Source code for omc3.utils.logging_tools

Logging Tools

Functions for easier use of logging, like automatic logger setup
(see: :meth:`~utils.logging_tools.get_logger`).
import datetime
import inspect
import logging
import os
import sys
import time
import warnings
from contextlib import contextmanager
from io import StringIO
from logging import (  # make them available directly

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from omc3.utils.debugging import is_debug

NEWLINE = "\n" + " " * 10  # levelname + divider + 2
BASIC_FORMAT = '%(levelname)7s {div:s} %(message)s {div:s} %(name)s'.format(div=DIVIDER)
COLOR_LEVEL = '\33[0m\33[38;2;150;150;255m'
COLOR_MESSAGE = '\33[0m'
COLOR_MESSAGE_LOW = '\33[0m\33[38;2;140;140;140m'
COLOR_WARN = '\33[0m\33[38;2;255;161;53m'
COLOR_ERROR = '\33[0m\33[38;2;216;31;42m'
COLOR_NAME = '\33[0m\33[38;2;80;80;80m'
COLOR_DIVIDER = '\33[0m\33[38;2;127;127;127m'
COLOR_RESET = '\33[0m'


# Classes and Contexts #########################################################

[docs] class MaxFilter(object): """To get messages only up to a certain level.""" def __init__(self, level): self.__level = level def filter(self, log_record): return log_record.levelno <= self.__level
[docs] class DebugMode(object): """ Context Manager for the debug mode. Hint: Does not work with ``@contextmanager`` from contextlib (even though nicer code), as the ``_get_caller`` would find ****. Args: active (bool): Defines if this manager is doing anything. Defaults to ``True``. log_file (str): File to log into. """ def __init__(self, active=True, log_file=None): = active if active: # get current logger caller_file = _get_caller() current_module = _get_current_module(caller_file) self.logger = logging.getLogger(".".join([current_module, os.path.basename(caller_file)])) # set level to debug self.current_level = self.logger.getEffectiveLevel() self.logger.setLevel(DEBUG) self.logger.debug("Running in Debug-Mode.") # create logfile name: now = "{:s}_".format( if log_file is None: log_file = os.path.abspath(caller_file).replace(".pyc", "").replace(".py", "") + ".log" self.log_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(log_file), now + os.path.basename(log_file)) self.logger.debug("Writing log to file '{:s}'.".format(self.log_file)) # add handlers self.file_h = file_handler(self.log_file, level=DEBUG) self.console_h = stream_handler(level=DEBUG, max_level=DEBUG) self.mod_logger = logging.getLogger(current_module) self.mod_logger.addHandler(self.file_h) self.mod_logger.addHandler(self.console_h) # stop time self.start_time = time.time() def __enter__(self): return None def __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs): if # summarize time_used = time.time() - self.start_time log_id = "" if self.log_file is None else "'{:s}'".format( os.path.basename(self.log_file)) self.logger.debug("Exiting Debug-Mode {:s} after {:f}s.".format(log_id, time_used)) # revert everything self.logger.setLevel(self.current_level) self.mod_logger.removeHandler(self.file_h) self.mod_logger.removeHandler(self.console_h)
[docs] class TempFile(object): """ Context Manager. Lets another function write into a temporary file and logs its contents. It won't open the file, so only the files path is returned. Args: file_path (str): Place to write the tempfile to. log_func (func): The function with which the content should be logged (e.g. """ def __init__(self, file_path, log_func): self.path = file_path self.log_func = log_func def __enter__(self): return self.path def __exit__(self, value, traceback): try: with open(self.path, "r") as f: content = self.log_func("{:s}:\n".format(self.path) + content) except IOError: self.log_func("{:s}: -file does not exist-".format(self.path)) else: os.remove(self.path)
[docs] @contextmanager def log_pandas_settings_with_copy(log_func): """Logs pandas ``SettingsWithCopy`` warning to loc_func instead of printing the warning.""" caller_line = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_back.f_lineno # one frame for contextmanager old_mode = pd.options.mode.chained_assignment pd.options.mode.chained_assignment = 'warn' try: with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as warn_list: yield for w in warn_list: if not issubclass(w.category, pd.core.common.SettingWithCopyWarning): warnings.warn(w) else: message = w.message.args[0].split("\n") log_func("{:s} (l. {:d})".format(message[1], caller_line)) finally: pd.options.mode.chained_assignment = old_mode
[docs] @contextmanager def logging_silence(): """Remove temporarily all loggers from root logger.""" root_logger = getLogger("") handlers = list(root_logger.handlers) root_logger.handlers = [] yield root_logger.handlers = handlers
[docs] @contextmanager def unformatted_console_logging(): """Log only to console and only unformatted.""" with logging_silence(): handler = stream_handler(level=NOTSET, fmt="%(message)s") rl = getLogger("") rl.addHandler(handler) yield rl.removeHandler(handler)
[docs] class TempStringLogger: """ Temporarily log into a string that can be retrieved by ``get_log``. Args: module: module to log, defaults to the caller file. level: logging level, defaults to ``INFO``. """ def __init__(self, module=None, level=INFO): if module is None: module = _get_caller_logger_name() = StringIO() self.level = level self.handler = stream_handler( self.log = getLogger(module) def __enter__(self): self.log.propagate = False self.log.setLevel(self.level) self.log.addHandler(self.handler) return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.log.removeHandler(self.handler)
[docs] def get_log(self): """ Get the log as string. """ return
[docs] def odr_pprint(printer, odr_out): """Logs the odr output results. Adapted from odr_output pretty print.""" old_opts = np.get_printoptions() np.set_printoptions(precision=2) covariance_str = str(odr_out.cov_beta).replace("\n", ",") odr_str = ('\nODR-Summary:\n' f' Beta: {odr_out.beta}\n' f' Beta Std Error: {odr_out.sd_beta}\n' f' Beta Covariance: {covariance_str}\n' ) if hasattr(odr_out, 'info'): odr_str += (f' Residual Variance: {odr_out.res_var:.2e}\n' f' Inverse Condition #: {odr_out.inv_condnum:.2e}\n' f' Reason(s) for Halting:\n') for r in odr_out.stopreason: odr_str += f' {r}\n' printer(odr_str) np.set_printoptions(**old_opts)
[docs] def list2str(list_: list) -> str: """Returns string representation of ``list_``, but without brackets.""" return str(list_).lstrip("[").rstrip("]")
# Public Methods ###############################################################
[docs] def get_logger(name, level_root=DEBUG, level_console=None, fmt=BASIC_FORMAT, color=None): """ Sets up logger if name is **__main__**. Returns logger based on module name. Args: name: only used to check if __name__ is __main__. level_root: main logging level, defaults to ``DEBUG``. level_console: console logging level, defaults to ``INFO``. fmt: Format of the logging. For default see ``BASIC_FORMAT``. color: If `None` colors are used if tty is detected. `False` will never use colors and `True` will always enforce them. Returns: Logger instance. """ logger_name = _get_caller_logger_name() if name == "__main__": if level_console is None: level_console = DEBUG if is_debug() else INFO # set up root logger root_logger = logging.getLogger("") root_logger.handlers = [] # remove handlers in case someone already created them root_logger.setLevel(level_root) logging.addLevelName(MADX, 'MADX') # print logs to the console root_logger.addHandler( stream_handler( level=max(level_console, DEBUG), max_level=INFO-1, fmt=_maybe_bring_color(fmt, DEBUG, color), ) ) root_logger.addHandler( stream_handler( level=max(level_console, INFO), max_level=WARNING-1, fmt=_maybe_bring_color(fmt, INFO, color), ) ) # print console warnings root_logger.addHandler( stream_handler( level=max(WARNING, level_console), max_level=ERROR-1, fmt=_maybe_bring_color(fmt, WARNING, color), ) ) # print errors to error-stream root_logger.addHandler( stream_handler( stream=sys.stderr, level=max(ERROR, level_console), fmt=_maybe_bring_color(fmt, ERROR, color), ) ) # logger for the current file return logging.getLogger(logger_name)
[docs] def file_handler(logfile, level=DEBUG, fmt=BASIC_FORMAT): """Convenience function so the caller does not have to import logging.""" handler = logging.FileHandler(logfile, mode='w', ) handler.setLevel(level) formatter = logging.Formatter(fmt) handler.setFormatter(formatter) return handler
[docs] def stream_handler(stream=sys.stdout, level=DEBUG, fmt=BASIC_FORMAT, max_level=None): """Convenience function so the caller does not have to import logging.""" handler = logging.StreamHandler(stream) handler.setLevel(level) console_formatter = logging.Formatter(fmt) handler.setFormatter(console_formatter) if max_level: handler.addFilter(MaxFilter(max_level)) return handler
[docs] def add_module_handler(handler): """Add handler at current module level.""" current_module = _get_current_module() logging.getLogger(current_module).addHandler(handler)
[docs] def add_root_handler(handler): """Add handler at root level.""" logging.getLogger("").addHandler(handler)
[docs] def getLogger(name): """Convenience function so the caller does not have to import logging.""" return logging.getLogger(name)
[docs] def get_my_logger_name(): """Return the logger name for the caller.""" return _get_caller_logger_name()
# Private Methods ############################################################## def _get_caller(): """Find the caller of the current log-function.""" this_file, _ = os.path.splitext(__file__) caller_file = this_file caller_frame = inspect.currentframe() while this_file == caller_file: caller_frame = caller_frame.f_back (caller_file_full, _, _, _, _) = inspect.getframeinfo(caller_frame) caller_file, _ = os.path.splitext(caller_file_full) return caller_file def _get_current_module(current_file=None): """Find the name of the current module.""" if not current_file: current_file = _get_caller() path_parts = os.path.abspath(current_file).split(os.path.sep) repo_parts = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), os.path.pardir) ).split(os.path.sep) current_module = '.'.join(path_parts[len(repo_parts):-1]) return current_module def _get_caller_logger_name(): """Returns logger name of the caller.""" caller_file = _get_caller() current_module = _get_current_module(caller_file) return ".".join([current_module, os.path.basename(caller_file)]) def _maybe_bring_color(format_string, colorlevel=INFO, color_flag=None): """Adds color to the logs (can only be used in a terminal).""" if color_flag is None: color_flag = _isatty() if not color_flag: return format_string level = "%(levelname)" message = "%(message)" name = "%(name)" if colorlevel <= WARNING: format_string = format_string.replace(level, COLOR_LEVEL + level) else: format_string = format_string.replace(level, COLOR_ERROR + level) if colorlevel <= DEBUG: format_string = format_string.replace(message, COLOR_MESSAGE_LOW + message) elif colorlevel <= INFO: format_string = format_string.replace(message, COLOR_MESSAGE + message) elif colorlevel <= WARNING: format_string = format_string.replace(message, COLOR_WARN + message) else: format_string = format_string.replace(message, COLOR_ERROR + message) format_string = format_string.replace(name, COLOR_NAME + name) format_string = format_string.replace(DIVIDER, COLOR_DIVIDER + DIVIDER) format_string = format_string + COLOR_RESET return format_string def _isatty(): """Checks if stdout is a tty, which means it should support color-codes.""" return hasattr(sys.stdout, 'isatty') and sys.stdout.isatty()