_path, log_func)[source]
Context Manager. Lets another function write into a temporary file and logs its contents. It won’t open the file, so only the files path is returned.
- Parameters:
file_path (str) -- Place to write the tempfile to.
log_func (func) -- The function with which the content should be logged (e.g. LOG.info).
- class omc3.utils.logging_tools.TempStringLogger(module=None, level=20)[source]
Temporarily log into a string that can be retrieved by
.- Parameters:
module -- module to log, defaults to the caller file.
level -- logging level, defaults to
- get_log()[source]
Get the log as string.
- omc3.utils.logging_tools.add_module_handler(handler)[source]
Add handler at current module level.
- omc3.utils.logging_tools.add_root_handler(handler)[source]
Add handler at root level.
- omc3.utils.logging_tools.file_handler(logfile, level=10, fmt='%(levelname)7s | %(message)s | %(name)s')[source]
Convenience function so the caller does not have to import logging.
- omc3.utils.logging_tools.getLogger(name)[source]
Convenience function so the caller does not have to import logging.
- omc3.utils.logging_tools.get_logger(name, level_root=10, level_console=None, fmt='%(levelname)7s | %(message)s | %(name)s', color=None)[source]
Sets up logger if name is __main__. Returns logger based on module name.
- Parameters:
name -- only used to check if __name__ is __main__.
level_root -- main logging level, defaults to
.level_console -- console logging level, defaults to
.fmt -- Format of the logging. For default see
.color -- If None colors are used if tty is detected. False will never use colors and True will always enforce them.
- Returns:
Logger instance.
- omc3.utils.logging_tools.get_my_logger_name()[source]
Return the logger name for the caller.
- omc3.utils.logging_tools.list2str(list_: list) str [source]
Returns string representation of
, but without brackets.
- omc3.utils.logging_tools.log_pandas_settings_with_copy(log_func)[source]
Logs pandas
warning to loc_func instead of printing the warning.
- omc3.utils.logging_tools.logging_silence()[source]
Remove temporarily all loggers from root logger.
- omc3.utils.logging_tools.odr_pprint(printer, odr_out)[source]
Logs the odr output results. Adapted from odr_output pretty print.
- omc3.utils.logging_tools.stream_handler(stream=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w' encoding='utf-8'>, level=10, fmt='%(levelname)7s | %(message)s | %(name)s', max_level=None)[source]
Convenience function so the caller does not have to import logging.
- omc3.utils.logging_tools.unformatted_console_logging()[source]
Log only to console and only unformatted.
Math Classes
Provides a mixin class to inherit numerical classes, which ensures proper conversion after maths operations.
- class omc3.utils.math_classes.MathMixin[source]
A Mixin Class to be able to inherit from a numerical class and perform operations with it, while returning an instance of the inheriting class.
- Caveats:
This assumes that the inheriting class accepts an instance of its parent class in its initialization method !!
Use this as the FIRST class in inheritance !
Miscellaneous Tools
Miscellaneous tools for the omc3 package.
- class omc3.utils.misc.StrEnum(new_class_name, /, names, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]
Enum for strings.
From python 3.11 there will be a built-in StrEnum type, with the same, plus additional, functionality.
See: https://docs.python.org/3/library/enum.html#enum.StrEnum
Provides mock functionality for packages necessitating the CERN GPN
and only installable from the
package index, such as pytimber
, pjlsa
from omc3.utils.mock import cern_network_import
pytimber = cern_network_import("pytimber")
db = pytimber.LoggingDB(source="nxcals") # will raise if pytimber not installed
- class omc3.utils.mock.CERNNetworkMockPackage(name: str)[source]
Mock class to raise an error if the desired package functionality is called when the package is not actually installed. Designed for packages installable only from inside the CERN network, that are declared as
extra. See module documentation.
- omc3.utils.mock.cern_network_import(package: str)[source]
Convenience function to try and import packages only available (and installable) on the CERN network. If installed, the module is returned, otherwise a mock class is returned, which will raise an insightful
on attempted use.- Parameters:
package (str) -- name of the package to try and import.
Helper functions for outlier detection.
- omc3.utils.outliers.get_filter_mask(data: Buffer | _SupportsArray[dtype[Any]] | _NestedSequence[_SupportsArray[dtype[Any]]] | bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes | _NestedSequence[bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes], x_data: Buffer | _SupportsArray[dtype[Any]] | _NestedSequence[_SupportsArray[dtype[Any]]] | bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes | _NestedSequence[bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes] = None, limit: float = 0.0, niter: int = 20, nsig: int = None, mask: Buffer | _SupportsArray[dtype[Any]] | _NestedSequence[_SupportsArray[dtype[Any]]] | bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes | _NestedSequence[bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes] = None) Buffer | _SupportsArray[dtype[Any]] | _NestedSequence[_SupportsArray[dtype[Any]]] | bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes | _NestedSequence[bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes] [source]
Filters the array of values which are meant to be constant or a linear function of the x-data array if that is provided, by checking how many sigmas they are deviating from the average.
The outlier filtering function is utilized at multiple stages of the data analysis. It removes data points in the tails of the measured distribution, which are too populated due to the finite sample size, assuming a normal distribution specified by measured mean and standard deviation of the given data. A data point, outside of a user-specified limit, is removed if there is less than a 50% chance that it is from the specified normal distribution.
In particular: The function gets an array \(y\) of data of length \(n_y\), which can be any scalar data and is currently used for e.g. tune data measured per BPM or a time series from the BBQ. In addition, a cleaning
can be given, inside which the data points are always kept. Further an optional array \(x\) (via the parameterx_data
) can be given, in which case a linear fit \(y = ax + c\) is attempted to remove any slope on the data, before calculating momenta on the data. An upper boundary in \(n_\sigma\) is then determined from the percent point function (ppf) of a Student’s t-distribution, given \(n_x\) degrees of freedom at \(100\% - 50\% / n_y\). Iteratively, mean \(\left< y \right>\) and standard deviation \(\sigma\) of the data is calculated and only data within \(n_\sigma \cdot \sigma\), or the given cleaning limit, around \(\left< y \right>\) is kept for the next iteration. The loop stops either after 20 iterations, when there is no more data outside the boundaries or when there are less than three data points remaining.Returns a filter mask for the original array (meaning
for elements that should be kept).- Parameters:
data (ArrayLike) -- Data to filter.
x_data (ArrayLike) -- Additional x-data. If given a linear function is fit on the data, and the outliers filtered on the difference to this function. Otherwise, the distribution of data is used directly for filtering.
limit (float) -- Only data deviating more than this limit from the average is filtered.
niter (int) -- Maximum number of filter iterations to do. Iterations are interrupted if the number of datapoints did not shrink in the last iteration or if there is only two or less data-points left.
nsig (int) -- number of sigmas within the data points are considered okay, outside they are considered outliers. If not given, nsigmas is got from the 1-0.5/length(data) percentile of a student-t distribution.
mask (ArrayLike) -- Boolean mask of data-points to consider. If
, all data is considered.
- Returns:
- Boolean array containing
entries for data-points that are good, and
for the ones that should be filtered.
- Boolean array containing
- Return type:
Helper module providing statistical methods to compute various weighted averages along specified axis and their errors as well as unbiased error estimator of infinite normal distribution from finite-sized sample.
TODO: use weighted average and its error in circular calculations
TODO: write tests
TODO: LOGGER or Raising error and warnings?
TODO: if zeros or nans occur in errors, fallback to uniform weights only in affected cases
- omc3.utils.stats.circular_error(data, period=6.283185307179586, errors=None, axis=None, t_value_corr=True)[source]
Computes error of weighted circular average along the specified axis.
- Parameters:
data -- array-like Contains the data to be averaged
period -- scalar, optional Periodicity period of data, default is (2 * np.pi)
errors -- array-like, optional Contains errors associated with the values in data, it is used to calculated weights
axis -- int or tuple of ints, optional Axis or axes along which to average data
t_value_corr -- bool, optional Species if the error is corrected for small sample size, default True
- Returns:
Returns the error of weighted circular average along the specified axis.
- omc3.utils.stats.circular_mean(data, period=6.283185307179586, errors=None, axis=None)[source]
Computes weighted circular average along the specified axis.
- Parameters:
data -- array-like Contains the data to be averaged
period -- scalar, optional, default (2 * np.pi) Periodicity period of data
errors -- array-like, optional Contains errors associated with the values in data, it is used to calculated weights
axis -- int or tuple of ints, optional Axis or axes along which to average data
- Returns:
Returns the weighted circular average along the specified axis.
- omc3.utils.stats.circular_nanerror(data, period=6.283185307179586, errors=None, axis=None, t_value_corr=True)[source]
“Wrapper around circular_error with added nan handling
- omc3.utils.stats.circular_nanmean(data, period=6.283185307179586, errors=None, axis=None)[source]
“Wrapper around circular_mean with added nan handling
- omc3.utils.stats.circular_rms(data, period=6.283185307179586, axis=None)[source]
Computes the circular root mean square along the specified axis.
- Parameters:
data -- array-like Contains the data to be averaged
period -- scalar, optional Periodicity period of data, default is (2 * np.pi)
axis -- int or tuple of ints, optional Axis or axes along which to average data
- Returns:
Returns the circular root mean square along the specified axis.
- omc3.utils.stats.effective_sample_size(data, weights, axis=None)[source]
Computes effective sample size of weighted data along specified axis, the minimum value returned is 2 to avoid non-reasonable error blow-up.
It is calculated via Kish’s approximate formula from the (not necessarily normalized) weights \(w_i\) (see wikipedia):
\[n_\mathrm{eff} = \frac{\left(\sum_i w_i\right)^2}{\sum_i w_i^2}\]What it represents: “In most instances, weighting causes a decrease in the statistical significance of results. The effective sample size is a measure of the precision of the survey (e.g., even if you have a sample of 1,000 people, an effective sample size of 100 would indicate that the weighted sample is no more robust than a well-executed un-weighted simple random sample of 100 people).” - https://wiki.q-researchsoftware.com/wiki/Weights,_Effective_Sample_Size_and_Design_Effects
- Parameters:
data -- array-like
weights -- array-like Contains weights associated with the values in data
axis -- int or tuple of ints, optional Axis or axes along which the effective sample size is computed
- Returns:
Returns the error of weighted circular average along the specified axis.
- omc3.utils.stats.rms(data, axis=None)[source]
Computes the root mean square along the specified axis.
- Parameters:
data -- array-like Contains the data to be averaged
axis -- int or tuple of ints, optional Axis or axes along which to average data
- Returns:
Returns the root mean square along the specified axis.
- omc3.utils.stats.t_value_correction(sample_size)[source]
Calculates the multiplicative correction factor to determine standard deviation of a normally distributed quantity from standard deviation of its finite-sized sample. The minimum allowed sample size is 2 to avoid non-reasonable error blow-up for smaller sample sizes 2 is used instead.
Note (jdilly): In other words, this transforms the area of 1 sigma under the given student t distribution to the 1 sigma area of a normal distribution (this transformation is where the
comes in). I hope that makes the intention more clear.- Parameters:
sample_size -- array-like
- Returns:
multiplicative correction factor(s) of same shape as sample_size. Can contain nans.
- omc3.utils.stats.unbias_variance(data, weights, axis=None)[source]
Computes a correction factor to unbias variance of weighted average of data along specified axis, e.g. transform the standard deviation 1
\[\sigma^2 = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^N (x_i - x_\mathrm{mean})^2\]into an un-biased estimator
\[\sigma^2 = \frac{1}{N-1} \sum_{i=1}^N (x_i - x_\mathrm{mean})^2\]- Parameters:
data -- array-like
weights -- array-like Contains weights associated with the values in data
axis -- int or tuple of ints, optional Axis or axes along which the effective sample size is computed
- Returns:
Returns the error of weighted circular average along the specified axis.
- omc3.utils.stats.weighted_error(data, errors=None, axis=None, t_value_corr=True)[source]
Computes error of weighted average along the specified axis. This is similar to calculating the standard deviation on the data, but with both, the average to which the deviation is calculated, as well as then the averaging over the deviations weighted by weights based on the errors.
In addition, the weighted variance is unbiased by an unbias-factor n / (n-1), where n is the
. Additionally, a (student) t-value correction can be performed (done by default) which corrects the estimate for small data sets.- Parameters:
data -- array-like Contains the data on which the weighted error on the average is calculated.
errors -- array-like, optional Contains errors associated with the values in data, it is used to calculated weights
axis -- int or tuple of ints, optional Axis or axes along which to average data
t_value_corr -- bool, optional Species if the error is corrected for small sample size, default True
- Returns:
Returns the error of weighted average along the specified axis.
- omc3.utils.stats.weighted_mean(data, errors=None, axis=None)[source]
Computes weighted average along the specified axis.
- Parameters:
data -- array-like Contains the data to be averaged
errors -- array-like, optional Contains errors associated with the values in data, it is used to calculated weights
axis -- int or tuple of ints, optional Axis or axes along which to average data
- Returns:
Returns the weighted average along the specified axis.
- omc3.utils.stats.weighted_nanmean(data, errors=None, axis=None)[source]
“Wrapper around weighted_mean with added nan handling
- omc3.utils.stats.weighted_nanrms(data, errors=None, axis=None)[source]
“Wrapper around weigthed_rms with added nan handling
- omc3.utils.stats.weighted_rms(data, errors=None, axis=None)[source]
Computes weighted root mean square along the specified axis.
- Parameters:
data -- array-like Contains the data to be averaged
errors -- array-like, optional Contains errors associated with the values in data, it is used to calculated weights
axis -- int or tuple of ints, optional Axis or axes along which to average data
- Returns:
Returns weighted root mean square along the specified axis.
- omc3.utils.stats.weights_from_errors(errors, period=6.283185307179586)[source]
Computes weights from measurement errors, weights are not output if errors contain zeros or nans
- Parameters:
errors -- array-like Contains errors which are used to calculated weights
period -- scalar, optional Periodicity period of data, default is (2 * np.pi)
- Returns:
Returns the error of weighted circular average along the specified axis.
Time Tools
Provides tools to handle times more easily, in particular to switch easily between local time and UTC time.
- class omc3.utils.time_tools.AccDatetime(*args, **kwargs)[source]
Wrapper for a datetime object to easily convert between local and UTC time as well as give different presentations.
- add(**kwargs)[source]
Add timedelta and return as new object.
- cern_utc_string()[source]
Get utc time as string (CERN format).
- property datetime
Return normal datetime object (in case ducktyping does not work. Looking at you, mpl!).
- classmethod from_cern_utc_string(s)[source]
Create AccDatetime object from datetime in utc string.
- classmethod from_local(dt)[source]
Create AccDatetime object from datetime in local time.
- classmethod from_local_string(s)[source]
Create AccDatetime object from datetime in local time string.
- classmethod from_timestamp(ts)[source]
Create AccDatetime object from timestamp.
- classmethod from_utc(dt)[source]
Create AccDatetime object from datetime in utc.
- classmethod from_utc_string(s)[source]
Create AccDatetime object from datetime in utc string.
- property local
Get local datetime object.
- property local_string
Get local time as string.
- property local_timezone
Get local timezone.
- classmethod now()[source]
Create AccDatetime object at now.
- sub(**kwargs)[source]
Subtract timedelta and return as new object.
- property utc
Get UTC datetime object.
- property utc_string
Get utc time as string.
- omc3.utils.time_tools.AcceleratorDatetime = {'lhc': <class 'omc3.utils.time_tools.CERNDatetime'>, 'ps': <class 'omc3.utils.time_tools.CERNDatetime'>, 'sps': <class 'omc3.utils.time_tools.CERNDatetime'>}
Accelerator name to AccDatetime mapping.
- Type:
- class omc3.utils.time_tools.CERNDatetime(*args, **kwargs)[source]
AccDatetime class for all accelerators at CERN.
- omc3.utils.time_tools.cern_utc_string_to_utc(utc_string)[source]
Convert a time string in cern-utc to a utc datetime object.
- omc3.utils.time_tools.check_tz(localized_dt, timezone)[source]
Checks if timezone is correct.
- omc3.utils.time_tools.get_cern_time_format()[source]
Default time format.
- omc3.utils.time_tools.get_cern_timezone()[source]
Get time zone for cern measurement data.
- omc3.utils.time_tools.get_readable_time_format()[source]
Human readable time format.
- omc3.utils.time_tools.local_string_to_utc(local_string, timezone)[source]
Converts a time string in local time to UTC time.
- omc3.utils.time_tools.local_to_utc(dt_local, timezone)[source]
Convert local datetime object to utc datetime object.
- omc3.utils.time_tools.utc_now()[source]
Get UTC now as time.
- omc3.utils.time_tools.utc_string_to_utc(utc_string)[source]
Convert a time string in utc to a UTC datetime object.
- omc3.utils.time_tools.utc_to_local(dt_utc, timezone)[source]
Convert UTC datetime object to local datetime object.