Source code for pylhc_submitter.sixdesk_tools.stages


In this module the stages are organized.

import logging
import re
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod, ABCMeta

from generic_parser import DotDict

from pylhc_submitter.constants.autosix import get_stagefile_path, StageSkip, StageStop, AutoSixEnvironment
from pylhc_submitter.sixdesk_tools.create_workspace import (
    create_job, init_workspace, fix_pythonfile_call,
    remove_twiss_fail_check, set_max_materialize
from pylhc_submitter.sixdesk_tools.post_process_da import post_process_da
from pylhc_submitter.sixdesk_tools.submit import (
    submit_mask, check_sixtrack_input, submit_sixtrack,
    check_sixtrack_output, sixdb_load, sixdb_cmd

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Overwritten in StageMeta below and actual classes inserted
    "create_job": None,
    "initialize_workspace": None,
    "submit_mask": None,
    "check_input": None,
    "submit_sixtrack": None,
    "check_sixtrack_output": None,
    "sixdb_load": None,
    "sixdb_cmd": None,
    "post_process": None,
    "final": None,

[docs] class StageMeta(ABCMeta): """ Dynamically generate name and value from STAGE_ORDER """ def __init__(cls, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # convert CamelCase to snake_case ( = re.sub(r'(?<!^)(?=[A-Z])', '_', cls.__name__).lower() if == "stage": # Base Class cls.value = None return # set value according to list (so we can compare order) cls.value = list(STAGE_ORDER.keys()).index( # set class as entry in STAGE_ORDER STAGE_ORDER[] = cls def __str__(cls): return def __int__(cls): return cls.value def __add__(cls, other): new_idx = int(cls) + int(other) return list(STAGE_ORDER.values())[new_idx] def __sub__(cls, other): new_idx = int(cls) - int(other) if new_idx < 0: raise IndexError("Requested Stage order is negative. Stage not found.") return list(STAGE_ORDER.values())[new_idx] def __gt__(cls, other): try: return int(cls) > int(other) except TypeError: return False def __ge__(cls, other): try: return int(cls) >= int(other) except TypeError: return False def __lt__(cls, other): try: return int(cls) < int(other) except TypeError: return False def __le__(cls, other): try: return int(cls) <= int(other) except TypeError: return False def __eq__(cls, other): try: return int(cls) == int(other) except TypeError: return False def __hash__(cls): return hash((cls.value,
[docs] class Stage(ABC, metaclass=StageMeta): """ Abstract Base Class for all Stages. Also provides the basic methods. The stages themselves only need to implement the _run() method. """ @staticmethod def run_all_stages(jobname, jobargs, env): """ Run all stages in order. """"vv---------------- Job {jobname} -------------------vv") for stage_name, stage_class in STAGE_ORDER.items(): stage = stage_class(jobname, jobargs, env) try: except StageSkip as e: if str(e): LOG.error(e) # break # stop here or always run to the end and show all skipped stages except StageStop:"Stopping after Stage '{stage!s}' as the submitted jobs will now run. " f"Check `condor_q` for their progress and restart autosix when they are done.") break"^^---------------- Job {jobname} -------------------^^") def __init__(self, jobname: str, jobargs: dict, env: AutoSixEnvironment): self.jobname = jobname self.env = env self.jobargs = jobargs # Helper --- self.basedir = env.working_directory self.max_stage = env.max_stage self.stage_file = get_stagefile_path(self.jobname, self.basedir) def __str__(self): return def __int__(self): return self.value def __sub__(self, other): return StageMeta.__sub__(self.__class__, other)(self.jobname, self.jobargs, self.env) def __add__(self, other): return StageMeta.__add__(self.__class__, other)(self.jobname, self.jobargs, self.env) def __gt__(self, other): return int(self) > int(other) def __ge__(self, other): return int(self) >= int(other) def __lt__(self, other): return int(self) < int(other) def __le__(self, other): return int(self) <= int(other) def __eq__(self, other): return int(self) == int(other) def should_run_stage(self): """ Checks if the stage should be run. """ if not self.stage_file.exists(): if self == 0: return True else:"Stage '{self!s}' not run because previous stage(s) missing.") return False stage_file_txt = self.stage_file.read_text().split("\n") run_stages = [line.strip() for line in stage_file_txt if line.strip()] if in run_stages:"Stage '{self!s}' has already been run. Skipping.") return False if self == 0: return True # check if user requested a stop at a certain stage if (self.max_stage is not None) and (self > self.max_stage):"Stage '{self!s}' would run after requested " f"maximum stage '{self.max_stage!s}'. Skipping.") return False # check if last run stage is also the stage before current stage in stage order if run_stages[-1] == (self - 1).name: return True"Stage '{self!s}' not run because previous stage(s) missing.") return False def stage_done(self): """ Append current stage name to stagefile. """ with open(self.stage_file, "a+") as f: f.write(f"{self!s}\n") def run(self): """ Run the Stage. """ if not self.should_run_stage(): return try: self._run() except StageStop as e: # Stage indicates that it ran successfully, # but that there should be a stop in the loop. self.stage_done() raise e except StageSkip as e: # logged/handled outside raise e except Exception as e: # convert any exception to a StageSkip, # so the other jobs can continue running. LOG.exception(str(e)) raise StageSkip(f"Stage {self!s} failed!") from e self.stage_done() @abstractmethod def _run(self): pass
# Actual Stages ---------------------------------------------------------------- # These Stages should actually have the function they call implemented directly # and should be defined in the modules directly. But I like that you can read # them one after another here and also see the command one would have to run if # one would do this manually (which can be very helpful for fixing broken jobs). # - jdilly 2020-08-04
[docs] class CreateJob(Stage): """ create workspace > cd $basedir > /afs/ -N workspace-$jobname write sixdeskenv, sysenv, filled mask (manual) """ def _run(self): create_job(self.jobname, self.basedir, executable=self.env.executable, mask_text=self.env.mask_text, sixdesk=self.env.sixdesk_directory, ssh=self.env.ssh, **self.jobargs)
[docs] class InitializeWorkspace(Stage): """ initialize workspace > cd $basedir/workspace-$jobname/sixjobs > /afs/ -s remove the twiss-fail check in sixtrack_input (manual) """ def _run(self): if self.env.stop_workspace_init: f"Workspace creation for job {self.jobname} interrupted." " Check directory to manually adapt ``sixdeskenv``" " and ``sysenv``. Remove 'stop_workspace_init' from input" " parameters or set to 'False' to continue run." ) raise StageSkip() init_workspace(self.jobname, self.basedir, sixdesk=self.env.sixdesk_directory, ssh=self.env.ssh) if self.env.apply_mad6t_hacks: fix_pythonfile_call(self.jobname, self.basedir) # removes "<" in call remove_twiss_fail_check(self.jobname, self.basedir) # removes 'grep twiss fail'
[docs] class SubmitMask(Stage): """ submit for input generation > cd $basedir/workspace-$jobname/sixjobs > /afs/ -s """ def _run(self): submit_mask(self.jobname, self.basedir, sixdesk=self.env.sixdesk_directory, ssh=self.env.ssh) raise StageStop()
[docs] class CheckInput(Stage): """ Check if input files have been generated properly > cd $basedir/workspace-$jobname/sixjobs > /afs/ -c If not, and resubmit is active > /afs/ -w """ def _run(self): check_sixtrack_input(self.jobname, self.basedir, sixdesk=self.env.sixdesk_directory, ssh=self.env.ssh, resubmit=self.env.resubmit)
[docs] class SubmitSixtrack(Stage): """ Generate simulation files (-g) and check if runnable (-c) and submit (-s) (-g -c -s == -a). > cd $basedir/workspace-$jobname/sixjobs > /afs/ -a """ def _run(self): # adds max_materialize to tracking sub-file template # might run into a race condition, this is why it's done here. # Also I assume we use the same value for all jobs anyway. set_max_materialize(self.env.sixdesk_directory, self.env.max_materialize) submit_sixtrack(self.jobname, self.basedir, sixdesk=self.env.sixdesk_directory, ssh=self.env.ssh, python=self.env.python2) raise StageStop()
[docs] class CheckSixtrackOutput(Stage): """ Checks sixtrack output via run_status. If this fails even though all jobs have finished on the scheduler, check the log-output (run_status messages are logged to debug). > cd $basedir/workspace-$jobname/sixjobs > /afs/ If not, and resubmit is active > cd $basedir/workspace-$jobname/sixjobs > /afs/ -i """ def _run(self): check_sixtrack_output(self.jobname, self.basedir, sixdesk=self.env.sixdesk_directory, ssh=self.env.ssh, python=self.env.python2, resubmit=self.env.resubmit)
[docs] class SixdbLoad(Stage): """ Gather results into database via sixdb. > cd $basedir/workspace-$jobname/sixjobs > python3 /afs/ . load_dir """ def _run(self): sixdb_load(self.jobname, self.basedir, sixdesk=self.env.sixdesk_directory, ssh=self.env.ssh, python=self.env.python3)
[docs] class SixdbCmd(Stage): """ Analysise results in database via sixdb. > cd $basedir/workspace-$jobname/sixjobs > python3 /afs/ $jobname da when fixed: > python3 /afs/ $jobname da_vs_turns -turnstep 100 -outfile > python3 /afs/ $jobname plot_da_vs_turns """ def _run(self): sixdb_cmd(self.jobname, self.basedir, sixdesk=self.env.sixdesk_directory, ssh=self.env.ssh, cmd=["da"], python=self.env.python3)
# da_vs_turns is broken at the moment (jdilly, 19.10.2020) # sixdb_cmd(jobname, basedir, cmd=['da_vs_turns', '-turnstep', str(da_turnstep), '-outfile'], # python=python, ssh=ssh) # sixdb_cmd(jobname, basedir, cmd=['plot_da_vs_turns'], python=python, ssh=ssh)
[docs] class PostProcess(Stage): """ Extracts the analysed data in the database and writes them to three tfs files: - All DA values - Statistics over angles, listed per seed (+ Seed 0 as over seeds and angles) - Statistics over seeds, listed per angle The statistics over the seeds are then plotted in a polar plot. All files are outputted to the ``sixjobs/autosix_output`` folder in the job directory. """ def _run(self): post_process_da(self.jobname, self.basedir)
[docs] class Final(Stage): """ Just info about finishing this script and where to check the stagefile. """ def _run(self): stage_file = get_stagefile_path(self.jobname, self.basedir) f"All stages run. Check stagefile {str(stage_file)} " "in case you want to rerun some stages." ) raise StageSkip()