Source code for pylhc.constants.general

Constants: General

General constants to be used in ``PyLHC``, to help with consistency.
import numpy as np

BEAMS = (1, 2)

PLANES = ("X", "Y")
PLANE_TO_HV = dict(X="H", Y="V")

UNIT_TO_M = dict(km=1e3, m=1e0, mm=1e-3, um=1e-6, nm=1e-9, pm=1e-12, fm=1e-15, am=1e-18)

PROTON_MASS = 0.938272  # GeV/c^2
LHC_NOMINAL_EMITTANCE = 3.75 * 1e-6  # Design LHC

TFS_SUFFIX = ".tfs"

[docs]def get_proton_gamma(energy): """Returns relativistic gamma for protons.""" return energy / PROTON_MASS # E = gamma * m0 * c^2
[docs]def get_proton_beta(energy): """ Returns relativistic beta for protons """ return np.sqrt(1 - (1 / get_proton_gamma(energy) ** 2))