Source code for pylhc_submitter.submitter.iotools

Job Submitter IO-Tools

Tools for input and output for the job-submitter.
import itertools
import logging
from dataclasses import dataclass
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Sequence, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import tfs

from pylhc_submitter.constants.htcondor import HTCONDOR_JOBLIMIT
from pylhc_submitter.constants.job_submitter import (COLUMN_DEST_DIRECTORY, COLUMN_JOB_DIRECTORY,
                                                     COLUMN_JOBID, JOBDIRECTORY_PREFIX,
                                                     JOBSUMMARY_FILE, SCRIPT_EXTENSIONS)
from pylhc_submitter.submitter import htc_utils
from pylhc_submitter.submitter.mask import (create_job_scripts_from_mask, generate_jobdf_index,

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

JobNamesType = Sequence[Union[str, int]]

[docs] @dataclass class CreationOpts: """ Options for creating jobs. """ working_directory: Path # Path to working directory (afs) mask: Union[Path, str] # Path to mask file or mask-string jobid_mask: str # Mask for jobid replace_dict: Dict[str, Any] # Replace-dict output_dir: Path # Path to local output directory output_destination: Union[Path, str] # Path or URI to remote output directory (e.g. eos) append_jobs: bool # Append jobs to existing jobs resume_jobs: bool # Resume jobs that have already run/failed/got interrupted executable: str # Name of executable to call the script (from mask) check_files: Sequence[str] # List of output files to check for success script_arguments: Dict[str, Any] # Arguments to pass to script script_extension: str # Extension of the script to run
[docs] def should_drop_jobs(self) -> bool: """ Check if jobs should be dropped after creating the whole parameter space, e.g. because they already exist. """ return self.append_jobs or self.resume_jobs
[docs] def create_jobs(opt: CreationOpts) -> tfs.TfsDataFrame: """Main function to prepare all the jobs and folder structure. This greates the value-grid based on the replace-dict and checks for existing jobs (if so desired). A job-dataframe is created - and written out - containing all the information and its values are used to generate the job-scripts. It also creates bash-scripts to call the executable for the job-scripts. Args: opt (CreationOpts): Options for creating jobs Returns: tfs.TfsDataFrame: The job-dataframe containing information for all jobs. """ LOG.debug("Creating Jobs.") # Generate product of replace-dict and compare to existing jobs --- parameters, values_grid, prev_job_df = _generate_parameter_space( replace_dict=opt.replace_dict, append_jobs=opt.append_jobs, cwd=opt.working_directory, ) # Check new jobs --- njobs = len(values_grid) if njobs == 0: raise ValueError(f"No (new) jobs found!") if njobs > HTCONDOR_JOBLIMIT: LOG.warning( f"You are attempting to submit an important number of jobs ({njobs})." "This can be a high stress on your system, make sure you know what you are doing." ) LOG.debug(f"Initial number of jobs: {njobs:d}") # Generate new job-dataframe --- job_df = tfs.TfsDataFrame( index=generate_jobdf_index(prev_job_df, opt.jobid_mask, parameters, values_grid), columns=parameters, data=values_grid, ) job_df = tfs.concat([prev_job_df, job_df], sort=False, how_headers='left') # Setup folders --- job_df = create_folders(job_df, opt.working_directory, opt.output_destination) # Create scripts --- if is_mask_file(opt.mask): LOG.debug("Creating all jobs from mask.") script_extension = _get_script_extension(opt.script_extension, opt.executable, opt.mask) job_df = create_job_scripts_from_mask( job_df, opt.mask, parameters, script_extension ) LOG.debug("Creating shell scripts.") job_df = htc_utils.write_bash( job_df, output_dir=opt.output_dir, executable=opt.executable, cmdline_arguments=opt.script_arguments, mask=opt.mask, ) # Convert paths to strings and write df to file --- job_df[COLUMN_JOB_DIRECTORY] = job_df[COLUMN_JOB_DIRECTORY].apply(str) if COLUMN_DEST_DIRECTORY in job_df.columns: job_df[COLUMN_DEST_DIRECTORY] = job_df[COLUMN_DEST_DIRECTORY].apply(str) tfs.write(str(opt.working_directory / JOBSUMMARY_FILE), job_df, save_index=COLUMN_JOBID) # Drop already run jobs --- dropped_jobs = [] if opt.should_drop_jobs(): job_df, dropped_jobs = _drop_already_run_jobs( job_df, opt.output_dir, opt.check_files ) return job_df, dropped_jobs
[docs] def create_folders(job_df: tfs.TfsDataFrame, working_directory: Path, destination_directory: Union[Path, str] = None) -> tfs.TfsDataFrame: """Create the folder-structure in the given working directory and the destination directory if given. This creates a folder per job in which then the job-scripts and bash-scripts can be stored later. Args: job_df (tfs.TfsDataFrame): DataFrame containing all the job-information working_directory (Path): Path to the working directory destination_directory (Path, optional): Path to the destination directory, i.e. the directory to copy the outputs to manually. Defaults to None. Returns: tfs.TfsDataFrame: The job-dataframe again, but with the added paths to the job-dirs. """ LOG.debug("Setting up folders: ") jobname = f"{JOBDIRECTORY_PREFIX}.{{0}}" job_df[COLUMN_JOB_DIRECTORY] = [working_directory / jobname.format(id_) for id_ in job_df.index] for job_dir in job_df[COLUMN_JOB_DIRECTORY]: job_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) LOG.debug(f" created '{job_dir}'.") if destination_directory: dest_path = uri_to_path(destination_directory) dest_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) server = get_server_from_uri(destination_directory) job_df[COLUMN_DEST_DIRECTORY] = [f"{server}{dest_path / jobname.format(id_)}" for id_ in job_df.index] # Make some symlinks for easy navigation--- # Output directory -> Working Directory sym_submission = dest_path / Path('SUBMISSION_DIR') sym_submission.unlink(missing_ok=True) sym_submission.symlink_to(working_directory.resolve(), target_is_directory=True) # Working Directory -> Output Directory sym_destination = working_directory / Path('OUTPUT_DIR') sym_destination.unlink(missing_ok=True) sym_destination.symlink_to(dest_path.resolve(), target_is_directory=True) # Create output dirs per job --- for job_dest_dir in job_df[COLUMN_DEST_DIRECTORY]: uri_to_path(job_dest_dir).mkdir(exist_ok=True) LOG.debug(f" created '{job_dest_dir}'.") return job_df
[docs] def is_eos_uri(path: Union[Path, str, None]) -> bool: """ Check if the given path is an EOS-URI as `eos cp` only works with those. E.g.: root:// This function does not check the double slashes, to avoid having the user pass a malformed path by accident and then assuming it is just a path. This is tested for in :func:`pylhc_submitter.job_submitter.check_opts`. """ if path is None: return False parts = Path(path).parts return ( len(parts) >= 3 # at least root:, server, path and parts[0].endswith(':') and parts[2] == 'eos' )
[docs] def uri_to_path(path: Union[Path, str]) -> Path: """ Strip EOS path information from a path. EOS paths for HTCondor can be given as URI. Strip for direct writing. E.g.: root:// """ path = Path(path) parts = if parts[0].endswith(':'): # the first two parts are host info, e.g `file: //host/path` return Path('/', *parts[2:]) return path
[docs] def get_server_from_uri(path: Union[Path, str]) -> str: """ Get server information from a path. E.g.: root:// -> root:// """ path_part = uri_to_path(path) if path_part == Path(path): return "" server_part = str(path).replace(str(path_part), '') if server_part.endswith("//"): server_part = server_part[:-1] return server_part
def _generate_parameter_space( replace_dict: Dict[str, Any], append_jobs: bool, cwd: Path ) -> Tuple[List[str], np.ndarray, tfs.TfsDataFrame]: """ Generate parameter space from replace-dict, check for existing jobs. """ LOG.debug("Generating parameter space from replace-dict.") parameters = list(replace_dict.keys()) values_grid = _generate_values_grid(replace_dict) if not append_jobs: return parameters, values_grid, tfs.TfsDataFrame() jobfile_path = cwd / JOBSUMMARY_FILE try: prev_job_df =, index=COLUMN_JOBID) except FileNotFoundError as filerror: raise FileNotFoundError( "Cannot append jobs, as no previous jobfile was found at " f"'{jobfile_path}'" ) from filerror new_jobs_mask = [elem not in prev_job_df[parameters].values for elem in values_grid] values_grid = values_grid[new_jobs_mask] return parameters, values_grid, prev_job_df def _generate_values_grid(replace_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> np.ndarray: """ Creates an array of the inner-product of the replace-dict. """ return np.array(list(itertools.product(*replace_dict.values())), dtype=object) def _drop_already_run_jobs( job_df: tfs.TfsDataFrame, output_dir: str, check_files: str ) -> Tuple[tfs.TfsDataFrame, List[str]]: """ Check for jobs that have already been run and drop them from current job_df. """ LOG.debug("Dropping already finished jobs.") finished_jobs = [ idx for idx, row in job_df.iterrows() if _job_was_successful(row, output_dir, check_files) ] f"{len(finished_jobs):d} of {len(job_df.index):d}" " Jobs have already finished and will be skipped." ) job_df = job_df.drop(index=finished_jobs) return job_df, finished_jobs def _job_was_successful(job_row: pd.Series, output_dir: str, files: Sequence[str]) -> bool: """ Determines if the job was successful. Args: job_row (pd.Series): row from the job_df output_dir (str): Name of the (local) output directory files (List[str]): list of files that should have been generated """ job_dir = job_row.get(COLUMN_DEST_DIRECTORY) or job_row[COLUMN_JOB_DIRECTORY] output_dir = Path(job_dir, output_dir) success = output_dir.is_dir() and any(output_dir.iterdir()) if success and files is not None and len(files): for f in files: success &= len(list(output_dir.glob(f))) > 0 return success def _get_script_extension(script_extension: str, executable: Path, mask: Path) -> str: """ Returns the extension of the script to run based on either the given value, its executable or the mask. """ if script_extension is not None: return script_extension return SCRIPT_EXTENSIONS.get(executable, mask.suffix)